Planning Email Log
Tree Removals
Friday 25/04/2014
RE: Planning Enquiry: DCQ/14/00453 - Rocklands Private Caravan Park, Rocklands Lane, Hastings, TN35 5DY - Tree Removals
Good Morning Clive
I understand that Mr Batchelor has forwarded my query (below) concerning tree removals at Rocklands on to yourself.
I have now had the opportunity to do further research into this matter. Please see attached document which shows the process of tree removals from 1999 to 2014.
The attached document has images in low resolution, if you require higher resolution I can provide.
I would be grateful if you could review it and help me with the following questions:
1. Could you please advise me which previous planning permission condition(s) restricts the removal of trees
2. Can you please advise me which trees were protected by these planning conditions
3. Can you please advise me of any trees that are not protected by planning conditions.
4. Can you please advise me why previous planning conditions were not checked when members of the public reported tree removals to your department?
5. Can you please advise me why previous planning conditions were not checked when our MP enquired about tree removals to your department
6. What measures will now be taken to ensure that new trees are planted and prevent any further removal of trees?
7. What measures will be taken to ensure that the caravans are properly screened from view?
8. Can you please confirm that it is now recognized that trees have been felled and thinned in breach of planning conditions and that this is indeed a planning matter.
I have a copy of a letter sent by Mr Crawford to Amber Rudd MP dated the 10/05/2013. In this letter Mr Crawford states that:
"The trees at Rocklands caravan park are not protected by preservation orders so they could be removed without applying to the local authority if the owners wished.
However the situation at present is that there was recently a significant landslip on the site which resulted in the loss of a number of trees. The fallen trees are in the process of being cut up and removed, they were not removed to benefit the owners in any way."
I would be grateful if you could help me with the following questions:
9. Would you agree that this statement is incorrect as the trees in Rocklands are protected by previous planning conditions?
10. Which tree removals were being referred to in this statement? Is it the trees that used to exist in front of the new caravans?
11. Would you agree that the landslip within Rocklands was only responsible for a small number of trees being removed?
12. Would you agree that the vast majority of trees have been removed in a phased programme of removals over several years?
13. Would you agree that the removal and thinning of trees in Rocklands has opened up wide sea views to the residents and apartments?
14. Would you agree that the improved sea views are of commercial benefit to the owners of Rocklands?
15. Did any planning officers visit the site to establish that the tree removals were not of benefit to the owners?
Thanks in advance
Best Regards
Chris Hurrell
Thursday 24/04/2014
RE: Planning Enquiry: DCQ/14/00453 - Rocklands Private Caravan Park, Rocklands Lane, Hastings, TN35 5DY - Tree Removals
Dear Mr Hurrell,
I understand you have also written to my colleague Clive Satchell about related matters. I have forward this email to him and he will respond to your queries in due course.
Yours sincerely,
Samuel Batchelor
Senior Planner
Development Management
Hastings Borough Council
Aquila House
Breeds Place
East Sussex
TN34 3UY
Tel: 01424 783254
Tuesday 15/04/214
RE: Planning Enquiry: DCQ/14/00453 - Rocklands Private Caravan Park, Rocklands Lane, Hastings, TN35 5DY - Tree Removals
Dear Mr Batchelor
Thank you for your response.
I am very happy that you have now acknowledged that tree removal without seeking consent was prevented by previous planning conditions.
To my best knowledge each planning permission for the expansion of the caravan site included such a condition. (HS/FA/78/00703,HS/FA/60/357,HS/FA/59/209,HS/FA/58/048)
Could you please help me with the following questions:
· Could you please advise me which previous planning permission condition(s) restricts the removal of trees?
· Can you please advise me why previous planning conditions were not checked when members of the public reported tree removals to your department?
· Can you please advise me why previous planning conditions were not checked when our MP enquired about tree removals to your department?
· What measures will now be taken to ensure that new trees are planted and prevent any further removal of trees?
· What measures will be taken to ensure that the caravans are properly screened from view?
· Can you please confirm that you now recognize trees have been felled in breach of planning conditions and that this is indeed a planning matter.
Best regards
Chris Hurrell
Tuesday 15/04/2014
Planning Enquiry: DCQ/14/00453 - Rocklands Private Caravan Park, Rocklands Lane, Hastings, TN35 5DY
Please quote: DCQ/14/00453 RO45100T/SB
Your Reference:
Date: 11 April 2014
Please ask for: Mr S Batchelor
Telephone direct: (01424) 783254
Development Management
Aquila House, Breeds Place,
Hastings, East Sussex TN34 3UY
Mr Chris Hurrell
14 High Wickham
TN35 5PB
Dear Mr Hurrell,
Enquiry Number: DCQ/14/00453
Subject: Tree preservation orders and works to trees
Location: Rocklands Private Caravan Park, Rocklands Lane, Hastings, TN35 5DY
Thank you for your email, dated 10 April 2014. In answer to your questions:
1. There are no tree preservation orders that cover the caravan site.
2. From a planning perspective the lopping or removal of trees on private land which aren't preserved is
permitted unless such action has been restricted by condition on a planning permission. There may
also be other non-planning related restrictions, such as covenants, which apply.
It has recently come to my attention that there is a condition from a previous permission that restricts the
removal of trees at the above site and this is currently being investigated by the Planning Enforcement
Yours sincerely,
S Batchelor
Senior Planner - Development Management
Thursday 10/04/2014
Tree preservation orders - Rocklands camp site - TN35 5DY
Dear Sir/Madam
Could you please be so kind as to inform of the following:
· Any Tree preservation orders which pertain to this camp site.
· The regulations that apply on private land for the lopping/removal of trees. Can any tree be removed without permission or are there restrictions?
Thanks in advance
Chris Hurrell
Roads , Terracing, Car Parking and installation of caravans
Tues 22/04/2014
RE: Rocklands Caravan Park - Building of roads, terracing , extension of car parking and installation of caravans
Good Afternoon Mr Hurrell,
I am waiting to discuss all of the issues associated with the park with the Development Control Manager and the Council's Arboriculturalist, who has been on leave. I will respond to your queries once I have done this.
Tues 22/04/2014
Rocklands Caravan Park - Building of roads, terracing , extension of car parking and installation of caravans
Dear Clive
As you know I and many others believe that changes have been made to the roads, car parking and landscaping on the Rocklands Caravan site and no planning permission was sought for any of them. I asked you to investigate these changes by email a few weeks ago.
During my on-site meeting on Tuesday 15/04/2014 with yourself, Andrew Blackman of the Friends of the Country Park and Tim Cross of the High Wickham Residents association you again stated that you did not believe any changes had been made to the car park, roads and landscaping within the park and that the roads and car park were all laid out during the second world war and that no changes had been made since the early 1970's.
We then agreed that I would send you a document demonstrating that changes have been made in the recent past, and the attached document shows the changes made to the roads, car parking and landscaping of the Rocklands Caravan site from 1999 to 2014.
The attached document has images in low resolution, if you require higher resolution I can provide.
I would be grateful if you could review it and let me know whether we can now reach an agreement on the following points: that –
1. The car park has been extended in size.
2. The linking road eastwards has been doubled in width and extended in length.
3. Large areas have been terraced for the placement of caravans.
4. An access road has been built below the terracing to give access to the new caravans.
5. Large numbers of trees and bushes have been removed.
Assuming that we now agree on some or all of the above points could you please inform me of the following: which of these changes:
6. you believe required planning permissions.
7. breached conditions of previous planning permissions.
8. you believe did not require planning permissions and state your reasons.
9. you believe did not breach conditions of previous planning permissions and state your reasons.
10. And would you also let me know what course of action will be taken by planning enforcement.
I am aware that several members of the public and Amber Rudd MP have reported/queried these developments at Rocklands to the planning department.
