ExamView® Test Generator lets you quickly create paper, Internet, and online (LAN-based) tests. You can enter your own questions and customize the appearance of the tests you create. With its many unique features, such as the QuickTest Wizard, you can create and format a test in minutes.

The Basic Functions that teachers will use include:

• Adding questions to existing Test Banks

• Merging two question banks

• Merging an existing test with an existing bank

• Building Tests from Existing Test Banks

• Publishing Tests to the Exam View Server or to School Space

• Collecting Data from Test Results

• Analyzing Data Results

Special Note: Social Studies Test Banks exist for each core social studies course grades 6-12. They may be found in the specialist’s share folder and in the specialist’s LOR in School Space (date TBD). The banks will not open inside the share folder. The teacher must drag the file to the desktop or hard drive before using them.

Before you begin to create banks or tests, you will want to customize the startup options using the Preferences command. Once the Preferences are set they will be set for all NEW banks. If the preferences of existing banks or test do no match the default you prefer you will want to change the preferences of the banks.

Access preferences under EDIT on the task bar. Preferences you should set:

General: Use the default settings

Files: Use the default settings

Editing: Use the following settings

Layout: > Questions

Layout > Question Types

Use Default Settings

Layout> Answers

This page allows you to score the printed page or leave space on the test for the response. Use as appropriate for your scoring preference.

Answer Key:

While other information may be recorded for individual items, The only information needed on the printed answer key for the teacher’s reference is:

·  Answer

·  Difficulty

·  Learning Objective

·  State Standard


Choose One column

Start page numbering at 1; or otherwise if desired.



Question Number Style Number / No Period / Bold

Answer Choice Style Capital Letter / No Period / Bold

Show Choices for True/False…

Check this box if you want True/False and Yes/No questions to appear with multiple choice answer choices.

Choice sequence: a b c d e – f g h j

NOTE: If you are publishing this test to SchoolSpace, you will want to choose only the a,b,c,d,e option as that is the way it will publish in angel. If you fail to make this choice, and you need to print copies of the test for students, your tests will be in two different formats…requiring two answer keys!



Test Fonts

NOTE: If your preferences for this information is different for each bank, the tests you create will have a variety of fonts and styles. It is better to set the preferences up front rather to have to go back and change them.


Question Type Default Points

Teachers will set this based on need

I. Getting Started

The Welcome Screen includes the following options:

1.  Create a new test using a wizard

Select this option to access the QuickTest Wizard. The wizard provides step-by-step instructions that will lead you through the process of building a test.

2.  Create a new test from scratch

Choose this option if you want to create a new test from scratch. The program will start the Test Builder, prompt you for a test title, and display a new (empty) test. Then you may begin selecting questions to include on your new test.

3.  Open an existing test

If you want to print a test or if you want to edit/add questions to a test that you previously saved, choose this option. The program takes you to the Test Builder and displays a dialog box from which to locate and choose a test file. After you open a test, you can print it, add/edit questions, or change the layout using the options in the Test Builder module.

4.  Create a new question bank

Select this option if you want to create a new question bank from scratch. You can add up to 250 questions of varying types, such as multiple choice, true/false, essay, completion, etc.

5.  Open an existing question bank

Choose this option to edit or add questions in a question bank. You can edit questions in the publisher-supplied banks or in any question bank you may have created. Open a question bank file and then choose the Question Bank Editor options to edit questions, add new questions, or delete questions from the bank.

II. To create a new question bank from scratch:

1. Click or choose New Question Bank from the File menu. If you just started the program or switched to the Question Bank Editor, you can choose Create a New Question Bank from the Startup menu.

2.Enter the question bank title and subtitle (optional). We will use the SOL number and letter as our title.

3.(Dell) Enter the new questions into the bank. You can add up to 250 questions per question bank using some or all of the available question types (e.g., true/false, multiple choice, short answer, etc.). You will see a blank page and the task bar at the top of the window. Under “Question” on the task bar, scroll to New > Bimodal.

(Mac) To create a new question in a question bank:

1. While working in the Question Bank Editor, click the New button located at the bottom of the question bank window or press command+N.

2.  Specify the type of question (e.g., true/false, multiple choice, etc.) to create. Choose bimodal.

Bimodal Question

A bimodal question is a question that can be displayed as either a multiple choice or a short answer question. Bimodal questions give you more flexibility when building a test. For example, with a single click of the mouse you can increase the difficulty level of a test by changing all multiple choice questions to short answer.

3. Enter the new question, answer, and information

4. Record the new question.

NOTE: Your Column choice may be 1 or 2 to reflect the new SOL test format. Longer answer choices are in a single column.

III. To set the question information:

1. Click the Info button while entering/editing a question.

2. Enter data in all of the following question info fields:

Difficulty I = easy 5 = Very Difficult

note: future plans are to change this to match the codes of Bloom’s taxonomy. Feel free to do that NOW as you create your questions.

Reference Use your first initial and last name

this will help you and your team know who created the item so that if questions arise, the source is known

Learning Objective Indicate Blueprint Reporting Category

State objective. . .Use SOL #.letter

topic (optional) indicate a unit or subject

keywords (optional)

miscellaneous give credit to source of question or graphic with url address, vendor, book, etc.


The question information entry boxes you complete depend on your testing needs. You can use the information you enter here to select questions by criteria. However, entering question information is not required.

3. Enter a movie, audio, or animation file name in the multimedia link entry box.

If you are using ExamView with Internet or LAN-based online testing, students can play the movie or audio when they take the test. For best results, the media files should be located in the same location as the test. Animated gifs are supported only through Internet testing. For online study guides, you can display the contents of the notes entry box if a student answers a question incorrectly.

4. Depending on the question type, you may set the space provided on a test for your students to write their answers.

If you set the Answer space to automatic, the program leaves blank space on the test based on the size of the answer you entered for the question. To manually set the answer space, click in the Manual entry box and enter the size of the answer space in points (72 points equal 1 vertical inch). Be sure to enable the Leave Answer Space layout option if you want the answer space to appear on the test.

5. Click OK.

IV. To add a Narrative / Graphic


A narrative is a table, descriptive passage, special instruction, picture, or other information that can be attached to (or linked to) one or more questions. All questions linked to the same narrative print together as a group on a test.

ß To insert a Narrative, Click the Narrative button in the Question Editor.

To insert a picture from a file:

1. Position the cursor at the location where you want to insert the picture.

2. Choose Picture from the Insert menu.

3. Navigate through the folders until you locate the picture file you want to open.

4. Double-click the file you want to open. The program inserts the picture at the current cursor location.

5. After you insert a picture, you can resize it or set the baseline. With ExamView, you cannot move an image in a question by clicking and dragging it. If you need to move an image, click on it, cut the picture, and paste it at the new location.

6. Be sure you name and save the narrative.

V.  Building A Test

The Test Builder and the Question Bank Editor are separate parts (or modules) of the ExamView Test Generator program. Be sure that you are working in the Test Builder module.

To create a new test from scratch and select questions:

1. Click New Test toolbar button or choose New Test from the File menu.

2. Enter the test title (e.g., Chapter 1, Midterm, Section 1 Quiz, etc.).

3. Add up to 250 questions per test using any of the six question selection options.

4. (Optional) Edit any of the questions you added to the test, or create a new question from scratch.

5. (Optional) Customize the appearance of the test.

6. Save the test.

VI.  Merging Two Question Banks

To merge several question banks into one question bank, build a test using all of the questions from the desired banks. Then, export the test as a question bank.

VII.  Merging A Test and A Question Bank

To merge a test and a bank, open the existing test to be edited. Add questions to the test as normal procedures for building a test, selecting as many questions from as many banks as desire. Remember the maximum # of questions a bank will hold is 250. Then, export the test as a question bank.