Enter View Visit Report

Premises visited:
Holy Name Care Home
Hall Road
Hull / Date & Time of Visit:
16th September 2014
1.30pm / HW Reference:
Duration of visit:
1 Hour 45 Minutes
HWKuH Representatives:
Gail Purcell
Mike Bergin
John Wilkinson / Staff met during visit:
Manager - Tina Morrow
Purpose of visit:
Care home Enter & View visits were planned for September 2014 and it was felt that as Holy Name had been brought to the attention of Healthwatch Kingston upon Hull by the relative of a resident that it should be included in the programme of visits.
The purpose of the visit is to speak to the residents of the residential home to ascertain the frequency, range and standard of recreational activities on offer to residents.
We will also be seeking resident’s opinions regarding local community and visitor involvement in recreational programmes.
Subsequent to any visit a report is prepared, factual detail agreed by the manager of the facility visited, and then shared with the HWKuH Board before distribution.
The visit was pre-arranged. We used a prepared list of questions to find out relevant facts, observed all aspects of the premises or specific areas and spoke to staff, residents and visitors as relevant.
Disclaimer: This report relates only to the service viewed on the date of the visit, and is representative of the views of the service users who contributed to the report on that date.
Holy Name Care home is in a residential area to the west of the city. The home is housed in a converted Catholic Church and has a number of residents who were previously part of the church. The home is owned by Molescroft Nursing Home (Holdings) Ltd who also operate a sister home in Molescroft, Beverley, the home was opened in 2012.
There are 4 areas of the home as follows: residential care, dementia care, respite care & an additional area where usage is currently being reviewed.
The home has capacity for 63 residents but currently has 54. The respite wing has only 2 residents at the moment and the owners of the home are looking at alternative uses for this wing.
All rooms are en-suite and there are an additional 2 bathroom, 6 toilets and 2 wet rooms for residents’ independent and assisted use.
All food is prepared on site (menus attached).
The home employs 44 full time staff in total, this includes maintenance and recreation staff. There are an additional 19 part time staff employed by the home. The home has an external courtyard for the residents use and operates a flexible visiting hours policy (no restricted times).
External visits are provided for residents.
We spoke at length to the Manager (Tina Morrow) who advised us of the recreational activities on offer for the residents, these include a singer who comes in weekly and hairdressing every Tuesday in the fully equipped salon. Cards, games and craft activities are available on a daily basis. Holy Name also has a sweet shop and trolley for the residents. Tina Morrow also advised us that one of the resident is a retired Catholic priest who delivers Mass daily for residents and this has recently been attended by members of the local community who previously attended the church. We were also advised that Holy Name have strong links with the local schools who come in at Christmas to sing carols for the residents.
During the visit our representatives spoke at length to residents, 3 of whom completed our recreation and community questionnaires. The residents who completed our questionnaires were aware of recreational activities but did not regularly take part, preferring to stay in their own rooms and watch TV or films. These residents were aware of the singer but did not enjoy the style of music therefore did not join in with this activity.
All 3 of the residents spoken to specifically about recreation & the community had been given the opportunity to attend trips out, 2 had previously attended but felt that physically they were now unable to go due to the steps onto the bus, and the third said that they had never wanted to go on the trips. The 2 residents who had previously been on trips said that they had enjoyed them.
None of the residents we spoke to felt that they were part of the local community, they all said that it seemed a nice area but that they did not go out into the local community. During our visit we witnessed residents playing card games and spent some time with the residents watching the singer, although there were only 10-15 residents involved in these activities they all seemed to be very engaged.
We also spent time in both the sun rooms and the hair salon, both of which were in constant use by residents.
Not all residents are fully aware of the activities of offer and some are bored of the routine activities currently available.
Mass is available for Catholic residents however there is no provision for alternative faiths.
Holy Name have recently appointed a dedicated activities co-ordinator who is undertaking all activities, this releases a member of staff who had previously been doing activities. There is currently very little visitor or community involvement with recreation and activities.
Further to our visit we recommend the following actions:
·  An activities board be on display giving visitors and residents an indication of upcoming activities.
·  To encourage visitors and the local community to participate in and provide recreational activities
·  Holy Name to look at access for those residents with mobility problems on trips and visits and to look into why residents feel there may be a problem
·  Holy Name to look at faith provision in addition to the Catholic Mass already available
Produced on behalf of HWKuH by / Date:
Signed on behalf of HWKuH Board / Date: