The Harbor Herald

Greater Baltimore Chapter of the Oncology Nursing Society

Volume 19 Number 1

March 2009 Inside this issue:

President’s message Page 1-2

Update: 1st 2009 members’ Meeting Page 3

NCONN-What is it? Page 3-4

ONS News Page 5-6

About GBCONS & Upcoming events Page 7

A Message from the President Sally Brown RN

Spring is officially here. Baseball has started. March Madness is in full force. The robins have returned; the winter birds are leaving. The daffodils and cherry blossoms are showing their beauty.

Last week while driving to work I heard one of the radio personalities talking about Martina McBride’s new CD, Shine, and how the radio personality liked the word shine. In thinking about it, I agree that shine is a wonderful word. It provides mental images of a bright blue sky, flowers, green trees, and lots of bright sunshine; all happy images.

Shine is a positive word. Synonyms include: excel, stand out, be good at, have a gift for, and be skilled at. A great positive word for this time of year! Nursing celebrates two recognition “holidays” in the Spring. These special days are, Certified Nurses Day which was in the middle of March and Nursing Week in the beginning of May. Oncology nurses celebrate the entire month of May as Oncology Nursing Month. So like the daffodils and cherry blossoms, nurses are given the opportunity to shine in the Spring.

Shine suits oncology nurses. We excel; we are good at our profession; we are skilled in providing complete care to the oncology patients and families; and we stand out. In a word, we shine. Stand tall and be proud. Our ability to shine helps so many people. Have you ever stopped to think about how many families you have helped during your nursing career? You probably don’t remember them all and they probably don’t remember every nurse’s name, but as an oncology nurse, you impacted many lives.

One visual sign oncology nurses’ professional commitments can be seen in the numbers of oncology nurses who attend ONS Congress every year. Congress is a wonderful place. We are with our international family. We are able to showcase our knowledge through presentations. We exchange information in formal and informal sessions. By attending and exchanging knowledge so that we learn while we help others, we shine.

However, this year it seems as if fewer chapter members are planning to attend Congress and fewer of our members are presenting on the podium or by poster. Fewer of the chapter members will have this opportunity to shine.

This negative can be turned into a positive. As oncology nurses, we can use the time we would use to attend Congress to explore opportunities within our communities. If you are a certified nurse, did you take time to celebrate the day? One of my co-workers took the time to recognize the oncology certified nurses within our extended work unit. After receiving the email about Certified Nurses Day, Sandy took the time to contact ONCC and request OCN stickers and pens for all oncology certified nurses in Surgical Oncology and Oncology Clinical Research. She took an extra step to recognize colleagues; she shines.

Many hospitals celebrate Nurses’ Week in the beginning of May. Have you thought about getting involved with the celebrations? These functions also provide the opportunity to meet new people and exchange ideas. It might be interesting to be able to meet and recognize the entire oncology nursing care team. The entire team might include the interventional radiology nurses, the peri-operative nurses, the physician practice nurses, the vascular access team, the infusion therapy nurses, inpatient care nurses, the radiation therapy nurses, the home care nurses, case managers, critical care nurses, and the stoma and wound care nurses. Nursing can be multidisciplinary without involving anyone outside of nursing! The ONS Oncology Nursing Week poster is available on the ONS web site and can be printed on letter size paper. Print several, post them, provide it to the coordinators of your institution’s nursing week.

June brings National Survivor Day. Does your institution host a National Survivor Day celebration? If they do, volunteer to help or attend. If they don’t, think about organizing an event. This is a wonderful opportunity to become reacquainted with people you helped. Your help may have been provided during a crisis in their life. Wouldn’t it be nice to see them in a non-stressful situation? You would shine by merely attending and being with people who respect your knowledge and your skill in putting evidence into practice to help them through their personal crisis. As nurses, we learn from the survivors, so they shine too!

So rejoice in the season and SHINE.

March member’s meeting Sally Brown RN

On March 31st Upper Chesapeake Medical Center was the site of the first members’ meeting of 2009 organized by Donna Landers and Judy Seipp, assisted by Margie Tillett with facilities coordination. Thirty-nine members and one future member dined on a generous buffet provided by GlaxoSmithKline Oncology Division. Barb Poniatowski provided an excellent and timely presentation, “Strategies to Improve Adherence to Oral Medications”. We randomly distributed reference books donated by Barb Poniatowski.

The recipient of the $100 educational grant was Laura Riley.

Barb Van de Castle helped members subscribe to GBCONS chapter announcements on the virtual community. This allows them to receive chapter related communications and meeting flyers.

The Community Outreach for March was the Fuel Fund of Maryland, Inc. The Fuel Fund of Maryland provides resources to vulnerable Maryland families for heat and home utility needs. The Fuel Fund serves Baltimore City and Anne Arundel, Baltimore, Carroll, Harford and Howard counties. In 2007 the organization helped nearly 18,000 individuals. $0.92 of every donated dollar goes to helping families pay their energy bills. During the meeting, we collected $250 for the Fuel Fund. This means that GBCONS has provided $230 to assist families in need in central Maryland.

The next chapter meeting is June 10, 2009 at Mercy Medical Center. Plan to join us.


NCONN……What is it? Carol Perry RN

Those of you who are regular readers may remember an article written for this newsletter a few years back about oncology nurses who wear the title “navigator”-as I do. In recent years, much as happened to that then, little known, evolving specialty. Out of the MD/DC/VA Coalition of Breast Care Coordinators quarterly meetings, a concept has blossomed into a nationally recognized professional organization entitled the National Coalition of Oncology Nurse Navigators (NCONN).

Their mission is the promotion of excellence in oncology patient care by fostering collaborative relationships and professional development among nurse navigators and all healthcare disciplines locally, regionally, and nationally. NCONN intends to become the national leader in the establishment of standards of practice defining the varied oncology nurse navigator role, advocating for this role in the community and professional arenas, and promote professional credentialing for oncology nurse navigation as a recognizable, valued professional specialty.

At a recently attended coalition meeting, NCONN’s BOD revealed plans for the first annual national conference, to be held in October 2009. Dr. Harold Freeman, considered by many to be the founding father of patient navigation, will be the keynote speaker. The membership has exploded, with interest from 20 plus states across the country. Members are able to participate in an exchange of information with other s Feel free to browse the web site at www.nconn.org.

One thing is for certain-the existence of this organization proves that an idea conceived by a few can be transformed into a reality to benefit many.


New In this Issue...
Congress Early-Bird Discount Extended – Save $100 Through April 7
Budgets are tight, but can you really afford to not attend the ONS 34th Annual Congress, April 30-May 3 in San Antonio? Congress gives you the information you need to stay at the top of your game. Plus, you’ll make valuable professional connections. Register today.
New ONS Imprint Publishes General Health Books
Hygeia Media publishes health books for a general audience. Tell your friends, family, and patients about the first two books available through ONS’s new imprint, Women Cancer Sex and Coping with Cancer: A Patient Pocket Book of Thoughts, Advice, and Inspiration for the Ill.
Celebrate Oncology Nursing Month!
Cancer care is an art that requires many talents and skills. As an oncology nurse, you’re a caregiver with clinical knowledge and technical expertise. You’re also a teacher, a listener, and a shoulder to lean on. Celebrate the work you do and the difference you make during Oncology Nursing Month! New products are on sale now!
ONS expanding ways to connect with you via Facebook!
For quick updates on ONS happening and to connect with your colleagues in a fun way join the ONS Facebook group. Search for ONS on Facebook today! Join the social media revolution!
Save $75 on August Certification Tests
Apply by April 8 to save $75 on the application fee for the August 2009 OCN®, CBCN, and CPON® certification examinations. Tests will be offered at more than 230 locations. Applications are due April 22 (with the full fee).
Get in Shape in San Antonio
Pack your sneakers for the ONS Foundation/Pfizer Oncology Fun Run/Walk & Wheelchair, held May 2 in conjunction with the ONS 34th Annual Congress in San Antonio. Your $20 registration fee benefits the Ann Olson Memorial Scholarship Fund and includes a souvenir t-shirt (while supplies last), race participation, and post-race refreshments.
ONS Faculty Member Needed!
A preconference symposium will be held prior to the (ISNCC) International Conference on Cancer Nursing in Atlanta on March 7, 2010. This collaboration between ISNCC and ONS provides an opportunity for nurses from around the world to learn about evidence-based practice. Apply by May 4.
This Month on RE:Connect. . .
Check out RE:Connect, ONS Connect’s blog, to find out what our bloggers think about working the night shift in “Night Shifts” and “Is It a Recipe for Disaster?” Other recent posts include “To Twitter or Not to Twitter” and “Oral Chemotherapy Guidelines.” See what the buzz is about!
NCI Promotional Tools Increase Awareness of Clinical Trials
Two new patient-education posters and a pin are available to increase awareness of clinical trials. Posters are available in sets of 10 (5 of each poster) for use in waiting areas or exam rooms. The barcode # is K003. Pins are packaged in bags of 10. The barcode # is Z191. Call 800-4-CANCER to order yours.
NCI and NIH Host Neuropathic Cancer Pain Symposium
NCI and the NIH Pain Consortium will host a Neuropathic Cancer Pain Symposium April 27 in Bethesda, MD, to address the knowledge gap in neuropathic pain associated with cancer.
Are You Ready for the Genetics Revolution?
As a nurse in the emerging healthcare environment, a basic foundation in genetics is not an option-but a necessity. Enhance your understanding of how cancer and genetics are related and provide accurate information for your patients regarding genetic risk for cancer or the use of gene therapy as a cancer treatment? Get comprehensive information about genetics by attending the Genetics Webcourse Series on April 21st.


GBCONS Board of Directors 2009-2010

President President-elect

Sally Brown Karen Oleszewski

Secretary Treasurer

Katy Swanson Gina Syzmanski

Directors at Large Program Committee Membership

Nancy Corbitt Donna Landers Margie Tillett

JoAnn Coleman Judy Seipp

Melissa D'Amelio


The Greater Baltimore Chapter of the Oncology Nursing Society (GBCONS) is now in it’s 26th year. The chapter became a reality in 1983, and is currently 218 members strong. The mailing address is:


PO BOX 18471

Baltimore, MD 21237

Newsletter submissions or inquiries:

***** 2009 Chapter Upcoming Events*****

April 21, 2009, collaboration with University of Maryland School of Nursing, The Komen Maryland Nursing Partnership-2009 Komen Visiting Professor, Victoria Champion, DNS “Translating Research Into Practice” Location to be determined

June 10: Dinner meeting- Mercy Medical Center

August 11: Member’s Crab Feast

September 12: NYC Bus trip

September 26 and October 3: OCN Review Course: Franklin Square: $25 members/$50 non-members: 11.4 CE’s

October 14: Dinner meeting: Topic-Pancreatic CA

November 20: Basket Bingo: Tall Cedars of Lebanon Hall-Parkville

December 8: Dinner meeting