George, Helen, and Steve are drinking coffee.
Bert, Karen, and Dave are drinking soda.
Using logic, is Elizabeth drinking coffee or soda?
Elizabeth is drinking coffee. The letter E appears twice in her name, as it does in the names of the others that are drinking coffee.
What kind of cheese is made backwards?
EDAM cheese (written backwards is edam)
There is a common English word that is nine letters long. It is possible to remove one letter at a time and it still remains an English word - from nine letters right down to a single letter. What is the original word, and what are the words that it becomes each time you remove one letter?
The base word is:
Stuart died and was met at the gates to heaven by St. Peter, “Stuart,” declared Pete “you have not exactly led a very good life. You swore, blasphemed and had some really awful thought.”
“However,” Pete continued, “I am willing to give you a chance of entering heaven. Before you are two doors. One leads to heaven. The other leads to hell. In front of each door is an angel. One always tells the truth. The other always lies. You have no idea which angel is in front of which door. You can ask one of the angels one question to determine the doorway to heaven.”
Which angel should Stuart ask? What question should he ask?
The Solution:
Stuart can ask either angel the following question:-
"Which door will the other angel tell me is Hell?"
Whichever door she points out, Stuart should select the opposite one
= = = = = > SORT
. A man walks down the street and sees 2 birds. One walks left and one walks right, but never separate. How is this possible?
ANSWER: We received "tons" of answers for this one! What follows is a sample of them - all a little different! You decide!
It is a bird and its shadow
One of the birds is walking backward.
The 2 birds are walking on 2 parallel close together wires, one bird on the left wire, the other on the right wire.
I would suggest that the answer is that the bird is reflected in a mirror.
Here are two possible answers: The birds are walking parallel to each other: One on the left, one on the right. It was really one bird, a pair o'keet.
It's so simple... One bird walks on the left and one bird walks on the right!!!
2. There is something that is nothing, but it has a name. It joins our walks; it joins our talks; it plays in every game. What is it?
ANSWER: Your shadow.
3. A prisoner is told "If you tell a lie we will hang you; if you tell the truth we will shoot you." What can he say to save himself?
ANSWER: The prisoner will say: "You people are going to hang me!" If they hang him, he told the truth. If they shoot him, he lied.
4. A man jumped 150 feet entirely under his own power. He landed safely. How could this be?
ANSWER: He jumped one foot at a time.
5. What eight letter word contains only one letter?
ANSWER: envelope
6. Mr. and Mrs. Albright go on a trip to Switzerland. While they are gone, a man sees in a newspaper: "Mr. Albright killed in a skiing accident." The man immediately calls the police and says "Arrest Mrs. Albright as soon as she gets off the plane - she killed her husband." How does he know this?
ANSWER: The man is Mrs. Albright's travel agent. She bought a round trip ticket for herself and yet only a one-way ticket for her husband, knowing ahead of time that poor Mr. Albright would never make the trip home.
7. I am light as a feather, but big as a barn. Sixty horses can't pull me off the ground. What am I?
ANSWER: The barn's shadow
8. How can 2 people step on 1 piece of paper so that they can't touch each other without stepping off the paper?
ANSWER: Slide the paper under a closed door - one person on each side of the door stands on the paper!
9. From Ken Chung:
There was a man walking on a sandy desert and every time he looked behind him, he didn't see any footprints; there were no strong winds on that day. Explain.
ANSWER: The man is blind.
The man is walking backwards.
It was raining.
You decide!
10. From Filmak:
What is greater than god, more evil than the devil, the poor have it, the rich need it, and if you eat it you will eventually die?
ANSWER: The answer is the word "nothing".
11. From The Dan: (the Einstein Riddle)
There are 5 houses in 5 different colors. In each house lives a
person with a different nationality. The owners drink a certain
type of beverage, smoke a certain brand of cigar, and keep a
certain pet. No owners have the same pet, smoke the same brand
of cigar, or drink the same beverage.
The question is: Who owns the fish?
The brit lives in the red house
The Swede keeps dogs as pets
The Dane drinks tea
The green house is on the left of the white house
The green homeowner drinks coffee
The person who smokes Pall Mall rears birds
The owner of the yellow house smokes Dunhill
The man living in the center house drinks milk
The Norwegian lives in the first house
The man who smokes Blend lives next to the one who keeps cats
The man who keeps the horse lives next to the man who smokes
The owner who smokes Bluemaster drinks beer
The German smokes Prince
The Norwegian lives next to the blue house
The man who smokes Blend has a neighbor who drinks water
Good luck! It took me two hours
to answer this. Albert Einstein said only two percent of the
world could solve this riddle.
