Oxfordshire LEADER Local Action Group meeting

Monday 21st September 2015

South Oxfordshire District Council and Vale of White Horse Offices



Elizabeth Gillespie – Chair of Oxfordshire LEADER LAG

John Gordon – Vice Chair of Oxfordshire LEADER LAG

Fran Walker – Oxfordshire LEADER project manager

Suzanne Malcolm - South Oxfordshire and Vale of White Horse District Councils Economic Development Manager

Jane Roemer – South East Midlands Local Enterprise Partnership

Mike Jennings - Jennings

Barbara Vaughan – Tackley Village Hall

Jayne Manley – Earth Trust

Wendy Tobitt – Wallingford Local Producers Market

Eddie Williams – Faringdon Folly

Daphne Saunders – Faringdon Area Partnership

Tom Cackett – National Farmers Union

Dene Robson – West Oxfordshire District Council

Jon Bright – Oxfordshire Rural Community Council

Graham Shelton – Northmoor Parish Council

Nick Mottram – Oxfordshire County Council

Paul Orsi – Sylva Foundation

Phillip Chamberlain – Crowmarsh Battle Farms

Judy French – Archdeacon of Dorchester

Julia Aratoon – Cherwell District Council

Kate Gee – South Oxfordshire and Vale of White Horse District Councils Administrative Assisstent

Tim Gill – Rural Payments Agency


Jane Bowler – Dews Meadow Farm

Margaret Coles – Oxfordshire LEP and FSB

Andrew Forsyth – NFU Mutual

Jeanette Howse – Tourism South East

Diana Nettleton – Bidwells Agribusiness Consultant

Item / Detail
1. / 1.  Welcome / introductions: all
2. / 2.  Update on LEADER: Fran Walker and Elizabeth Gillespie
·  Progress and current timeframes
·  Plans for the launch of Oxfordshire LEADER
·  Our targets for Oxfordshire LEADER
·  Potential projects that we know about
·  The decision making group
·  Application process and selection criteria
It was agreed that the maximum money to be granted to a project would be typically £35,000 and minimum £5,000. However there could be flexibility if some projects would need to be granted more in exceptional circumstances.
The group agreed that the word ‘typically’ for the maximum limit should be used for all promotional materials for Oxfordshire LEADER. (Action for Fran)
During the break, Tom Cackett pointed out that budget spend is planned for some priorities in years when the outputs profile shows that 0 projects will be funded. Fran checked this with Tim Gill from the Rural Payments Agency after the meeting. It was agreed that the budget profile be corrected when the delivery plan is reviewed in April 2016. (Action for Fran)
During the break, Phillip Chamberlain advised that it should be clear on all promotional materials that reference to other public sector funds doesn’t include the Single Payments Scheme or Basic Payments Scheme. Fran agreed to work with Tom Cackett (NFU) to develop messages for farmers. (Action for Fran)
John Gordon asked about the LEP grant funding strategies and how these can be aligned with Oxfordshire LEADER. Jane Roemer informed the group that the strategies don’t go into enough detail to do this. Fran is working with the LEPs to align relevant grants schemes where possible e.g. in terms of promotion and business advice.
The LAG noted the Conflict of Interest policy for Oxfordshire LEADER and agreed to abide by it.
Elizabeth confirmed that the decision making group will consist of:
·  Elizabeth Gillespie
·  John Gordon
·  Tom Cackett
·  Graham Shelton
·  Jon Bright
·  Mike Jennings
·  Eddie Williams
·  Phillip Chamberlain
The maximum size of a decision making panel is 6 people. We have 8 people on this list, so have flexibility to fit around knowledge, busy patches and holidays.
·  Fran to send the budget profile in £, rather than €. Fran noted that exchange rates will change but the conversion rate for budget profiles will be set annually.
·  Fran to post all handouts to those LAG members who were unable to attend the meeting. These documents are still in draft, so should not be circulated to potential applicants.
·  Fran to invite Dawn Pettis (OxLEP) to the next LEADER LAG meeting, also Margaret Coles (FSB). Fran will continue to meet on a regular bases with OxLEP and SEMLEP.
·  Fran to arrange dates for the decision making group to meet every 8 weeks.
3. / 3.  LEADER training: Roles, Responsibilities and Governance: Tim Gill – Rural Payments Agency
Processes and requirements of a fully compliant structure and on-going
management of delivery of Oxfordshire LEADER.
Fran to circulate presentation slides to the LAG.
4. / 4.  Dates of future meetings
Tuesday 8 December 2015: 10 – 11.30am
Wednesday 9 March 2016: 2 – 3.30pm
Thursday 9 June 2016: 2 – 3.30pm
Monday 5 September 2016: 10 – 11.30am
Tuesday 6 December 2016: 2 – 3.30pm