Brundall Parish Council
Brundall Memorial Hall
Links Avenue
Brundall NR13 5LL
Tel; 01603 712223
Mobile; 07809 144342
To all Members of Brundall Parish Council. You are summoned to a Meeting of the Parish Council, which is to be held in the Memorial Hall, Brundall on Monday 28th November 2016 at 7.00 pm for the purpose of transacting the following business.
1. To consider apologies for absence
2. Declarations of interest on items on the Agenda
3. To confirm the Minutes of a Meeting of the Parish Council held on 24th October 2016
4. To report on actions arising from the Minutes not on the Agenda: for information only
5. To consider a resolution to adjourn the Meeting for 15 minutes for public participation and County Councillors’ and District Councillors’ reports
6. Re-convene the meeting
7. Chairman’s Report
8. CDROB –
· Update on the recreation and housing plans on Land East of the Memorial Hall
9. Cremers Meadow – update on recent matters
10. To consider a shared amenity contract with Broadland District Council
11. To receive an initial report on findings of new locations for Notice Boards in Brundall
12. To consider a new Youth initiative for 6YC in Brundall and surrounding parishes
13. To approve the application for Parish Partnerships for new bus shelters in Brundall
14. To consider the Council’s support of a request from residents for a new school zebra or pelican crossing on the Street.
15. To consider a report about traffic emerging from the new Co-op site into the Street.
16. To consider the Council’s support for a new cold calling scheme in Dian Road and East Avenue
17. To consider whether Councillors require an individual login for the Norfolk Alc website.
18. Planning:
· Greater Norwich Local Plan – Call for sites (housing sites submissions in Brundall)
· To update the Council on matters relating to Quantum Land East of the Memorial Hall.
20161483 – Broom Boats Land at Yarmouth Road/Postwick - Proposed Development of a retail supermarket of no more than 2500 sq. m, up to 192 dwellings, open space and vehicular access (Outline) – further comments
Smaller/Household applications:
BDC 20161722First floor rear extension 43 The Street (Recommendation Support)
BDC 20161744 singel storey rear extension 19 Cucumber Lane (Recommendation No Objection)
20161911 Erection of detached garage Foxgrove 9A Links Avenue,
19. Finance – To consider the first draft of the Budget Precept for approval
20. Finance
· To approve bills for payment for November 2016
· To approve the winning tender for the cleaning and inspection contract
· To consider an application to receive funds from the Youth fund for equipment for the Place 2 Be project and an ice rink event from Brundall PCC
21. Parish Clerk’s Correspondence
· Letter from Brundall Church re the Dementia Awareness programme in Brundall
· Letter from BA re 50 Riverside Estate, planning application to be appealed. (BA/2016/0003/REF
22. Items for next Agenda (not for discussion)
23. Date for next Parish Council Meeting(s)
· 19th December 2016 Parish Council Meeting 7pm Lounge
S E Smyth S E Smyth Parish Clerk 21/11/16