Argyll & Bute Health & Care Strategic Partnership Meeting
Friday 5th October, 2pm, Council Chamber, Municipal Buildings, Oban
Present / DesignationBill Brackenridge / Chairman, Argyll & Bute CHP
Anne Clark / Non Executive Member, JRCVS
Tricia Morrison / Carers Network, Representative
Malcolm MacFadyen / Head of Community Regeneration, AB Council
Josephine Stojak / Head of Service Integration, A&B CHP
Douglas Hendry / Director of Community Services, A&B Council
George Morrison / Head of Finance, A&B CHP
James Robb / Head of Service, Adult Care, A&B Council
Councillor Donald McIntosh / Spokesperson for Social Work Services,
A&B Council
Douglas Hunter / Service Manager, Information and Planning,
A&B Council
Councillor Elaine Robertson / Argyll and Bute Council / NHS Highland Non-Executive
Councillor Dick Walsh (Chairperson) / Leader, Argyll and Bute Council
Clair McCann
(Minutes) / Integration Assistant, Adult Care, Argyll and Bute Council
Apologies / Designation
James McLellan / Chief Executive, A&B Council
Susan Dawson / Health Improvement Officer, A&B Council
Fiona Ritchie / General Manager, A&B CHP
Michael Conroy / GMB, Union Representative
Sandra Greer / Head of Disaggregation, A&B Council
Pat Tyrrell / Lead Nurse, Argyll & Bute CHP
Bridget Hunter / Unison Union Representative
Kate Macaulay / RCN, Union Representative
Susan Spicer / Project Manager, Integrated Care Teams
Item No. / Minute / Action
1. / Introductions & Apologies
Apologies were read out as noted above.
2. / Matters Arising from Previous Minute (3rd August 07)
It noted that the review of nursing in the community paper was deferred.
Josephine reported that no health were available to provide cover in the care homes in Oban. However, immediate issue had been resolved within the care homes in Oban which were now operating again to full capacity
3a / Delayed Discharge
It was reported that a new code 71x had been introduced which would allow for exemptions to reporting where it was considered to be “unreasonable” to discharge to interim placements due to excessive distance from home and family. New code to be implemented from October census.
National agenda is to continue to work towards 0/0 target for April 2008. The Argyll & Bute Partnership continues to make good progress towards achieving the targets.
Douglas Hendry highlighted the importance that managers communicate to staffs that they are doing a really good job.
3b / JPIAF
Dougie Hunter presented a summary of the outcomes for older people. The quarterly report notes significant progress on the position at 31st March 2007 with specific reference being made to the increase in intensive home care packages and the balance of care being improved by the closure of NHS continuing care beds at the Jeannie Deans, Helensburgh.
Main issue relating to the turnover of single shared assessment was a recurring view that some NHS staff continue to view the task as belonging to social work rather than a shared partnership task. To date, there is not a well established pattern, with the exception of Helensburgh & Lomond, of NHS staff completing assessments. This is particularly problematic when social work has capacity issues and clients are waiting unacceptable periods of time for their assessment to be completed.
3c / Draft Annual Evaluation
Dougie Hunter presented the draft annual evaluation which indicated “steady progress”.
Josephine, Dougie and Jim will provide the annual response by 24th October to the Scottish Executive on behalf of the Partnership. / Action:
Jo Bown
Dougie Hunter
Jim Robb
3d / Telecare/Telehealth Report
Malcolm updated the group on a telecare publicity campaign via radio advertising throughout Argyll. The integrated equipment service has been approved to be used for decontamination and cleaning of equipment.
There will be a full report to the meeting of April 2008.
The Partnership approved the recommendations and noted the progress highlighted in the paper. / Action:
April 2008
3e / Integration Update
Josephine updated the group on behalf of Susan Spicer.
Susan will be withdrawing from Integrated Care Team (ICT) agenda during the next couple of months with the teams to be operational by the end of January 2008. As previously agreed, the ICT’s with be managed by the CHP.
The integration of the Substance Misuse services is progressing as previously agreed with 1st April 2008 being the implementation date.
The next areas to be tackled are Occupational Therapy Services, which is being progressed within the wider Rehabilitation framework ,and Learning Disability.
For the next strategic meeting in December a paper is required providing the timescales for all client groups with targets set for 2008. / Action:
Susan Spicer
3f / Joint Working Opportunities
Douglas Hendry reported that the notes of the 1st and 2nd meetings which took place to identify joint working opportunities will be made available at the next strategic meeting of 7th December. / Action:
D. Hendry
4 i / The Future of Older Peoples Services
Council has formally agreed to put out all services for older people to tender as part of the re-design of services proposal. This will progress over the next 6 months.
4 ii / Decommissioning of Hospital Beds
Josephine presented a paper outlining the context and direction of travel for the reduction of continuing care beds for older people.
Agreed that the commissioning of social care services and reduction of continuing carte beds must be progressed as an integrated plan
George Morrison highlighted the need to develop a case for additional funding e.g. bridging monies from Scottish Government..
Councillor Walsh stated that the review of community nursing services is a key component of the re-design programme.
Agreed that:
· Further updates required on an ongoing basis as to the details of the proposed closure programme area by area with timescales and revenue available for resource release identified.
· George Morrison will provide a report to the December meeting on the matter of bridging finance. / Action:
Jo Bown/ George Morrison
5. / E-care/Data Sharing
Jim Robb noted that this matter was as yet unresolved. NHS Highland intends using an alternative system to the council’s Care Assess system. Proposal is that both systems will communicate via a central repository.
The main issue is the timescale in terms of the system being available for integrated operational teams and whether the NHS system will be able to provide electronic reports for the JPIAF agenda.
Agreed that Jan Baird and Jim Robb will present a detailed paper to the December meeting. / Action:
Jim Robb/
Jan Baird
6. / Advocacy Plan
Staff from A&B Council needs to be actively involved in providing an action plan by provisionally the first joint strategic meeting of 2008.
Allen Stevenson, Service Manager Mental Health, has been nominated the council’s lead on this matter. / Action :
Jan Baird
7. / Jeannie Deans (Helensburgh) / Terms of Reference
George Morrison presented the paper which confirmed the creation of a working group to examine the future use of the Jeanie Deans, Helensburgh. The following requires to be taken into account:
· Expansion of membership
· Timescale
· GP practices
· Missed opportunities
· Local Management
Partnership agreed that the group should proceed with membership being made up of officers of the CHP and the Council as well as Helensburgh & Lomond council members are recommended in the paper. / Action: George Morrison
8. / Joint Improvement Group – Final Paper
The paper was provided for information only.
9. / Review of Nursing in the Community
This paper was again deferred until the meeting of 7th December. / Action: P. Tyrrell
10. / Any Other Competent Business?
Councillor Walsh informed that this was his last time as chairman and that the next meeting would be chaired by Bill Brackenridge.
Dates of meeting for 2008 to be drafted as soon as possible / Action JR
Next Meeting: Friday 7th December at 10.30am in the Mid Argyll Hospital, Rooms JO3, 5, 7 – VCR arrangements via Hilary Simpson please.