Caesar And Cicero Memorial Tournament
Northridge High School
You are cordially invited to attend the Caesar and Cicero Memorial Tournament at Northridge High on December 1 & 2, 2017.
DEADLINES: Registration is due by November 29 at 5 pm in tabroom. Any changes after that point need to be e-mailed to me at . For changes or problems on the day of the tournament, call me at 801-814-5678.
TOURNAMENT LEVEL: Open competition (no novice divisions)
CAESAR EVENTS: (Standard Events) Lincoln Douglas Debate, Public Forum Debate, Oratory, National Extemp, Foreign Extemp, Impromptu, Dramatic Interp, and Congress.
CICERO EVENTS: (Odd Events) CX Debate, Oratorical Declaration, Informative Speaking, Duo Interp, Humorous Interp, Odd Impromptu, Princeton Extemp, and Programmed Oral Interp.
**See information on the next pages for explanations of events**
ENTRIES: As many as you want to bring. Each student is encouraged to enter a Caesar Event and a Cicero Event. Students will be allowed to enter up to two Caesar events and up to two Cicero events at their own risk (the tournament will not be held up for their convenience). LD, PF, and Congress cannot enter another Caesar event. Policy cannot enter another Cicero event. Students cannot compete in both FX and NX.
CONGRESS: Congress on Friday is (2) two-hour sessions. There will be a final round Saturday morning consisting of a House and a Senate. Only the top 6-8 Congress competitors from each house will compete in finals Saturday morning. This will be the only Congress final round; there will not be a second final round for Congress in the afternoon.
Congress Docket will be selected from the UDCA website and NSDA legislation and posted to tabroom by November 13th. There will be a separate docket for each day of Congress.
LD: Resolved: Wealthy nations have an obligation to provide development assistance to other nations.
Public Forum: Resolved: NCAA student athletes ought to be recognized as employees under the Fair Labor Standards Act.
CX: Resolved: The United States federal government should substantially increase its funding and/or regulation of elementary and/or secondary education in the United States.
JUDGES: Please bring 1 judge for every 4 debate entries, 1 judge for every 5 speech entries, 1 judge for every 6 in Congress, and please make sure that if you bring Policy teams, you bring Policy judges. Also, please note the following:
1) Judging assignments will be random, so judges must be able to judge any of the events, with the exception of CX. Those schools bringing CX must provide a judge. 2) If you have a Congress judge who can be parliamentarian, please let me know. 3) Each school must commit one judge for the final rounds (which begin at 2:30 on Saturday and end at 6pm). Remember: this is a 2-day tournament, so you need a judge for each day! For example, if you have an IE judge who can only do Friday, please find another who can do Saturday!
AWARDS: There will be first, second and third place trophies, with finalist awards in each event. Best chair in Congress will receive an award. Any event which approaches 90 entries will have double finals, awarding twice as many trophies.
GLADIATOR AWARD: Three gladiator awards to the contestants who do the best in the most number of events.
FEES: $3.50 per entry (that means for each event they do). $15 school fee. Make checks payable to Northridge High School.
TAB ROOM: All coaches are invited to help in the tab room. Tabulations will be done in the library. No students or judges are allowed in the library.
FINALS: The top 6 in each event will compete in a Finals round. Any event which approaches 90 entries will have double finals, so the top 12 will compete.
EXTEMP PREP: Will be in the cafeteria.
BUILDING AMENITIES: We will be able to use the commons area as a lounge for contestants between rounds. There will be a play on Saturday night, so please have students steer clear of the steps to the auditorium.
FOOD: Concessions will be sold on Friday and Saturday. Food and drink is allowed ONLY in the commons.
NO FOOD OR DRINK IN ANY OF THE ROOMS! Please help us to stay in the good graces of teachers by not bringing food or drink into the rooms.
Oratorical declamation consists of a memorized presentation of a speech written by a person other than the contestant. The speech should be of extremely good quality and should demonstrate wholesome qualities of our society. The speech must not exceed 10 minutes, scripts cannot be held, no note cards. The speech must also be published.
Same rules as standard impromptu. However, they will discard only one topic. They must combine both of the topics into a speech. Judged on how well the topics are combined and analyzed.
Students write and deliver a ten-minute speech on a topic of their choosing. Competitors create the speech to educate the audience on a particular topic. All topics must be informative in nature; the goal is to educate, not to advocate. Visual aids are permitted, but not required. The speech is delivered from memory.
Same rules as standard extemporaneous speaking, however extemp files will be of little use in preparing for these questions. Typical questions could be: "If you had everything, where would you put it?" or "Where does the white go when the snow melts?"
POI is a program of oral interpretation of thematically-linked selections chosen from two or three genres: prose, poetry, drama (plays). At least two pieces of literature that represent at least two separate genres must be used. Unlike the other interpretation events, Program Oral Interpretation may use multiple sources for the program. All selections must be verbally identified by title and author. Competitors are encouraged to devote approximately equal times to each of the genres used in the program. The use of a manuscript during the performance is required. Common practices include the use of a binder or folder. Reading from a book or magazine is not permitted. The intact manuscript may be used by the contestant as a prop, so long as it remains in the contestant's control at all times. No costumes or props other than the manuscript are permitted. The contestant must address the script; however, introduction and transitional material may be memorized. The time limit is 10 minutes with a 30-second “grace period.”
REGISTRATION (Library)2:30 – 3:00
JUDGES MEETING (Library Conference Room)3:00 - 3:15
CAESAR I (STANDARD)3:30 – 5:30
CICERO I (ODD)5:30 – 7:30
Building Opens at 7:00AM
CICERO II (ODD)7:30AM - 9:30AM
CAESAR III (STANDARD) (Congress finals)9:30AM - 11:30AM
CICERO III (ODD)11:30AM - 1:30PM
AWARDS ASSEMBLY (in auditorium)6:00 PM
**Finals rounds will be expedited as much as possible in order to end as early as possible.**
All registration and entering of students will be done on tabroom. However, following is a form that you can use in your own classroom if you wish.
Caesar EventsCicero Events
LD = Lincoln DouglasCX = Policy Debate
OO = Original OratoryINF = Informative Speaking
NX = National ExtempOD = Oratorical Dec.
FX = Foreign ExtempHI = Humorous Interp.
IM = ImpromptuDU = Duo Interp.
CG = Congress OI = Odd Impromptu
DI = Dramatic Interp.PX = Princeton Extemp
PF = Public Forum POI = Programmed Oral Interp
Please list team members for partner events here: EVENT (CX,PF,DU)
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Caesar-Cicero Registration Form
DI / O
O / N
X / F
X / I
M / L
D / P
F / C
G / NAME / POI / C
X / H
I / INF / P
X / O
D / D
U / O