Town Hall, Darlington DL1 5QT
Tel: (01325) 380651 Fax: (01325) 388318
DX 69280 Darlington 6
Web site:
Ms. Jenny Howitt
E-mail to: / Date:
Please ask for :
Direct Line:
Your Reference:
Our Reference:
Document Name: / 6 January 2011
Elaine Richardson
01325 388905

Dear Ms. Howitt

Re: Freedom of Information Act 2000 – request for information

Your request for information, received 6 January 2011, is being considered under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.

The Act provides that a response must be issued promptly and, in any event, within 20 working days of receipt of the request. We, therefore, calculate the deadline for providing a response to your request to be 3 February 2011.

Please note that there are a number of exemptions from the duty to disclose information under the Act. If we decide to withhold information, you will be provided with a detailed explanation of the exemption applied and the public interest factors that we have considered. We will also provide you with details of how to appeal against such a decision.

If the information that you are requesting contains information about third parties, they may be consulted prior to a decision being made about whether to disclose the information to you. If you would prefer we didn’t contact third parties, please let us know. In these circumstances, information about third parties will be removed from the documents unless we believe it reasonable, in all circumstances, to disclose it to you without their consent.

If we need further information from you in order to be able to process your request, we will contact you and your request will be placed on hold until the information is provided by you. The 20 working day period will restart on the date that the additional information is received by us.

If you have any queries or concerns then please contact:

Freedom of Information Officer

Corporate Services

Darlington Borough Council

Town Hall



Tel: 01325 388076 (voicemail service in operation; please leave a message and an officer will call you back)



Further information is also available from the Information Commissioner at:

Information Commissioner's Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
Telephone:01625 545 700


Yours sincerely

Freedom of Information Officer