Murray McGillivray c.v.


Murray McGillivray

602-15 Street N.W.

Calgary, Alberta T2N 2A9



EDUCATION: 1987: Ph.D., English, University of Toronto

1981: M.A., English, McGill University

1979: B.A., First Class Honours, English and Philosophy, McGill University

1975: B.F.A., Fine Art, Nova Scotia College of Art and Design

1997: Canadian Securities Course (Honours), Canadian Securities Institute

1999: University Management Course, CHERD

2002: Rethinking Leadership for Today's University, CHERD

Programme court de perfectionnement en français écrit (TÉLUQ, in progress)

EMPLOYMENT: Professor of English, University of Calgary, 1999 to present

Associate Professor of English, University of Calgary, 1993 to 1999

Assistant Professor of English, University of Calgary, 1988 to 1993

Assistant Professor of English, Brock University, 1987-88

Lecturer, University of Toronto, 1986-87


Books: Murray McGillivray. Memorization in the Transmission of the Middle English Romances. Albert Bates Lord Studies in Oral Tradition, 5. New York: Garland, 1990.

Elizabeth Abbott Gibbs and Murray McGillivray, eds. Debates of the Legislative Assembly of United Canada. Vol 12, Part 1. 1854 - 55. General editor, Elizabeth Abbott Gibbs. Montréal: Centre de recherche en histoire économique du Canada français, 1982. Pp. 1 - 349.

Murray McGillivray, ed. Debates of the Legislative Assembly of United Canada. Vol 11, Part 4. 1852-53. General editor, Elizabeth Gibbs. Montréal: Centre de recherche en histoire économique du Canada français, 1982. Pp. 2577 - 3754.

Elizabeth Gibbs, Beth McAuley, and Murray McGillivray, eds. Debates of the Legislative Assembly of United Canada. Vol. 11, Part 3. 1852-53. General editor, Elizabeth Gibbs. Montréal: Centre de recherche en histoire économique du Canada français, 1981. Pp. 1599 - 2576.

Elizabeth Gibbs, Margaret MacKinnon, Lynne Marler, Beth McAuley, and Murray McGillivray, eds. Debates of the Legislative Assembly of United Canada. Vol. 11 Part 2. 1852-53. General editor, Elizabeth Gibbs. Montréal: Centre de recherche en histoire économique du Canada français, 1980. Pp. 677 - 1598.

CD-ROM: Murray McGillivray, ed. Geoffrey Chaucer's Book of the Duchess: A Hypertext Edition. Calgary: University of Calgary Press, 1997. 2nd ed. revised and corrected, 1999.

Web Sites: Murray McGillivray, ed. The Electric Scriptorium: A Physical and Virtual Conference. [On-line proceedings of Electric Scriptorium Conference, November 1995.]

Murray McGillivray, ed. Chaucer's Book of the Duchess: A Hypertext Edition. [Companion Web site to CD-ROM.]

Murray McGillivray. English 401: Old English Language and Prose Literature. [Web-based university course.]

Murray McGillivray. English 403: Old English Poetry.

[Web-based university course.]

Murray McGillivray, genl. ed. Way to Write: An Interactive Writing Guide. [Web-based composition resource.]

Murray McGillivray, genl. ed. The Basic Elements of English: An Interactive Guide to Grammar. [Web-based grammar guide with Java exercises.]

Electronic texts: Murray McGillivray, ed. Guillaume de Machaut's Dit de la fonteinne amoreuse: An Electronic Edition. Using TACT with Electronic Texts: A Guide to Text-Analysis Computing Tools. Ed. Ian Lancashire. New York: Modern Language Association, 1996. [TEI-Lite SGML markup text on CD-ROM accompanying book.]

Murray McGillivray, ed. Thynne's Edition of Chaucer's Book of the Duchess: An Electronic Edition. Using TACT with Electronic Texts: A Guide to Text-Analysis Computing Tools. Ed. Ian Lancashire. New York: Modern Language Association, 1996. [TEI-Lite SGML markup text on CD-ROM accompanying book.]

Articles: Murray McGillivray. "Representing Physical Texts in Electronic Form: The Experience of the Cotton Nero A.x. Project." DRH 2001: Selected Proceedings of the Digital Resources in the Humanities Conference. London: Office for Humanities Computing, Kings College, London, 2002 [forthcoming].