Please could you provide me with the following information:
11. When was your department first made aware of the changes at Rocklands (including tree removal)?
12. Was your department kept informed of the changes at Rocklands by the Country Park Management Team/Rangers?
13. On what dates did your officers visit the site to check these changes?
14. Did your department pass on any queries/reports to the Country Park Management Team/Rangers?
15. Did your department take any other follow up actions on queries/reports?
If you do require any further information I will be very happy to provide it.
Thanks in advance
Chris Hurrell
Wednesday 16/04/2014
Breaches of HS/FA/78/708 - Rocklands Caravan Site
Dear Clive
I have had a look at HS/FA/78/708. My understanding is that planning permission HS/FA/78/708 allowed the installation of 10 caravans in a row (which is directly above and in parallel with the new 6 to 8 caravans).
I assume that the amenity area referred to is the strip down hill in front of the 10 caravans (now occupied by the new 6-8 caravans).
I believe that the following conditions have been breached in HS/FA/78/708:
4. No trees on the site shall be lopped or felled without the prior written consent of the District Planning Authority(DPA)
7. The play and amenity are referred to in condition 3 will not be used at any time for the stationing of caravans or cars or the pitching of tents.
8. Within 2 months of the date of grant of planning permission a scheme of landscaping and tree planting for the site shall be submitted (or the approval of the DPA and any such
Scheme as may be approved by the DPA shall be implemented within 6 months of such grant or such further amended periods as may subsequently be agreed in writing by the DPA and thereafter maintained.
9 The landscaped areas and the ancient monument shall not be used for the stationing of caravans or cars or pitching of tents.
My reasons are as follows:
4. Many trees have been lopped and felled in this area.
7. There are 6-8 new caravans on the amenity area.
8. Landscaping has been changed , land has been terraced , trees felled. There has been no maintenance of landscaping and tree planting, in fact most of the trees and hedges have been removed.
9. Landscaped areas are now used as a car park. This car park is at the end of the road roughly dues south of the 10 caravans.
Can you please provide me with answers to the following questions:
· Which of the these planning constraints do you believe have not been broken?
· The reasons why you consider these constraints not to have been broken.
· Which of these planning constraints do you believe have been broken?
· The reasons why you consider these constraints to have been broken.
· What actions are to be taken concerning the broken constraints.
· The reasons why you have chosen a particular course of action (breach of condition notice, enforcement or a retrospective application for planning permission)
Thanks in advance
Chris Hurrell
Tuesday 08/04/2014
RE: Rocklands New development - Car Park and access road
Dear Clive
The car park I am referring to is a roughly triangular area which lies to the south of the 10 caravans and the south west of the 6 new caravans.
This car park became visible from the other side of Ecclesbourne Glen about 5 years ago. Prior to that it was not visible.
The roads I refer to are the one that connects this car park to the rest of the site and the road that extends eastwards from this car park.
I can find no references in any planning permissions for the development of this car park area and the roads.
I have aerial photos that show that the size of this car park (and probably its surfacing) has changed since 2004.
If you follow the link
You will see an aerial photo from 2013 and an aerial photo from 2004 and 1999.
In the 2013 photo the area of car parking is greater and is tarmacced.
The 6 caravans have been installed, many trees lopped and a large area cleared in front of the caravans.
What appears to be a road has been extended eastwards.
In the 2004 photo the area of the car park is smaller and it does not appear to be tarmacced.
The six caravans have not been installed. The tree shielding is still in place. Some preliminary clearing of trees has begun.
In the 1999 photo everything is intact. No trees have been removed and no landscaping changed.
I have a range of aerial photographs dating back over the years which show the changes at the site. I will be happy to send you these if it helps clarify the issue.
Chris Hurrell
RE: Rocklands New development - Possible breaches of HS/FA/78/708
Dear Clive
I have had a look at HS/FA/78/708. My understanding is that the planning permission allowed the siting of 10 caravans in a row (which is directly above and in parallel with the new 6 caravans).
I assume that the amenity area referred to is the strip down hill in front of the 10 caravans (now occupied by the 6 caravans).
There are no references to building of road and car parking in this permission.
I believe that the following conditions have been breached in HS/FA/78/708: