Equality and diversity ... making it happen
The Open University Equality Scheme 2012-2016
Equality, Diversity and Widening Participation Action Plan - 2012/13
Published: September 2012 (External version)
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(if applicable) / WP objective
(if applicable) / Action / Measure of success / Evaluation method / Ref
Provide independent assurance that the University’s equality duties are being met by integrating equality into the development of individual audits where relevant. / Delivery of the audit plan. / Audit opinions and recommendations. / 1
Consider whether a specific equality and diversity audit will be beneficial over the next couple of years. / Outcome from individual audits. / Audit opinions and recommendations. / 2
Business Development Unit (BDU)
To instruct all course development staff to familiarise themselves with the BDU e-learning accessibility policy/criteria and review existing and new BDU e-learning developments against the policy. / Accessibility guidelines produced and implemented. / Check that each member of solutions and development teams are aware of guidelines. Monitor the uptake by clients of optimum accessibility being built into courses. Testing of existing product ranges as part of regular review cycles. / 3
Include Equality in the review of consultant. Associate Lecturers recruitment processes – particularly for learner support roles. / Open and fairer recruitment of appropriate learning advisors and consultants, open to a larger pool of skilled candidates available for recruitment. / A policy in place by August 2012 which is monitored every 6 months to promote an inclusive approach to recruitment. / 4
Equality objective no(if applicable) / WP objective
(if applicable) / Action / Measure of success / Evaluation method / Ref
Business Development Unit (BDU)
Brief all authors, subject matter experts and critical readers for courses in development to comment on aspects of equality and diversity to ensure that consideration of Equality and Diversity (E&D) is embedded throughout course development. / All new courses are developed with due regard for representation of diversity and promotion of equality in images, case materials, language and accessibility. That E&D features in all stages of quality assurance of content and functionality. / Check each author, subject expert or critical reader is instructed to address and appraise E&D. Testing of existing product ranges for E&D as part of regular review cycles. / 5
We are providing teaching and assessment of overseas students recruited by our collaboration partners. Therefore we will include clauses in our new operations partnership handbook (circulated to partner institutions) to cover aspects of E & D. We will request reasonable adjustments to be made by the partner institutions. For example see action point from 2011/12 regarding building access which we may also include in the revised handbook. Plus provision for accessible teaching / assessment, accessible services provided fairly to all disabled students by our partners. / We will audit the compliance of our requests to the partner institutions.
This will be part of the annual partnerships review. / Monitoring and evaluating by the Global Partnerships team, by garnering feedback plus observations by staff / Associate Lecturers when travelling to the partner institutions. / 6
Centre for Inclusion and Collaborative Partnerships
Work towards completion of new access curriculum for September 2013 presentation. / Work on the development of three level 0 modules for presentation in September 2013. / Successful delivery of modules on time. / Successful delivery of modules on time. / 7
Redevelop Professional Development module as an Open Educational Resource (OER). / To produce the current Professional Development Module in Widening Participation in an OER format. / Successful delivery of module as an OER by May 2013. / Successful delivery of module as an OER by May 2013. / 8
Maintain the sustainability of the Journal of Widening Participation and Lifelong Learning. / Maintain the current level of subscriptions and move the journal online to keep costs down but maintain quality. / When current subscriptions are maintained and the journal is cost neutral. / Analysis of number of subscriptions to journal and cost of the journal to CIC. / 9
Equality objective no
(if applicable) / WP objective
(if applicable) / Action / Measure of success / Evaluation method / Ref
Centre for Inclusion and Collaborative Partnerships
Produce annual report on Widening Participation achievements from across academic units in the Open University. / Production of annual report by November 2012. / Completion of annual report. / Completion of annual report. / 10
1 / Improve satisfaction of disabled students studying on CIC produced modules through the development of an inclusive curriculum on the new level 0 modules, to be introduced in September 2013. / Higher rates of satisfaction expressed by disabled students. / Comparison of end of module survey for new level 0 modules with Openings modules. / 11
3 / Reduce the ethnicity attainment gap by embedding of English as an Additional Language provision in level 0 and level 1 modules. / Higher levels of attainment by Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) students than there is currently on Openings and level 1 modules. / Pre- and Post- comparison of data on attainment for BME students. / 12
Recruit to target on Access to Success in 2012/13 / Recruit a total of 8,544 Access to Success students, on substantially reduced fees, to Opening modules in 2012. / When students recruited stand at 8,544. / Analysis of student numbers. / 13
Develop an Open University (OU) ethics policy, in collaboration with other units, grounded in our equality and diversity principles. / Ethics policy agreed by the Vice-Chancellor’s Executive (VCE) (Autumn 2012)
Ethics policy addresses all key ethical issues. / Feedback from VCE
Feedback from staff on application of the policy. / 14
Renew OU message house, values and message bank annually to ensure inclusivity. / Messages are inclusive and reflect our commitment to Equality and Diversity (E&D), Diversity of case studies and proof points. / Peer review and feedback from external stakeholders. / 15
Equality objective no
(if applicable) / WP objective
(if applicable) / Action / Measure of success / Evaluation method / Ref
Ensure that diversity is explicitly included in briefings for image selection and new image/video capture. / Diverse images/videos captured and shared through OU communications. / Review of briefs, content and feedback from external stakeholders. / 16
Ensure that equality analysis is fully embedded in project management framework used by unit staff. / Evidence of equality analysis for significant change projects. / Project documentation and progress reports. / 17
Secure £37 million Widening Participation (WP) allocation to continue to enhance our ability to widen participation and access. / Determine and deliver stakeholder engagement plan to influence governmental decisions over the coming year which could significantly reduce our WP income. / £37 million funding continues in 2013/14. / Government decisions and funding letters from the department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS) / Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE). / 18
Curriculum and Qualifications Office
4 / Increase the proportion of younger academic staff
A project tasked with identifying a strategy for improving the proportion of younger academic staff has been established. Mike Dutton, Faculty of Business and Law is currently leading this project, which includes all key stakeholders. Project outcomes will continue to be monitored by Curriculum and Qualifications on behalf of the Pro-Vice Chancellor (Curriculum and Qualifications) who has been identified as the ‘Champion’ for this objective. / Successful completion of the project including the implementation of a range of new initiatives that have been piloted and tested.
The population of young academic staff will continue to be monitored on a regular basis. / Human Resources -Workforce age statistics. / 19
Equality objective no(if applicable) / WP objective
(if applicable) / Action / Measure of success / Evaluation method / Ref
Curriculum and Qualifications Office
Ensure that the underpinning principles of the Curriculum Strategy 2009 – 2014 and the Strategic Plan 2012 – 2015 that promote equality of opportunity to access the OU curriculum are reflected in Faculty business plans and associated key performance measures are monitored in line with these principles.*
Continue to monitor faculty key performance indicators for identified priority groups at the
Pro-Vice Chancellor faculty visits. Curriculum and Qualifications will also manage the relationship between the access project and faculties to ensure all equality and widening participation objectives are achieved. / Achievement or progression towards agreed targets for new registrations, attainment and module completion for all priority target groups. / Faculty key performance indicators produced by Curriculum and Qualifications. / 20
7 / Reduce the gender pay gap
A project being led by Human Resources is tasked with identifying a strategy for reducing the gender pay gap amongst academic and research staff has been established. This project will include all key stakeholders. Project outcomes will continue to be monitored by Human Resources on behalf of the Pro-Vice Chancellor (Curriculum and Qualifications) who has been identified as the ‘Champion’ for this objective. / The University’s gender pay gap reduces for internal academic/research staff. This measure will continue to be monitored on a regular basis. / Human Resources –
Workforce gender pay statistics / 21
Equality objective no
(if applicable) / WP objective
(if applicable) / Action / Measure of success / Evaluation method / Ref
Curriculum and Qualifications Office
Provide leadership in embedding equality scheme objectives in Faculty curriculum activities by monitoring Business plans for2012-2013 from units for which Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Curriculum and Qualifications) has Planning and Resource Officer responsibility.*
Continue to review faculty business plans to ensure equality and diversity objectives are sufficiently identified; including the impact of curriculum activities. This will be supported by the introduction of the new equality and diversity scheme; including the equality analysis section in the unit business plan. Therefore it will continue to become necessary to review faculty plans in this way to ensure equality objectives and implications have been taken into account. / Progression of faculty related equality scheme objectives towards attainment of specified targets. / Monitor the progression of equality objectives through established University Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and compare faculty plans with previous years. / 22
9 / Implement a photo ID policy for women wearing religious headwear which obstructs the face. / No complaints received. / Estates complaints log. / 23
Equality objective no(if applicable) / WP objective
(if applicable) / Action / Measure of success / Evaluation method / Ref
2,6 / Review campus accessibility guides for the Open University(OU) premises/campus for visitors/staff/students. / Completion of review by end November. The reason for the review is for visitors/staff/students and respond appropriately to enhance the experience of disabled people using OU premises/campus:
- deliver a report by mid December.
- engage disabled people.
Respond to feedback from engagement with disabled staff and students
Updated campus accessibility guides published
/ Report of the review.
Disabled staff/student feedback. / 24
2,6 / Implement a new procedure for accommodation moves to take into account requirements for disabled users prior to any building moves and/or refurbishments.
1. Engage all people affected in building moves/refurbishments to identify individual access requirements.
2. Gather and respond to feedback from disabled people involved in office moves/refurbishments.
3. Introduce a specific question in the Estates Customer Service Survey related to meeting the needs of disabled staff in office moves/refurbishments.
4. Deliver training to workspace planning staff involved in office moves/refurbishments.
/ Individual accessibility needs of users of new premises/refurbished premises/temporary locations are met in full before users occupy buildings.
97% of disabled staff completing the Estates Customer Service survey feel their accessibility needs were met in full before, during and after office moves/refurbishments. / Disability log which displays ongoing accessibility/disability requests.
Estates Customer Survey which has a question “Do you feel Estates meet the needs of staff with a disability within your Unit/Department”. / 25
Equality objective no
(if applicable) / WP objective
(if applicable) / Action / Measure of success / Evaluation method / Ref
Faculty of Arts
2 / Work with appropriate University units to identify dissatisfaction (and underlying reasons) for students with disabilities on Arts modules, using current data on complaints and student feedback. / Analysis of data complete and reasons for dissatisfaction identified. / Survey statistics. / 26
3 / Collate and disseminate Arts Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) students' attainment and completion research from appropriate University units, to appropriate Faculty staff for identification of areas for action. / Work with appropriate units to better collate and analyse BME attainment and completion rates on key Faculty modules (including possible issues of language, assessment format, and use of technology), and disseminate results to Faculty colleagues. / Analysis complete and results disseminated, enabling action to be taken to address attainment and completion gap. / Comparison of student data. / 27
Monitor demographic data for key Arts modules 2012-13 across nations and level following introduction of new funding regime / With particular focus on gender, age, socio-economic group, ethnic origin, and disability, analyse demographic data for new and continuing students on key Arts modules across nations and levels to identify impact of new funding regime upon diversity of, and access for, Arts students. / Analysis complete, and possibly action for curriculum changes identified. / Comparison of student data. / 28
4 / Work with colleagues in Centre for Inclusion and Curriculum (CIC) on development of Access to Success module. / With appropriate colleagues in CIC, develop Arts contribution to new Widening Access to Success module. / Successful contribution of Arts material for new module. / Material ready for module presentation in 2013. / 29
Faculty of Business and Law
Review and modify instructions for all Critical Readers and developmental testers on Production courses with reference to Equality and Diversity and their guidance – this work has been carried forward from 2011/12 and is expected to be completed by Autumn 2012. / Completion of revised instructions and guidance for all Critical Readers and developmental testers on Production courses. / Evidence that the modified templates are being used on all production courses by end of May 2013. / 30
Equality objective no
(if applicable) / WP objective
(if applicable) / Action / Measure of success / Evaluation method / Ref
Faculty of Business and Law
Re-structure Level 1 curriculum to provide more coherence and clearer study pathways, which should improve retention in all modules which should have a positive impact on disabled students. / Improved retention and progression for disabled students. / Retention and progression for key groups. Completion rates for Certificate of Higher Education. / 31
Changes to the curriculum at Level 1 will be informed by the work of the University SeGA (Securing Greater Accessibility) Project led by the Institute of Educational Technology (IET). / Curriculum changes meet the key criteria for accessibility set by SeGA Project. / Evaluation of curriculum changes to assess whether they have successfully delivered the desired outcomes (Stage Gate). / 32
Ensuring our Qualification Online environments meet SeGA requirements. / Positive student feedback. / IET student surveys linked to above. / 33
2 / Implement a reorganisation of the student support structure to provide subject-specific Curriculum Support Teams, including specific guidance for the support of equality groups and promoting Widening Participation. / Successful implementation of the Curriculum support Teams (CSTs) in ways that maintain inclusivity and enhance student satisfaction. / Evaluation of the CST implementation programme to assess whether it successfully delivered the desired outcomes. / 34
4 / Lead and participate in the University-wide project to develop and pilot new initiatives directed at facilitating and encouraging the recruitment and retention of a higher proportion of younger academic staff (aged <35) by the Central Academic Units (CAUs). / Successful completion of the project including a range of new initiatives that have been piloted and tested.