Murray McGillivray, Carl Gutwin, and Todd Reed. "Managing Medieval Gigabytes." [Online Proceedings of] The Electric Scriptorium [Conference]. 1995.

Murray McGillivray. "Problems and Pleasures of Manuscript Transcription Using TEI SGML Encoding." Text Technology (1995).

Murray McGillivray. "Creative Anachronism: Marx's Problem with Homer, Gadamer's Discussion of 'the Classical,' and Our Understanding of Older Literatures." New Literary History 25 (1994).

Murray McGillivray. "Towards a Post-Critical Edition: Hypertext, Theory, and the Presentation of Middle English Works." TEXT 7 (1995).

Murray McGillivray. "Electronic Representation of Manuscript Text: Possibilities and Limitations." Of Remembraunce the Keye: Computer-Based Chaucer Studies. CCH Working Papers, 3. Toronto: Centre for Computing in the Humanities, 1993.

Murray McGillivray. "Four Medieval Manuscript Leaves and a Caxton Leaf." The Evelyn De Mille Collection on the Book and Book Arts. University of Calgary Library Occasional Papers, 7. Calgary: University of Calgary Library, 1991.

Murray McGillivray. "The Exeter Book Maxims I B: An Anglo-Saxon Woman's View of Marriage." English Studies in Canada 15 (1989), 383-397.

Murray McGillivray. "Troilus's Determinism." McGill Literary Journal 2 (1980): 16 - 45.

Murray McGillivray "Two Notes on The Marriage of Heaven and Hell: Gide's Mariage du ciel et de l'enfer [and] The Prolific and the Devourer." McGill Literary Journal 1 (1979): 65 - 76.

Conference Papers given to the Modern Language Association; New Chaucer Society; International Congress on Medieval Studies (Kalamazoo, Michigan); Centre for Computing in the Humanities, University of Toronto; Association of Canadian College and University Teachers of English; Canadian Society of Medievalists; Canadian Bibliographic Society; Canadian Association of Chairs of English; Digital Resources in the Humanities conference; Consortium for Computers in the Humanities


Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) Standard Research Grant for "The Cotton Nero A.x. Project" ($94,000), 2001-04

SSHRC Development Grant for "The Cotton Nero A.x. Project" ($5,000), 2000

University Research Grants Committee (URGC) Grant (University of Calgary) for "The Cotton Nero A.x. Project" ($6,000), 2000

Humanities and Social Science Federation of Canada Grant (with Keith Archer, Rob Huebert, Martin Beaudoin, and others) for "Electronic Scholarly Publication in Canada" ($25,000), 1999

LEE (Learning Enhancement Envelope--Alberta Government) Grant for "Internet-based Instructional Materials for English" ($53,000), 1997

Spring/Summer Innovation Fund Grant (University of Calgary) for "Internet-based International Literature Course (English 392/492)," ($5,000) 1997

LEE Grant for "Internet-based Instructional Materials for English" ($48,000), 1996-97

Spring/Summer Innovation Fund Grant for "English 401: Internet-based Course" ($3,700), 1996

SSHRC Conference Grant for Electric Scriptorium Conference ($7,695), 1995

University of Calgary Multimedia Resources Allocation Committee Grant for "Chaucer's Book of the Duchess: A Hypertext Edition," ($5,900), 1995

URGC Research Grant for "An X-Windows Utility to Index, Compress, and Retrieve SGML-encoded Literary Texts," ($4,954), 1995

Royal Bank Teaching Development Grant ($ 1,535), 1994

Faculty of Humanities Teaching Development Award ($ 1,500), 1994

SSHRCC Standard Research Grant for "The Hypertext Book of the Duchess" ($35,480), 1992-95

URGC Starter Grant ($3,100), 1990

Ontario Graduate Scholarships, 1984-85, 1985-86

University of Toronto Fellowship, 1983-84

Quebec Bourse d'études supérieures, 1980-81

Dow-Hickson Scholarship in English and Philosophy, 1978

University Scholar, McGill, 1977-79

Emily Sereth Lieberman Memorial Prize in Classics, University of Alberta, 1977.


