EBIO 3400, Microbiology SYLLABUS ∞ Spring 2005 ∞ Dr. S.K. Schmidt
Lec. no. date topic Reading (ch.)
1 Jan. 11 The microbial world 1
2 Jan. 13 History of Microbiology 1
3 Jan. 18 Morphology 3
4 Jan. 20 cont. 3
5 Jan. 25 Nutrition & Growth 4
6 Jan. 27 Physiology & Metabolism 6
7 Feb. 1 cont. 6
8 Feb. 3 cont. 6
9 Feb. 8 Review
-- Feb. 10 Exam 1
10 Feb. 15 Microbial Diversity & Evolution 10
11 Feb. 17 Archaea 10
12 Feb. 22 Gram (-) Bacteria 11
13 Feb. 24 cont. 11
14 Mar. 1 Gram (+) Bacteria 11
15 Mar. 3 cont.
16 Mar. 8 Eucarya 12
17 Mar. 10 cont. & Review 12
-- Mar. 15 Exam 2
18 Mar. 17 Environmental Micro. 31
Mar. 22 & Mar. 24 SPRING BREAK
19 Mar. 29 Viruses 13,14
20 Mar. 31 Genetics 8
21 Apr. 5 cont. 8
22 Apr. 7 Normal Flora and Pathogenicity 15
23 Apr. 12 Bacterial pathogens 22-28
-- Apr. 14 cont. & Epidemiology 20
24 Apr. 19 Exam 3
25 Apr. 21 Epidemiology 20
26 Apr. 26 Viral Diseases 14,29
27 Apr. 28 cont. & review
FINAL EXAM: Wednesday May 4, 7:30 pm - 10:00 pm
Text: Nester, E.W. et al. Microbiology, A Human Persp. 4th ed. (2004) McGraw-Hill, Boston.
Testing and other policies
There will be three tests and a final. The lowest test score will be dropped before calculating the grades for the course. A minimum of 3 exams must be taken. No make-up exams will be scheduled for any student. Tests will be based on lecture material and some reading assignments. Readings are meant to clarify material presented in lecture, but there will be specific reading assignments that will be covered on exams (these readings will be mentioned in lecture or on the we*). You are responsible for lecture material, all material posted on the web, and any announcements concerning changes in schedule, etc. made in lecture.
Office hours: Tue. and Thur. 4:45 – 6:00 pm and by appointment. C-306B Ramaley Hall Phone: 303-492-6248; e-mail:
If you qualify for accommodations because of a disability, please provide me with a letter from Disability Services (www.colorado.edu/sacs/disabilityservices) early in the semester so that your needs may be addressed. I will make reasonable accommodations for students who have conflicts between religious observance dates and course assignments.
* http://www.colorado.edu/eeb/EEBprojects/schmidtlab/studentres/EBIO3400/index.htm