A decision by the University to roll-out some or all of these initiatives. / Piloting of the short-listed initiatives to test their feasibility and efficacy in supporting Objective 4. / 35
7 / Review the starting salary for applicants with the recruiting manager. / The Staffing Manager has agreed all starting salaries after ensuring no gender bias by checking comparable roles in the Faculty. / Analysis of starting salaries of all new appointees to ensure that there are no adverse gender differentials. / 36
Equality objective no
(if applicable) / WP objective
(if applicable) / Action / Measure of success / Evaluation method / Ref
Faculty of Business and Law
9 / Identify the key documentation.
Undertake a review of the Staffing page on the intranet to ensure this documentation is easily accessible and visible. / Staff apply equality and diversity principles in their work.
Fair, efficient and effective practice is followed in staff recruitment. / Evaluation of revised recruitment documentation to ensure that this fully conforms to Equality and Diversity policies and guidelines.
Feedback received from applicants regarding the recruitment procedure. / 37
To develop a shared understanding of the complex issues in supporting offender learners during module presentation. / Curriculum Manager as member of the university-wide Offender Learning Group. Information to feedback into module production and presentation and concerns/issues of the faculty to feed into the Offender Learner Group. / Consistency of support where possible in terms of materials and tuition. / Feedback from prison tutors and from students. / 38
To continue to monitor and improve attainment rates amongst the two target groups on all undergraduate Business and Law courses to within target differential bands by 2012. / To use the opportunity of the work to redevelop the Level 1 curriculum (business) to investigate more closely the obstacles in assessment that may be adversely impacting attainment rates amongst the two target groups. / Any obstacles in assessment are removed and attainment rates amongst the two target groups show some improvement. / Measure attainment rates amongst the two target groups, before and after changes to the assessment regime for the new Level 1 curriculum. / 39
Faculty of Education and Language Studies (FELS)
Continuation from 2011/12: Improve performance of Socio-Economic Status (SES) students on Level 1 Language Studies modules. / Implementation of new assessment framework in level 1 language modules for 2012/13 presentations. / Reduction in completion gap for low SES students by 2%. / Evaluation through student and tutor feedback and monitoring of student data in 2013 /14. / 40
Equality objective no
(if applicable) / WP objective
(if applicable) / Action / Measure of success / Evaluation method / Ref
Faculty of Education and Language Studies (FELS)
Continuation from 2011/12
Increase completion and attainment of low SES and Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) students on all Education and Childhood and Youth Programme Committee (ChY) undergraduate and postgraduate modules through increased focus on English language development. / Completion of articulation of ‘Communication and Collaboration’ statements for each level with examples.
Mapping to each module.
Use of pilot survey with wider sample of ALs to identify areas of most need.
Evaluation of English Language demands of one FELS Level 1 module – E100.
Identification of key resources to support study skill progression to be available on relevant Qualification online site.
Increased guidance for Associate Lecturers in tutor notes. / Increased awareness and skills of ALs in supporting English language development.
Reduction in attainment gap of 2% by 2014 for low SES and BME students at Under Graduatelevel and BME students a Post Graduate level. / Evaluation through student tutor feedback and analysis of tutor marked assignment comments, the latter to take place 2012/13. / 41
Continuation from 2011/12
Improve attainment of low SES students through increased support for Information and Communication Technology (ICT) skills. / Clear guidance for all tasks involving ICT and ICT skills development on Qualification online websites.
ALs to be aware of the guidance and to be encouraged to proactively highlight to students.
Completion of Level 1 ICT Scholarship project, publication of report and implementation of any actions arising from the findings of this project.
Use Information Literacy (IL) module activities mapping carried out by the Library to identify guidance and activity gaps that need addressing across both Department of Languages (DoL) and Childhood Youth and Education Programme (ChYE) modules. / Reduction in attainment gap of 0.5% for low SES students by 2013. / Evaluation through student and tutor feedback and analysis of attainment scores. / 42