DEAC/DIP Meeting
December 12, 2013
Attendees: December 12, 2013
Present: Belinda Scott-Smiley, Mary Karriem, Linda Siddiq, Tyrina Vaughan, Minette Salomon, and Patrick Linfante
Absent: Ronald Lee, Dr. Paula Howard, Dr. Terri Russo, Erika Hackett, Faith Alcantara, Denise Davis, David Armstrong, Patricia Arthur, Patrick Howell, Emily Jukes and Jose Valdez.
Meeting Overview:
· Reviewed DEAC Minutes from October 16th
Correction on October 16th minutes: Mary Karriem was in attendance on October 16th
· We are still looking for another parent on the DEAC committee. The committee was requested to bring recommendations of anyone to the next meeting.
· DEAC would like a copy of the supervision and evaluation tool for administrators.
· The Committee reviewed the corrective action plans (CAP) for teachers and administrators.
· It was noted that DEAC sub committees for Mentoring & SGO have not met.
· Mary Karriem volunteered to be part of the DEAC Mentoring subcommittee.
· Mrs. Smiley shared the results of the town hall meeting. As a Committee we discussed how to communicate to parents; specifically, how SGO’s and evaluations will affect their children. Also that as a Committee we should spear head a parent academy to address the new changes in education and Orange.
· We discussed Scip Committees - We reviewed SciP meeting minutes from Park, Scholars, OPA, Oakwood, Lincoln, Heywood, Forest, Cleveland, and CIAO .
· It was noted that Rosa Park/Central, High School, and Early childhood were missing Scip minutes
· It was suggested that the SciP Committees should receive the packet that was sent to the DEAC team on 11/20/13. The packet included information from Achieve NJ on Student growth objectives, SGO frequently asked questions, Bulletin #27, Overview of revised PD regulations, Individual PDP and CAP for teacher, Highlights of NJDOE Evaluation Regulations, Memo from NJDOE and NJEA Resource guide for teachers.
· NJ Achieve Updates: Individual Professional Development Requirements starting in SY13-14 * Each teacher must develop an individualized professional development plan(PDP) in consultation with his/her supervisor; this is typically done at the end of each school year, and must be done within the first 30 days of employment for those new to a district.
Each teacher must complete at least 20 hours of professional development each school year (replacing previous requirements of 100 hours over 5 years.)
· As per Bulletin #27 the DEAC recommended that all employees from last year who received a needs improvement or an ineffective should immediately have a CAP .
· In our next DEAC/DIP meeting we would like to discuss NJ Achieve Evaluation Scoring.
· The DEAC would like to review various CAPs and PDPs templates for the next meeting. DEAC would like to make sure all schools and the district are using the same CAP and PDP templates.
· The DEAC recommended that our focus is to make sure all new teachers have a PDP and all low preforming teachers have received a CAP.