EXPERIENCE: Head, Department of English, University of Calgary, 1998 to present

Associate Head (Undergraduate), Department of English, University of Calgary, 1992 to 1995

COURSES Undergraduate:

TAUGHT: Cybertext/Humanities Computing 1996, 1997, 2001

Old English (Internet-based) 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001

Old English (classroom) 1988-9, 1991-92, 1993-94, 1996-7

Old English poetry (Internet-based) 2000, 2001, 2002

Middle English 1989, 1990, 1998-99

Old Norse 1990, 2000-01

History of English 1989-90, 1991-92, 1993-94, 1999, 2002

Pearl Poet, 2000

Medieval Drama 1990, 1998

Writings of Medieval Women 1993

Modern British Literature 1989

Poetry (2nd year) 1991

Poetry (1st year) 1988, 1991, 1993

Drama (1st year) 1990

Prose Fiction (1st year) 1996

Survey of British Literature 1986-87, 1987-88

Survey of Literature in English 1994-95

Literature and Composition 1988-90


"Beowulf and its Contexts" 1989-90, 1990-91

"Chaucer and the Anti-Feminist Tradition"

1992-93, 1994-95

"Cybertext" 1996, 1997

SUPERVISION: Honours Theses:

Sheila McManus, "The Hero in the Work and Death of Patrick Pearce" (1990-91)

Dale Schierbeck, "The Authority of Fiction: Reality and its Representation in Mary Stewart's Crystal Cave Trilogy" (1990-91)

Heidi Kurtz, "Speculations about Margery Kempe: An Analysis of 'This Creature'" (1991-92). [Winner national honours-student essay prize.]

Alan Born, "Julian of Norwich's Challenge to Traditional Notions of the Body." 1994-95.

Siobhan Thomas, "Reclaiming Femininity: Symbols of the Goddess in Marion Zimmer Bradley's The Mists of Avalon." 1994-95

Lorelee Kippen, "Towards an Architectonics of Sex: Christine de Pizan's Rewriting of Virtue and the Verboten." 1994-95. [Presented at Leeds International Medieval Conference, 1995.]

Marta Juzwiak, “The Middle English Pearl: an Electronic Edition.” 1998-99

Adam Pendlebury, “Mearc-stapa, Somewhere Between Heaven and Hell: Liminality in Theme and Composition in Beowulf.” 1998-99

Mary Rambaran, "The Dream of the Rood: an Electronic Edition." 2001-02

Irena Aligizakis, "A Gift of Bones" [poem; co-supervised with Nicole Markotic], 2001-02

Marilyn Dann, "The Language of Praise in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight," 2001-02

MA Theses:

Lynette Chong, "Chaucer's Book of the Duchess: A Transcription and Edition Based on Fairfax 16 with Paleographic, Textual and Explanatory Notes." 1992.

Catherine Radimer, "Disrupting 'Male' Narratives: Subversive Female Characters in the Works of Chaucer." 1994.

James Bazant, "Richard Coeur de Lion: An Edition Based on MS. Gonville & Caius 175/96." 1995.

Christine Hoffos, "Chaucer's Book of the Duchess: Transcriptions of MS Bodley 638, MS Tanner 346, and Thynne's print edition of 1532, with Collation and Proposed Stemma." 1995.

Heidi Kurtz, "'Mysmetre for Defaute of Tonge': Generative Metrics and the Editing of Chaucer. 1995.

PhD Thesis:

Kenna Olsen, editorial project in Pearl manuscript. In progress.

External examiner of MA theses in University of Calgary departments of Linguistics and of French, Italian and Spanish and in the Communications Studies Programme; examininer of University of Calgary English Department MA and PhD theses; PhD supervisory committee member, Department of English; PhD committee member and examiner in University of Calgary Graduate Division of Educational Research


Department: Chair ex officio, Planning and Budgeting Committee, Department of English, 1998-

Chair, Community and Contact Committee, Department of English, 1998-

Chair ex officio, Department Appointments Committee, Department of English, 1998-

Member, Graduate Executive Committee, Department of English, 1998-

Member, Task Force on Undergraduate Programme and Course Delivery, Department of English, 1997-98

Chair, Technology Committee, Department of English, Fall 1997

Member, Appointments Committee, Department of English, Fall 1997.

