Name: ______Date: ______
6B- _____ Vocabulary: Vocabulary Quiz # _____
Directions: Please use BLUE or BLACK PEN, not pencil or colored pen.
- Fill in the box next to each number with the assigned question:
- D: Definition: Precise meaning of the word
- S: Synonym: Word or two that have about the same meaning as the vocab word
- P:Part of Speech: How the word’s used in a sentence. Ex: Noun, Verb, or Adjective
- O:Other Form of the Word: Ex: Create = Creative, creation, creativity, creator, creatively, etc.
- C:Context: A sentence that uses the word to show its meaning (not to actually define the word)
- Write the assigned vocabulary word on the smaller blank next to each number.
- Answer the question on the larger blanks next to each number. Check your answers. Make sure you gave the correct kind of answer for each question.
Answers to FAQ’s: These are the answers to questions kids often ask…
- You may create your own answers; they need to be accurate and complete, though.
- Spelling counts. I grade your spelling of vocab words… but not usually other words on the quiz.
- You may provide definitions for synonyms. You may not provide synonyms for definitions.
- You needaccurate and complete answers to get credit for definitions. There’s no partial credit for incomplete answers.
- Word your answers so they suggest the correct part of speech. (Ex: a verb’s definition should suggest action).
- Do NOT add –ed, -ing, or –s / -es to create an OFW (unless the OFW appears that way on your flash card).
- You only need one answer for each question. Extra answers increase your chance of losing credit.
- If I provide you with a vocabulary word that has more than one meaning or spelling, please provide the meaning or spelling from your flash card for your answers. (Exs: Meanings: bat vs. bat. Spellings: write vs. right.)
- You don’t need to add the part of speech for OFW’s or any info from the parentheses on your flash cards.
- Underline the vocabulary word in your context sentence.
- Write neatly; if I can’t read your handwriting, I might notgive you credit for your answers.
- If you want, you may use an OFW in your context sentence.
- Answers need the same meaning we studied in class; for your context sentence, you need correct usage and a clear context clue (not a S or D).
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Check your spelling! Make sure you provided the correct kind of answer for each question. Guess if you have to…
BONUS: ______