October 10, 2011
Present: / Absent:Mayor, Rick Carney
Mayor Pro Tem, Paul Williams
Councilman, Wayne Hawver
Councilwoman, Kit Hawver
Councilwoman Gayle Lloyd
Councilman Will Guyton
Others in Attendance: Clerk/Treasurer Elvira Birrueta, Administrator, Jeff Ranger, Attorney, Sara Watkins.
Call to Order
Roll Call
Approve Agenda / The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Mayor Carney. Mayor Carney welcomed everyone.
All Council members and staff were present; Mayor Carney led the Council in the pledge of allegiance.
Approve agenda as presented Councilman Williams moved to approve agenda as presented seconded by Councilman Hawver. Motion carried unanimously.
Consent Agenda / Approval
Councilwoman Lloyd moved to approve the consent Agenda as presented, seconded by Councilwoman Hawver Motion carried unanimously.
1. Approve Study Minutes of 9/12/11.
2. Approve minutes of 9/12/11 Regular Council Meeting.
3. Approve those Claim Checks dated through October 10, 2011 in the amount of $64,180.98 check #’s 14332 through 14369.
4. Approve Payroll Checks dated through September 30, 2011 in the amount of $28,973.86 Check #’s 5849 through 5868.
Planning Commission/Jeff Ranger / Adm. Ranger informed the Council on the Planning Commission Meeting held on October 3rd 2011. The Planning Commission Meeting in regards to Medical Marijuana Dispensaries and Community Gardens. Chairman Fisk stated he had concerns regarding the Planning Commission to go through the process of zoning because of concerns of proximity to schools, churches, public areas or financial impacts on the Town. Commissioner Silvestri stated for his concerns of the Federal Government stance on dispensaries and the concerns of future federal funding for the Town. Commissioner Barnett made the motion to recommend to Council to not allow dispensaries within the Town of Naches. The Planning Commission deliberated on the Community Garden aspect of the issue. It was decided that the people currently holding the cards were currently able to grow or have someone licensed providing that service to the individual. Planning Commission recommended to Council not accept Community Gardens within the Town limits.
Gang Commission/ Mayor / No report.
Sheriff’s Report/Lt. Winter / Lt. Winter provided bar graph reports that indicated how much contract time and what deputies spent on contract time within the Town. Councilman Williams questioned whether the contract time could be broken up differently instead of Noon to Midnight to be 06 hour to 18 hours it would be much easier to read. Lt. Winter will adjust the report to show the modified time.
Yakima Valley Conference
of Governments / Mayor Carney attended the YVCOG meeting, Mayor also sent a letter of support to YVCOG, application going after Grant Funds. The Town will receive transportation points for submitting the letter of support.
Allan Road Improvements Project / No discussion was held during regular Council Meeting.
Naches Avenue to Third Street Naches Valley High School Project / Naches Ave from Third Street to the High School, Admin. Ranger informed Council progress estimate No. 4 designated as the final payment for work performed by Granite Construction Company in the amount of $10,904.81 closing procedures next month.
Public Hearing
Public Hearing
Vision Software
AT&T (aka) New
Cingular Wireless PCS LLC.
Naches Ave to 3rd
Street Project and
Allan Road Improvement.
Public Hearing
Preliminary 2012 Budget. / Mayor Carney opened the discussion prior to the Public Hearing in regards to Collective Gardens the Town Council opened the Public Hearing no testimony was received closed at 7:15. Public Hearing was opened in regards to Medical Marijuana Dispensaries at 7:15 no testimony was received Public Hearing was closed at 7:15. Council deliberated to follow the concerns under the Planning Commissioners not to allow Collective Gardens and Medical Marijuana Dispensaries. Public safety, schools, churches, park and public areas. Council asked attorney Watkins to revise the Town business license for the Town to comply with the Federal Government. Councilman Williams question if any plans on bringing this issues to the Legislation in January Lt. Winters responded he didn’t have any information and didn’t know at this time.
Public Hearing on Ad Valorem tax proposal of 1% increase was opened at 7:27 pm. No testimony was taken from public The Public Hearing closed at 7:28pm.
Admin. Ranger requested for a motion to be made to purchase the Vision Software. Councilman Williams move to approve the motion to make the purchase of the Vision Software seconded by Councilwoman Lloyd motion carried unanimously.
Admin. Ranger requested for a motion to be made if Council agrees on the agreement of settlement & release between New Cingular Wireless PCS LLC and The Town of Naches, Washington. Councilman Williams moves to approve payment and accept settlement & release between New Cingular Wireless PCS LLC and the Town of Naches, Washington. Seconded by Councilwoman Lloyd motion carried unanimously.
Admin. Ranger requested for motion to make to accept the Naches Ave to 3rd Street Resurfacing Improvement and Allan Road Improvement projects as complete and authorized the Mayor to sign the TIB final documentation for closeout on both Projects. Councilman Williams move to approve and authorized the Mayor to sign the final documentation for closeout on both projects. Seconded by Councilwoman Lloyd motion carried unanimously.
Admin. Ranger asked for Council to approve a Public Hearing on November 14th 2011 to receive comments regarding the proposed 2012 Budget for the Town of Naches. A Public Hearing on December 12, 2011 to received comments regarding the Proposed 2012 Budget for the Town of Naches. Councilman Williams moves to approve the Public Hearing for November 14th and December 12, 2011 regarding the Proposed 2012 Budged. Seconded by Councilwoman Hawver motion carried unanimously.
Admin. Ranger explained to Council the Memorandum is the front page of the proposed 2012 Budget on Capital Expenditures.
Penney Ave.
Resolution & Ordinance
Public Participation
Continue Meeting/Adjournment
(7:53 p.m.)
Rick Carney, Mayor
/ No additional discussion was held during Council meeting. Information was provided at Study Session.
Ordinance No. 664 An ordinance fixing the estimated amount of Ad Valorem taxes to be levied to meet the financial requirements of the Town of Naches, Washington for the year 2012. Councilman Williams moves to approve Ordinance No.664 An Ordinance fixing the estimated amount of Ad Valorem taxes to be levied to meet the financial requirements of the Town of Naches, Washington. Seconded by Councilman Hawver motion carried unanimously.
Ordinance No. 665 An ordinance amending the 2011 operating budget and amending Ordinance No. 660 for the Town of Naches, Washington. Councilman Williams moves to approve Ordinance No. 665 An ordinance amending the 2011 operating budget and amending Ordinance No. 660 for the Town of Naches, Washington. Seconded by Councilwoman Lloyd. Motion carried unanimously.
Resolution No. 2011-11 A resolution authorizing the Mayor to sign the settlement release with New Cingular Wireless PCS LLC. Councilman Hawver moves to approve Resolution No. 2011-11 A resolution authorizing the Mayor to sign the settlement release with New Cingular Wireless PLS LLC. Seconded by Councilman Guyton motion carried unanimously.
Randy Juette 721 Selah Naches Rd. Selah, WA 98942. Randy presented to Council a proposed event sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce and will provide the Town of Naches with its event insurance. To be held on July 28th the weekend of “The All Class Reunion” The event could include a car show on the ditch bank, apple bin race, apple box race off the Naches Valley High School hill. BBQ contest using just steaks to be able to do the contest in one day. Music all day longs at the Gazebo maybe some extra venders, street dance in the evening. Purpose of the event is to get people into Naches and to provide additional funding for the Naches Chamber events and functions.
There being no further business to come before Council, Councilwoman Lloyd moves to adjourn. Seconded by Councilman Williams motion carried unanimously.
Elvira Birrueta/ Clerk Treasurer
10/10/11 Council Minutes 5