ANSWER: We received lots of answers on this one and comments typical of this response:
This is probably one of the easiest logic problem I have ever done. it
only took me 20 min, and most of that time was just laying out the grid so
the answer is the Ger. is the one who owns the fish. I really doubt that
Albert Einstien ever said that! I was looking for a challenge when I
started and I found myself doing a logic problem that I could have done
like in 3rd grade.
The German owns the fish, drinks coffee, smokes Prince and owns the 4-th green house. The Norwegian owns cats, drinks water, smokes Dunhill and owns the 1-st yellow house. The Dane owns horses, drinks tea, smokes Blends and owns the 2-nd blue house. The Brit owns birds, drinks milk, smokes Pall Mall and owns the 3-rd red house. The Swede owns dogs, drinks beer, smokes Blue Master, and owns the 5-th white house.
12. From Michael Alexander Reed:
Three riders riding by, three pears hanging high. Each man takes a pear,
but still leave three hanging there. How?
ANSWER: Jack Jumblies: This riddle looks like it makes sense when it is given verbally rather
than in writing. The three "pears" are actually three "pairs" totaling
six. So when each of the three riders takes one each, there are three
remaining pears. Pretty clever, eh?
13. From: PureKilla1: It starts out with four, if you cut one off 3 fall down and 5 remain. What is it ?
ANSWER: From Michelle Kemper: the answer is a square. In the beginning a square has 4 corners and if you cut off one corner than 3 corners fall to the ground because you have cut the one corner off in the shape of a triangle with 3 sides. What is left is your square minus the one corner in the shape you have cut off and now your square has 5 corners. Try it with a piece of paper!
14. From: morriki- As a whole, I am safe and secure.
Behead me, and I become a place of meeting.
Behead me again, and I am the partner of ready.
Restore me, and I become the domain of beast.
16. From: Jane Urquhart- In what sport do the winners go backwards while losers go forwards?
ANSWER: Tug of war
17. From: Jack Jumblies- A dead man is found lying face down in the
middle of the desert. He is naked, and the only thing found on him is is
a wooden match in his hand. How did he get there?
ANSWER: From: Tom: I think I have the solution; Him and his friend went on an air-balloon trip when they realized they had too much weight In the balloon. First they decided to take off and throw there cloths from the balloon, when they realize the balloon is still too overweight they draw straws or in this case matches. That guy got the shortest straw and therefore he was forced to jump. he died on the impact didn't have his clothes on while holding his straw or match.
18. From: GoldenBladeShark- LOCKER ROOM
ANSWER: Lots of you sent this solution - the man stood in the locker room on a huge block of ice. He hung himself while doing this as the ice melted - dead man, puddle of water.
ALSO: One of our visitors, Chris, suggests this as a better answer for this one -This solution works but I believe is specific to a very similar riddle which includes a rope (hence the hanging) - I believe the actual solution to this one, given the only evidence left behind was a puddle, is that the dead man was stabbed with an icicle. I could be wrong ;)
I think that Chris is on the right track here - thanks!!
19. From: Boycrazyangel14-There was this black dog in the middle of a black road all the houses are black and the moon and stars weren't out.The power was out in this town and a guy whose headlights were out was driving down the road and almost hit the dog but he swerved just in time.How did the man see the dog?......
ANSWER: It was daylight!
20. From: sophie- Walk on the living, they don't even mumble, step on the dead, they mutter and grumble. What is the thing that is muttering and grumbling?
ANSWER: Dead leaves after they fall from the trees in autumn.
21. From: Zayne- 2-syllable mystery- This is a 2-syllable mystery. I live in a box, if you know who I am then you got the 1st syllable. I am good for cooking foods especially soup, if you know what I am then you got the 2nd syllable. Hit me and you will receive a prize every time.
ANSWER: Jackpot!
22. From: shornidge: This thing all things devours; Birds, beasts, trees, flowers; Gnaws irons, bites steel; Grinds hard stones to meal; Slays king, ruins town, And beats high mountain down.
PLEASE NOTE: A visitor, Kyle, sets us straight on this one---
Retired riddle #22 may have been submitted by shornidge, but it was created by J. R. R. Tolkien. If you want proof, read "The Hobbit." If you don't want to read the whole book, read chapter 5, Riddles in the Dark.
23. From: Paul: what room has no walls, no ceiling and no floor?
ANSWER: A mushroom
24. From: Jack Smid- What can you give away yet still keep?
ANSWER: A cold; your name; your heart......
25. From: JM053055- I dance and breathe and can even deceive. I am not alive, yet watch how I thrive. Do not come too near or I will eat you my dear. What am I?
