Of the meeting of the parish council on Monday 11 September 2017 at 7.15pm in Stone Village Hall
Council considers all matters with reference to Equal Opportunities (race, gender, sexual orientation, marital status, any disability and age), Crime & Disorder, Health & Safety and Human Rights.
1. Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs Coffin, Wooldridge and Lewis
Present: Cllrs Angus (Vice Chairman), Brindle, Rea and Green
In attendance: the Clerk, District Cllr Wride (part of the time), County Cllr Cordwell (part of the time) and 3 members of the public
2. Members' declarations of disclosable pecuniary interests
Cllr Rea declared an Other Interest in agenda item 9.3 re Manor Farm solar farm, owned by his Father. The Alkington Code of Conduct allows him to speak, as the public is allowed to do so, but not vote.
3. Defibrillators Martin Fagan from Community Heartbeat outlined how straightforward they are to use with vocal and written instructions. They are unlocked and any damage or theft is covered by their insurance as we have a managed solution with them.
A weekly check has to take place to confirm working (checking for green light) and a monthly one where defibrillator is inspected. If used the ambulance service notify them and they reset the defibrillator within 24 hours and advise the council.
The community seminar is to inform parishioners about the advantages of having a defibrillator, the process and to bust the myth that people can be sued if they use a defibrillator without success on a patient. He will also outline the scheme where volunteers can be contacted to go and fetch the defibrillator to take to a person in need.
4. Affordable Housing Martin Hutchings, the Rural Housing Enabler, informed that the site next to Church View on the A38 is the preferred site and would have direct access on to the A38. This is a site that would not normally get planning permission but would become a rural exception site, if planning agreed, and only affordable housing could be built on it. There would probably be less than 15 houses. Further information will be sent out in the next Stalkingham News and put on the council website and community Facebook page. There is still a long way to go.
5. Public comment
A question was received about improving the work done in weed spraying the A38, to be discussed under agenda item 12.3.
6. County Councillor’s report was circulated prior to the meeting. Cllr Cordwell took questions about the solar speed signs on the A38 and will find out why they were installed in that location, especially as one is obscured by trees.
7. District Councillor’s report Cllr Wride reported that: there was no further news re the Thornbury Sort It site; SDC are keen for Ham & Stone PC to refresh their Emergency Plan and to do a joint one with Alkington PC. This would be put on the November agenda for discussion; and she had been supporting a parishioner, as much as she could, with her objection to a planning application.
8. The minutes of the Meeting of 10th July 2017
The minutes, having been circulated beforehand, were taken as read and signed as correct.
9. Planning
9.1 Planning Applications
Since the last meeting, the following planning applications have been received and dealt with by the Clerk:
S.17/1519/COU Unit 1B, Whitehall Farm, Lower Wick
S.17/1704/FUL Baynham Court Farm
9.2 Since the last meeting, notification of the following planning decisions has been received:
S.17/1136/LBC Blanchworth Farm - granted
S.17/1327/HHOLD Land adjoining One Acre, Damery Lane, Woodford – granted
9.3 The following applications were discussed and a response agreed:
S.17/1875/VAR Manor Farm Solar Farm To extend operation to 2051 - Councillors felt it would be better for the company to submit an application later in the life of the solar farm should new technological developments mean that there would be changes to the layout and appearance of the panels
S.17/1839/HHOLD Perry Trees, Blanchworth – Conversion of outbuilding to form residential accommodation – Councillors noted that planning permission had been given for an extension for a dependant in 2007; that it is an application for a 2-bed extension; and that there is no link to the main building. The response should state that if planning permission is granted there should be a condition that the outbuilding cannot be sold separately at a later date.
9.4 Planning Local IT WAS AGREED not to sign up to the planning support service.
10. Finance
10.1 Statement of Council’s Accounts 1.4.17-31.8.17
The Statement of Accounts were received from the Clerk/Responsible Financial Officer for 1.4.17-31.8.17 showing that the Council holds £67737.24 in the NatWest.
The Clerk reported that investing the money in the Public Sector Deposit Fund was taking longer than anticipated.
10.2 Payment of Accounts:
10.2.1 The following payments were agreed:
Cheque for £35 made payable to Mrs P Williams for the cleaning of the Woodford bus shelters
Cheque for £35 made payable to Miss H Bennett for the cleaning of the Newport bus shelters
Cheque for £35 made payable to Mrs S Powers for the cleaning of the Swanley bus shelter
Cheque for £17 made payable to NALC for subscription to the Local Council Review
Cheque for £3727 made payable to The Community Heartbeat Trust for defibrillators in Newport and Woodford phone boxes
Cheque for £360 made payable to S Merrett Services Ltd (formerly Complete Weed Control) for weed spraying footpaths on the A38.
10.3 Society of Local Council Clerks Conference IT WAS AGREED to pay £69+VAT for the Clerk to attend conference in Bristol
10.4 Payment for ‘Unsuitable for Caravans’ sign The payment of £156.12, made between meetings (originally agreed at May meeting) was noted.
10.5 Bank transfer – The transfer of £4000 from reserve account to current account on 23 August was noted.
11. Defibrillators
11.1 IT WAS AGREED that Cllrs Angus and Green would carry out the required weekly and monthly checks on the defibrillators in Newport and Woodford, once they go live, and report to the Clerk to complete the online form.
11.2 IT WAS AGREED to have an evening community cardiac arrest response seminar in Stone Village Hall on the 4th Monday of the month (actual date to be agreed with Community Heartbeat) with a second afternoon event, possibly at The Stagecoach.
11.3 IT WAS AGREED to obtain 3 quotes for painting the phone box in Newport.
12. Clerk’s Report
12.1 Michaelwood Services PCSO Mike Trebble advised that the manager at Michaelwood Services had no update about the installation of the access gates. Mike had been monitoring the litter situation whenever he drove through, but had not noticed that much. He would continue to monitor and will talk to the site manager if he feels there needs to be an improvement.
12.2 Caravans using Swanley Lane IT WAS AGREED not to request a sign at the corner of the A38/Swanley Lane as council did not want to clutter the countryside with signs.
12.3 Weed spraying on A38 IT WAS AGREED to ask S Merrett Services Ltd to carry out two sprays next year at a cost of £300 + VAT each, in April and August, to better control the weeds and improve footpath accessibility on the A38. This would be reviewed on an annual basis.
12.4 General Power of Competence IT WAS RESOLVED that Council meets the requirements to adopt the GPC, including having a CiLCA qualified Clerk and at least two-thirds of councillors elected, and to adopt the power. This is a power of first resort, from the Localism Act 2011, which allows Council to do anything that individuals may do, always taking into consideration any risks and restrictions.
13. To receive matters for notification
Joint Cluster Meeting 29th November 6.30pm at SDC Cllr Green to attend
Date of the next meeting November 13th 2017, 7.15pm at Stone Village Hall.