BC Provincial

School for the Deaf:

Town Hall Meeting

Parent, Student, Community Consultation


Table: Community


The parent-child relationship is the most important relationship in the development of the whole child. When school and parent work together, all areas of a child’s development (social, emotional, psychosocial, cognitive, physical) may grow, supporting the child to develop to their full potential.

  1. How can BCSD ensure that parents have a shared role in their child’s learning ?
  2. How can the school support parents in supporting their child’s learning at school ?
  3. How can Parents and the Deaf Community work together to support the development of Deaf/Hard of Hearing children and youth today ?

Language and Communication:

At the heart of child development, is language. Access to language, language role models, academic language and social language with peers is key to development of the whole child.

  1. What does a Deaf/Hard of Hearing student need to thrive in a school environment ? (Consider the variety of learning environments available at BCSD)
  2. What role does the Deaf Community play in supporting the development of Deaf and Hard of Hearing children and youth today ? What potential partnerships could be developed between BCSD and the Deaf Community ?
  3. Deaf and Hard of Hearing children need opportunities to socialize with like-peers outside of school.
  • What social activities, resources, events have been successful in promoting social opportunities for children and youth?
  • What are the barriers to accessing friends and social activities?
  • How can the community support extra-curricular socialization for DHH children and youth ?

Caring & Respectful Schools:

Social consciousness creates change in our society and community. Social morality is developing and diversity and acceptance for all is no longer considered something to work toward, but something to be expected. In order to establish and maintain this, schools must set a standard whereby care and respect for all is modelled every day.

  1. What are the core values of caring and respect that should be modelled at BCSD everyday ?
  2. While children need to understand what caring and respect for other people looks like, they also need to know how to care for and respect themselves. How would this support the development of the whole DHH child/youth ? What skills and attributes could they develop through learning how to care for and respect themselves and others ?
  3. As we move into an increasingly digital world, what factors need to be considered in modelling safe, caring and respectful schools ?

Learning Opportunities:

As the education system transforms to meet the needs and demands of society and the workforce, schools need to redesign and implement new programs. The 21st Century skills (core competencies) identified by the BC Education Plan provide a guide to initiating this change in schools.

  1. How do the core competencies relate to the experience of a Deaf/Hard of Hearing learner in today’s classrooms ?
  2. What existing courses/programs at BCSD do you feel support students to develop these attributes ?
  3. What courses do you feel should be created to support the development of these attributes ?
  4. What resources, partnerships, or programs do you feel BCSD could utilize or develop to support the development of these core competencies ?
  5. BCSD is a school within a school model. What do you perceive to be the advantages and disadvantages of this model ?

Transition Planning:

Transitions into and out of schools can be an exciting and yet anxious time for students and parents alike. Students need to enter school with a purpose and leave with purpose and vision for the future.

  1. What processes could be established with Early Childhood programs and BCSD to ensure a smooth transition into the school ?
  2. Are you satisfied that school is preparing students for a job in the future?
  3. Are you satisfied that school is preparing students for post-secondary education?
  4. Many DHH students are not graduating with a full Dogwood certificate because they cannot pass the English requirements in the high school curriculum and Provincial Exams. Should this change? If so, How could this change ?