1. From: Tay5214- My first is in split but is not in tear.
My second is in apple and also in pear.
My third is in bitter but is not in sour.
My fourth is in moment but is not in hour.
My fifth is in quadrant as well as in square.
My sixth is in circus but is not in fair.
My seventh is in shine and also in sheen.
My whole you will see has leaves that are green.
Has two exactly correct answers - what are they
ANSWER: Lettuce and Spinach
2. From: Micol- What can go around the world without once moving from the corner?
ANSWER: A stamp on an envelope mailed.
3. From: Barbie: Two men enter a bar and order the exact same drink fixed the exact same way. One guy guzzles his down in a matter of seconds (thirsty fool), and the other takes his time. The guy who guzzles his down lives and the other guy dies. Why?
ANSWER: There is poison in the ice cubes and the guy who guzzles, well, his ice doesn't get a chance to melt, thus releasing the poison. The other guy, however, drinks slowly and the ice melts, thus poisoning the drink and the guy.
4. From: Lou: A man walking his dog through a forest comes across a cabin. Inside, he finds two men dead in their chairs. How did they die?
ANSWER: The cabin is the cabin from an airplane and the two men are pilot and co-pilot; plane crashed, killing the pilots and they remained in their plane seats.
5. From: Christine- In a room you have a candle, an oil lamp, and wood in a fireplace, but you only have one match. What do you light first?
ANSWER: You would light the match of course!
6. From: skae: I can see but have no eyes, I can hear but have no ears, I can smell but have no nose, I am boundless but am confined, I can feel love, happiness ,sorrow and pain but yet I feel nothing. What am I?
ANSWER: The brain.
7. From: Thehardyz123- What happens when you throw a green rock into the red sea?
ANSWER: It gets wet!
8. From: Danelia- If a child is born in Boston MA, and his parents are born in Boston MA, yet he is not an American citizen; how is that possible?
ANSWER: This child was born before the United States was organized.
9. From: Animor9344- I have two arms, but fingers none. I have two feet, but cannot run. I carry well, but I have found I carry best with my feet OFF the ground. What am I?
ANSWER: A wheelbarrow
10. From: DoOkie104- I am pronounced as one letter, but written with three, only two different letters are used to make me. I'm double, I'm single, I'm black, blue, and gray. I'm read from both ends and the same either way.
ANSWER: the word is EYE.
11. From: DoOkie104: I live above a star, and yet I never burn; I have neighbors, and yet none of them turn. I am visited in sequence, first, last or in between,; PRS (& sometimes Q) are my initials. N now tell me what am I?
ANSWER: The number 7 on a telephone dial.
12. What gets wetter as it dries?
ANSWER: A sponge or towel.
13. From: Josh -The more you have of it, the less you see.
ANSWER: Darkness or night
14. From: drama007 and GPat907292- What is the name of the only mammal that can't fly that can fly?
ANSWER: A human being - can't fly but does fly in an airplane, etc.
15. From: SoftlinkComputer- Never quite what I first seem to be
A mystery to all who examine me
Clues I have, for those with wit
A puzzle with pieces that cannot fit.
ANSWER: A riddle!
ANSWER: Baseball players in a game being played by you!
17. From: SMaier9203- I can be this, and you can be this. And, yes, we can be this. He can't be this and she can't be this. And no, they can't be this. Dogs can't be this, but cats can. And a kitten can't be this, but a puppy can. Givers can't be this, but beggars can. And humility can't be this, but greed can. Not even peace can be this, but fear can. What is "this?"
ANSWER: All the words that CAN BE are all words that use letters on the same side of the keyboard. The words that CAN'T be are split between both sides of the keyboard.
18. A boy and his father get into a car crash. The father dies, but the boy is rushed to the hospital for surgery. When the boy gets there, the sugeon says, "I cannot operate on my own son." How can this be?
ANSWER: The surgeon is the boy's MOTHER - kind of unexpected.
19. From: Butofcourseric- A warrior amongst the flowers, he bears a thrusting sword. He uses it whenever he must to defend his golden hoard.
ANSWER: A bumble bee
20. From: AEnriqpino- find a ten letter word that stars with gas?
ANSWER: Automobile
21. From: Never ahead, ever behind, yet flying swiftly past; for a child, I last forever; for an adult, I'm gone too fast. What am I?
22. From: Lilteepea- How quickly can you find out what is unusual about this paragraph? It looks so ordinary that you would think that nothing is wrong with it at all-- and, in fact, nothing is. But it is a bit odd. Why? If you study it and think about it, you may find out, but I am not going to assist you in any way. You must do it without any coaching. No doubt, if you work at it for long, it will dawn on you. Who knows?