CCIM Institute

Paris Hotel, Las Vegas, NV

Saturday, October 13, 2012

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Subcommittee on Instructor Policies and Procedures

Bob Holland, CCIM, Chair

Tom Nordstrom CCIM, Vice Chair

B.K. Allen, CCIM

Kane Morris-Webster, CCIM

Duncan Patterson, CCIM (excused)

Rhonda West, CCIM


Carmela Ma, CCIM, 2012 Presidential Liaison

Katya Naman, CCIM, 2013 Presidential Liaison

Wayne D’Amico, CCIM, 2013 CCIM President

Leil Koch, CCIM, 2012 CCIM President


Jodi Coplan, Staff Liaison

Terry Cunningham, Vice President of Education

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Call to Order

Bob Holland, CCIM, Chair of the Subcommittee on Instructor Policies and Procedurescalled the meeting to orderand took roll call.

Antitrust/Conflict of Interest Statement

Mr. Holland read to the committee the Antitrust-COI statement.

Approval of Minutes

The committee approved the minutes of April 2012 from the Faculty Committee and Human Resources Subcommittee without changes.

The subcommittee met via conference prior to the meeting to discuss status changes, requests/changes and performance evaluations and all actions from the call are included herein.

Status Changes:

The subcommittee reviewed requests for status changes.

A motion was duly made, seconded and approved to approve:

Status Change: Baron McMillen, CCIM (from JR to SR in CI 102)

Status Change: Katya Naman, CCIM (from JR to SR in CI 104)

Status Change: Mark Polon, CCIM (from JR to SR in CI 104)

Status Change: George Wilson, CCIM (from JR to SR in CI 101)

Status Change: Ralph Spencer, CCIM (from IIT to LOI in online delivery)

Status Change: Eric Hillenbrand, CCIM (from IIT to LOI in online delivery)

A motion was duly made, seconded and approvedto recommend approval of the following changes to the CCIM Governing Policies and to initiate the composition of the Subcommittee’s membership for 2013 according to the procedure set forth in Governing Policy 5.21.2 as follows:
  1. To initiate the staggered terms the Vice chair and two at large members who were appointed by the President Elect to serve in 2012 shall serve the second year of a two year term as the Chair and the two at large positions in 2013. The President Elect for 2013 shall appoint a Vice Chair and two at large members to serve two year terms. The immediate past chair shall serve a one year term as the seventh member of the Subcommittee.
  2. Subcommittee members who have completed their terms may be re-appointed to the Instructor Evaluation Subcommittee.
Governing Policies (changes indicated in bold):
5.21Subcommittee on Instructor Policies and ProceduresInstructor Evaluation Subcommittee
5.21.1. The subcommittee shall be comprised of with seven members, with broad experience in real estate education, four appointed by the Institute President, one of whom will be designated as Chairperson, and three appointed by the President Elect, one of whom will be designated as Vice Chairperson. The subcommittee will report to the Education Committee. Description
5.21.11 The Instructor Evaluation Subcommittee is responsible for setting and maintaining procedures for recruiting, screening, and evaluating prospective instructors as well as evaluating the performance of current CCIM instructors teaching designation courses. The Independent Contractor Instructor Policy Manual defines how these responsibilities are administered. The subcommittee reports to the Education Committee.
5.21.12 The Instructor Evaluation Subcommittee may select a group of certified CCIM instructors to act as a resource for the subcommittee in performing its duties on an as-needed basis.
5.21.2 Composition The Instructor Evaluation Subcommittee shall be comprised of a Chair (appointed by the President), Vice Chair (appointed by President-Elect), immediate past-chair and four (4) members at-large serving staggered two (2) year terms: (two (2) members, appointed by the President and two (2) members appointed by the President-Elect). Criteria for Subcommittee members shall be:
  • A general business management background with experience with hiring, interviewing and evaluation techniques; goal setting and attainment strategies; performance evaluation methodology, and interpersonal skills.
  • A thorough knowledge of the Governance and Committee Structure of the CCIM Institute and its Policies and Procedures.
  • A strong familiarity with, and interest in, the Institute’s education process.
  • Some experience in evaluating education skill sets and methodologies.
  • A working knowledge of regulations applicable to Independent Contractors.
  • A thorough understanding of the Conflict of Interest policy and its impact on the Instructor Policies and Procedures Subcommittee deliberations.
5.21.3 Duties At the CCIM Institute Mid Year and Annual Meeting, one fourth of all instructors on the Approved Contractor list will be reviewed. Individual instructor performance is reviewed at least once every two years.
Review instructor requests for status changes at national business meetings.
Approve non-Senior Instructors to teach CI courses held outside the U.S. and Canada where appropriate.
Each October, the Subcommittee will review and update a three-year Manpower Plan, which delineates the number of instructors needed to teach the number of courses anticipated to be held over the succeeding three-year period. As part of this review, the Subcommittee will also determine the instructor skill sets needed to appropriately resource the Approved Contractor List.
Based on the skill set review, the Subcommittee will make recommendations to the Education Committee as to whether to conduct recruitment drives for needed instructors or to analyze whether to downsize the Approved Contractor List.

A motion was duly made, seconded and approved to recommend approval of the revised Independent Instructor Contractor policy and procedure document as presented with Section 19.1.3 petitioned out.

A motion was duly made, seconded and approved to recommend the approval of the revised Independent Instructor Contractorpolicy and procedure Section 19.1.3 as amended:

Current policy 19.1.3: Must audit CCR before teaching it.

Amended policy 19.1.3: Must audit CCR if the instructor has not taught the course since it was last updated.

Other Changes/Requests

  1. The subcommittee reviewed the biannual performance review of the following instructors:

Jim Baker, CCIM;Pius Leung, CCIM;

Jeanne Barreta, CCIM; Bill Mohr, CCIM;

Robin Dyche, CCIM; Rod Noles, CCIM;

Martin Edwards, CCIM; Gary Ralston, CCIM;

Jeff Engelstad, CCIM; Charlie White, CCIM;

Joseph Fisher, CCIM;Mark Van Ark, CCIM.

Jay Keenan, CCIM;

Joe Larkin, CCIM;

  1. The committee will review following instructors will be reviewed April 2013:

Maryann Mize, CCIM; Mark Cypert, CCIM;Mac McClure, CCIM;

Eric Hillenbrand, CCIM; Richard Fulton, CCIM;Ralph Spencer, CCIM;

Jeremy Cyrier, CCIM; Cherie Ganesh, CCIM;Garry Weiss, CCIM

Karl Landreneau, CCIM; Bruce Harvey, CCIM;

Todd Kuhlmann, CCIM; Soozi Jones Walker, CCIM;

Alex Johnson, CCIM; Richard Juge, CCIM;

Laurens Nicholson, CCIM; Mark Polon, CCIM;

Baron McMillen, CCIM; Byron Smith, CCIM;

David Bickell, CCIM; Gene Trowbridge, CCIM;

Tom Bothen, CCIM; Robin Webb, CCIM;

Doug Sawyer, CCIM; Cynthia Shelton, CCIM;

Instructor Evaluation report:

A copy of the Subcommittee’s two year review will be sent to each Instructor reviewed following their semi-annual meetings. In addition the average student ratings for each course the instructor taught during the two year review period shall also be reported by course to the instructor together with the median score of the student evaluations for all instructors who teach the same course(s) along with the range of the average scores on which the median is based in order to provide a benchmark to compare their performance with their peers in each course.

Instructor Activities Report

A taskforce consisting of Rhonda West and Kane Morris-Webster wasappointed to review the

Two-Year Activities Report form and make recommendations to the Subcommittee regarding more

specific criteria to improve the quality of the Instructor information being obtained with it.

There being no further business, Mr. Holland adjourned the meeting.

Action Items

1. Work with Rhonda West, CCIM and Kane Morris-Webster, CCIM. Items to be addressed:

  1. Review the two year Instructor Activities Report Form and make recommendations for changes.
  2. Develop more specific criteria to satisfy minimum requirements.
  3. Build process for decertified instructors to become recertified.
  4. Build process for when instructors do not teach in the classroom, but only online.
  1. Distribute instructor ratings reports the current year along with the median rating for a course will be shared with the instructor after each meeting (semi-annually).

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