Chair, Equity Issues Committee, Department of English, 1996-97

Member, Technology Committee, Department of English, 1996-97

Member, Senior Programme Committee, Department of English, 1996-97

Chair, New Workspace Planning Committee, Department of English, October 1992 to August 1994

Chair ex officio, Undergraduate Programme Committee, 1992 to 1995

Member ex officio, Senior Programme Committee, Department of English, 1992 to 1995

Member ex officio, First-year Course Committee, Department of English, 1992 to 1995

Chair, Technology Committee, Department of English, 1990-92

Secretary, Graduate Executive Committee, Department of English, 1991-92

English Department Co-Operative Education Officer, 1990-91

Member, Honours and Majors Committee, Department of English, 1989-91

Chair, First-year Course Committee, Department of English, 1989-90

Secretary, First-year Course Committee, Department of English, 1988-89

Member, Graduate Advisory Committee, Department of English, 1989

Faculty: Member ex officio, Dean’s Advisory Committee, 1998-

Member ex officio, Markin-Flanagan Distinguished Writer Steering Committee, 1998-

Founding Member and Member, Steering Committee, Philology Research Group, 1997-

Member, Comparative Literature Steering Committee 1996-98

Humanities Representative, General Studies Faculty Council, 1996-98

Member, Curriculum Committee, Faculty of Humanities, 1992-95

Member, Task Force for Curricular Review, Faculty of Humanities, 1993-94

Member, Appointments Committee, Department of French, Italian, and Spanish, 1993-94

University: Member, General Faculties Council, 1997-2000

Member, University Planning Committee, 1997-2000

Member, University Budget Committee, 1997-2000

Member, University Senate, 1998-99

Member, Undergraduate Curriculum Redesign Facilitation Group, 1998-2001

Curriculum Internationalization Fellow, 2000-01

Faculty-level Curriculum Redesign Coordinator, 1999

Full-time Member, Undergraduate Curriculum Redesign Team, January to June 1998

External Member, Appointments Committee, Linguistics, 1998

Member, General Faculties Council Committee to Hear and Determine Student Appeals, Fall 1997

Member, Ad-hoc Subcommittee (of Technology Task Force) on Hardware and Software Standards, 1997-98

Member, General Faculties Council Library Committee, 1996-97

Faculty Association Representative, The University Budget Committee, 1994-95

Member, Steering Committee, Interdisciplinary Minor in Medieval, Renaissance, and Reformation Studies, 1992 to 1994

Member, Instructional Development Committee of General Faculties Council, 1989-91

Member, Student Union Teaching Excellence Awards Task Force, 1989-90

External: Member, Canadian Association of Chairs of English, 1998 to present

Advisory Board Member, Canadian Society of Medievalists/Société Canadienne de Médiévistes, 1994-1997

Executive Member, Society for Canadian Medievalists, 1993-94

Founding Member and Member, Ad-Hoc Organizing Committee, Society for Canadian Medievalists, 1992-93.

Member, Professional Concerns Committee, Association of Canadian College and University Teachers of English, 1988-1991


Referee for book manuscripts and proposals for University of Toronto Press and Broadview Press. External referee for tenure and promotion (Associate Professor) for University of British Columbia, Ohio University, and University of Alberta. External evaluator for proposed BA program in English, Nazarene University College, Calgary.

MEMBERSHIPS: International Society of Anglo-Saxonists (ISAS)

Modern Language Association (MLA)

Medieval Academy of America

New Chaucer Society

Association of Canadian College and University Teachers of English (ACCUTE)

Canadian Society of Medievalists

Medieval Association of the Pacific

Consortium for Computers in the Humanities





MODERN: French: near-native comprehension and writing, good spoken French

Icelandic, German: reading knowledge and basic oral comprehension

Japanese: beginning conversational and written (kana, about 250 kanji)

MEDIEVAL: Old and Middle English, Old Norse, Old French, Latin


System Windows (ME, 2000, XT, NT); MacOS to X, Unix (AIX,

Familiarity: Linux)

Programming Basic, Fortran, C, C++, Java, JavaScript


Markup Languages: SGML, XML, HTML

Software Packages: WordPerfect, Word, emacs, PhotoShop, Illustrator, PageMaker, FrontPage, Pagemill, etc. [many packages]

July 2002