Agenda Item
Opening and welcome by the Chair / Time: 8pm
Chair: Amanda Roughan
Present / Aaron McDonnell, Regina Graham, Nichole Latter, Sue Seymour, Cassie Buchanan, Sheila Gardner, Rachel Hughes, Jodie Cannell, Amanda Roughan, Toni Reiser, Tania Coleman, Ross Jardine, Lisa Van Nunen
Apologies / Monica Thornton, Jenny McDonnell, Nikki Pearson, Jayde Boston
Business arising from the minutes of the previous general meeting /
- Jodie Cannell looking into alternate electronic accounting systems along with the auditor review
Correspondence received since the previous general meeting -
Inward (as listed)
Outward (as listed) / Correspondence: (as tabled)
Motion: That the inward and outward correspondence tabled be recorded as read.
Moved: Sue SeymourSeconded: Jodie Cannell
Business arising from the correspondence /
- Brett to set up new email addresses for P&C executive committee and to allow Amanda Roughan and Jodie Cannell to send outgoing emails from the P&C account
Confirmation of executive committee’s decisions (if any) / N/A
Treasurer’s report and financial statement, and any business arising from these. / Treasurer’s report: Presented by Rachel Hughes
Motion: That the treasurer’s report tabled be recorded as a true and accurate record of income and expenditure and the outstanding invoices be ratified.
Moved:Rachel Hughes Seconded:Nichole Latter
Draft budget presented (waiting for staff consultation to decide on areas of school support) – Rachel to email Sue the budget
-$2000 per annum for home readers
-Camps and excursions etc
Ross to email Sue(who will forward to Rache) wording to complete the registration for the Gambling Benefit fund.
Rachel to ensure Treasurer’s reports are photocopied for all present at future meetings.
Subcommittees’ reports and financial statements and any business arising from these.
Other reports
This will include the Principal’s Report / Principal’s report (as tabled)
-Nathan de Mey on leave. Aaron McDonnell Acting Principal for the remainder of the term. Aaron to email Sue reports.
Fundraising report N/A
Uniform shop reportN/A
Chaplaincy report (as tabled)
-Presented by Lisa Van Nunen
-Lisa to email Sue report.
Sue to attach reports to the minutes for uploading onto the website.
General Business / Fundraising
Rodeo – Toni Reiser to talk to Tania Cumner about organising the Rodeo chip stall
Easter Raffle – Sue to organise and advertise that funds raised will go towards cricket net replacement.
Show catering – Regina to brainstorm coordination ideas and ideas with increasing volunteers to bring to next meeting.
Uniform – new provider to send a sample to check sizing. Trying to encourage families to pre-order winter uniforms.
Motion: To write off the old green bottoms and donate them to lifeline in Fernvale.
Moved: Ross Jardine Seconded: Jodie Cannell Carried Yes
Jodie to organise a date for P&C storeroom clean-out and contact Cassie Buchanan, Sue Seymour, Tania Coleman and Regina Graham who have volunteered to help.
PBL – Positive Behaviour for Learning
Ross is the parent representative and gave an overview of what it means for the school. Ross is happy to receive feedback and ideas in regards to this.
Nichole to contact an electrician to get the warmers checked and a thermometer placed on warmers and to get a power point placed near the sink. Also get electrician to tag and test all appliances in the kitchen while there.
Tania to talk to Amanda about requesting funding from the Bendigo Bank for new fridges for the sports canteen on top oval.
Regina has received quotes for cricket nets - $550
Regina suggested that we could go halves with the cricket club.
Air-conditioning units in Year 5 classroom need replacing – Aaron to get quotes and provide to P&C.
Applications for membership and recording of new members
Date of next meeting / 8.5.17
Close / 9:55pm
President’s signature
Principal’s signature