25 June 2018


PRELIMINARY COURSE LIST 2018-19 (Subject to Change)

"Staff" indicates that the course is teamtaught, or rotates among various faculty members. Y indicates fullyear courses; F and S indicate halfyear courses taught, respectively, in the fall and spring terms. H indicates halfyear courses. Please refer to the calendar of the School of Graduate Studies for information about regulations. Please note that this is a preliminary list and other departmental courses are yet listed. All details concerning course offerings cross-listed from other departments should be checked with the relevant academic department as changes can occur which may not be reflected in our listing.

MST 1000YMedieval Latin I/C. O’Hogan(M-F 1-2 pm; LI 301)

MST 1001YMedieval Latin II/S. Ghosh (M-F 1-2 pm; LI 310)

MST 1002FAdvanced Latin: Prudentius and his Influence/C. O’Hogan (M 10-12; LI 301)

MST 1101HSumCodicology/A.Gillespie(PR: MST 1104H or MST 1105H)

MST 1104FLatin Palaeography I/A. Andrée (PR: Level One Latin pass) (T 10-12; PIMS ‘L’)

MST 1105SLatin Palaeography II/A. Andrée (PR: Level One Latin pass) (T 10-12; PIMS ‘L’)

MST 1398SAlfredian Prose/A. Walton (PR: ENG 1001H or equivalent; Level One Latin pass)

MST 1422SIntro to the Study of Magic in the Middle Ages/J. Haines (R 2-4 pm; LI 310)

MST 2007SOld High German/V. Pakis (R 2-4; LI 301)

MST 2051FIntro to Middle Welsh/B.Miles (T 2-4; LI 310)

MST 2052SMedieval Welsh Texts/B.Miles (T 2-4; LI 310)

MST 3015FIntroductory Ge'Ez/R. Holmstedt (T, R 9 – 11am)

MST 3016SIntermediate Ge'Ez: (Classical Ethiopic)/R. Holmstedt (PR: MST 3015H)(T, R 2 - 4 pm)

MST 3035SMedieval Representation: Death, Sickness, and Crime/Y. Iglesias (W 2-4 p; LI 301)

MST 3124FMedieval Studies in the Digital Age/A. Bolintineanu (W 2-4 pm; TBA)

MST 3155SMiddle French Literature/D. Kullmann (W 11-1; LI 310/103)

MST 3163FMedieval French Historiography/D. Kullmann (PR: Basic reading knowledge of Old French and Latin, or permission of instructor) (W 11-1; LI 301/103)

MST 3205SViolence in Medieval Society/M.Meyerson

MST 3242SCarolingians and the Birth of Europe/N.Everett

MST 3244FPatron Saints of Early Medieval Italy/N.Everett

MST 3301FThemes in Medieval Philosophy/P. King (M 2-4 pm; LI 301)

MST 3346SMedieval Islamic Philosophy/D. Black (W 10-12; LI 301)

MST 3501FIntro to Medieval Christian Liturgy/J. Haines (R2-4 pm;LI 310)

MST 3603FSociety and Literature in Medieval Spain/Y. Iglesias (W 2-4 pm; LI 301)

MST 9310FDirected Reading/Staff

MST 9310SDirected Reading/Staff

MST 9310YDirected Reading/Staff

MST 9315FDirected Reading/Staff

MST 9315SDirected Reading/Staff

MST 9315YDirected Reading/Staff

Art History

Book History and Print Culture (Collaborative Program)

BKS 1001FIntroduction to Book History

BKS 1002SBook History in Practice

BKS 2000HAdvanced Seminar in Book History and Print Culture

BKS 2001HPracticum in Book History and Print Culture

Classical Studies

Comparative Literature

East Asian Studies


ENG 1001FOld English I/A. Walton (M 4-7 pm; JHB)

ENG 1002SOld English II/H. Momma (T 12-2 pm; JHB)

ENG 6362SHistory and Structure of the English Language/L. Magnusson (M 3-6 pm; JHB)

French Language and Literature

Germanic Languages and Literatures

GER XXXXFMiddle High German Romance /M. Stock (M. 2-4 pm)

GER6000FReading German for Graduate Students

GER6000SReading German for Graduate Students


Italian Studies

ITA1202FDante and Augustine/E. Brilli (Thurs. 11-1 pm)

Joint Courses

Near and Middle Eastern Civilization

NMC2131FPre-modern Arabic Poetry/J. Miller (PR: 3yrs of Arabic or the equivalent, or permission of Instructor) (M. 2-5 pm)

NMC2111SArabic Rhetoric for Non-Specialists/J. Miller (M. 2-5 pm)

Religious Studies

Slavic Languages and Literatures

Spanish and Portuguese
Toronto School of Theology