Boothroyd Primary Academy

Emergency Response Plan

Updayed April 2014


Chair of task group: Mrs H Rowlands

Assistant principals : Miss Nikki Deane

Miss D Smith

Mrs P Charlesworth

Miss H Bartle

Emergency procedure Boothroyd Primary Academy


Update No.Date.

1. October 2012

2.September 2013

3.January 2014

4.November 2014

5.September 2015

6.April 2016

Emergency procedures Boothroyd Primary Academy



2.Information for all teaching and non-teaching staff.

3.Members of the Crisis Management Team.

Outline of responsibilities for those charge of the Crisis Management Team; contact Emergency Services; contact appropriate others; check channels of communication; contact Focus Trust and members of the Crisis Management Team;

9.responsible for liaison with the media;

10.responsible for the immediate safety of students and staff; open appropriate buildings.

12.Weekends and holidays

13.Personnel responsible in case of crises

Appendix 1Plan of school and emergency evacuation points

Appendix 2 Fire safety procedure

Appendix 3First aid rules

Appendix 4Extreme bad weather procedure

Appendix 5Bomb alert procedure

Appendix 6School security

Appendix 7Water, gas and electricity mains taps and switches.

Appendix 8 Suspect packages

Appendix 9Violent incidents

Appendix 10Pond Safety

Emergency procedures Boothroyd Primary Academy


1.1Emergency Plans may never be used.

They will be worthwhile so as to ensure an immediate, effective and caring response.

It is impossible to predict the exact form or effect of an emergency.

These emergency plans are meant to be broadly applicable emergency arrangements rather than specific detailed arrangements.

Emergency management arrangements must be flexible.

Potential hazards include -fire; bomb threats; natural disasters; road traffic accidents; damage to school buildings; health hazards.

1.2Our School building is open from 7.00am to 6.00 pm every weekday and, by prior arrangement, lettings are sometimes made in the evening and at weekends.

1.3The following measures are intended to provide for security.

Fire alarm system

There is a detailed plan of the school showing emergency evacuation points in Appendix 1. Appendix 2 gives details of fire safety procedure.

1.4Bomb Threats Procedure details are in Appendix 5.

1.5Bad Weather Procedures details to be found at Appendix 4.

1.6School security procedures

Details can be found in Appendix 6. All outside doors should be closed by 9.10 and late comers must report to reception.

1.7Suspect Packages

Please see appendix 8 for details of how to deal with any parcels or packages you feel may be suspicious. The appendix also contains details of how to open post safely in the light of anthrax scares in posted packages during autumn 2001.

1.8Violent Incidents

Appendix 9 deals indicates how to deal with violent incidents in school other than those between children (see positive behaviour management policies for dealing with children).

1.9Pond Safety

Appendix 10 explains how to deal with incidents involving a wade-in rescue in the school pond.


2.1Be ready to respond to any potential hazard in and about the site.

2.2Contact Kyrstie Joslin or one of assistant principalsin the event of any emergency, giving information about the -

  • nature of the incident;
  • type of help required;
  • emergency service(s) required;
  • exact location of the incident;
  • number of casualties and nature of injuries.
  • If necessary, evacuate the building, according to procedures set out in the Fire/Bomb Threats Procedures Document.
  • Maintain a calm atmosphere.

2.3Respond to instructions given by members of the Crisis Management Team (CMT).

2.4Do not speak directly to the media but refer all enquiries to the person responsible for contact with the media


3.1Base:Principal’s Office/Reception

3.2Reserve: parent room

3.3Off-site reserve:St Paulinus School Temple Road

3.4Members:PrincipalKyrstie Joslin

Chair of task groupMrs H Rowlands

Assistant HeadMiss Nikki Deane

Assistant HeadMrs P Charlesworth

Assistant HeadMiss D Smith

Assistant HeadMiss H Bartle

School Business mngrMrs L Lynch

3.5Several people are allocated to each of the six jobs.

The person in charge of the Crisis Management Team will delegate responsibility for the six tasks from the allocation list.

The person in charge will give each of the six people a list of tasks to do.

All members of the team should have a complete file of information.

It is planned that all members of the team will have initial instructions about their role(s); training; and annual “reminder sessions”.



4.1To co-ordinate the activities of the Crisis Management Team.

4.2To draw up an emergency plan for the specific incident.

4.3To delegate responsibilities and give task sheets to the chosen person.

4.4To provide a flexible response, based on the Emergency Procedures Document.

4.5To keep a comprehensive incident log - proformas kept in the Emergency Procedures file.

4.6To consult with the Police and the person responsible for liaison with the media about the release of information to students, staff, parents, general enquiries and the media.

Emergency procedures Boothroyd Primary Academy




Location of Incident:



Action Taken:

(Remember to put a time to all actions taken, no matter how small)

Emergency procedures Boothroyd Primary Academy



Contact as appropriate:




Huddersfield Station01484 436659 (Ask for Duty Inspector)

5.2Be prepared to give the following information:

Emergency Service(s) required.

Exact location of the incident.

Number of casualties.

Nature of injuries.

Location and telephone number where call is being made from.

Hazards which may be encountered by the emergency services at the site.

5.3Be prepared to respond to directions from the person in charge of the Crisis Team or other personnel in control, ie Police, Kirklees Emergency Planning Officer, Focus Trust

5.4To contact as requested by the person in charge:

Kyrstie Joslin07985 229611Principal

Helen Bartle07875 701265Assistant Head

Nikki Deane07841 357977Assistant Head

Dani Smith07545 319172Assistant Head

5.5To contact Focus Trust( Tel: 01457 821813) when directed by Headteacher.

5.6To respond to directions from the person in charge of the Crisis Management Team or other personnel in control, eg Police, Kirklees Emergency Planning Officer, Focus Trust

Emergency procedures Boothroyd Primary Academy



Check that all available communications and office equipment are working (phones, fax, copiers) in Principal’s office and Reception

6.2Be ready to give the information to Focus Trust

6.3To respond to directions from the person in charge of the Crisis Team or other personnel in control, ie Police, Kirklees Emergency Planning Officer, Focus Trust.



To contact:

Focus Trust:Helen RowlandsTel: 01457821813

NOTE: In a major emergency, Kirklees Emergency Planning Officers may already have contacted Local Councillors, Education Department and MPs. Check before contacting them.

7.2To respond to directions from the person in charge of the Crisis Team or other personnel in control, ie Police, Kirklees Emergency Planning Officer.

Emergency procedures Boothroyd Primary Academy



Telephone Kirklees MC Emergency Telephone Operator: 01484 226022 after 5pm and at weekends, otherwise phone 01484 226414 during office hours

Or 07773334999

Give the following information:

i.Your name.

ii.Your telephone number.

iii.The School’s name:Boothroyd Primary Acdemy

Address:Temple Road


WF13 3QD or 3QE

Telephone:01924 450289

iv.Details of the incident.

v.Nature of assistance required - dealing with the media; transport; catering; communications; admin support.

The Council’s Emergency Planning Officers are:

Sean WesterbyDavid Haikings

Telephone: 01484 226414(work) Telephone: 01484 226415(work)

Or Jason Shirazi 01484 226418

Or Anne Frost 416919

Emergency procedures Boothroyd Primary Academy



9.1Early establishment of central media point, in venue to be determined.

9.2To liaise with and co-operate with the media and to answer their queries, as appropriate.

9.3To provide briefings.

9.4To provide press statements (proforma comes at 9.12 in this policy).

9.5To liaise with emergency services and Metropolitan Council over the setting up of a Media Centre.

9.6To show concern and not panic.

9.7To provide basic information about the school - refer to separate sheets in file.

9.8To liaise between the press and those affected about press interviews - seeking permission from parents/guardians of any pupils involved in interviews.

9.9Pupils involved in interviews - ensuring they have support.

9.10Asking the interviewer the questions to be asked in advance of the interview.

9.11To respond to directions from the person in charge of the Crisis Team or other personnel in control, eg police, Kirklees Emergency Planning Officers.

Useful numbers:

Erin Herbert/Claire Gardner/Hayley DePonte/Howard Taylor

LA Press OfficersTel: 01484 225275

Dewsbury ReporterTel: 01924 468282

Simon Reevell (MP)Tel: 01924 465008

Radio LeedsTel: 0113 2452299

Emergency procedures Boothroyd Primary Academy



From Boothroyd Primary Academy

Temple Road


WF13 3QE

Tel: 01924 450289






Enquiry Telephone Number for relatives/friends 01924 450289

Boothroyd Primary Academy


Name:Boothroyd Primary Academy

Address:Temple Road


WF13 3QD/E

Telephone:01924 450289


Map of surrounding area:included in file*.

Safety Record:

Boothroyd Primary Academy has an excellent safety record, having had no serious incidents in its history. The building was extended and refurbished and altered from a college to a primary school around 1990.

Boothroyd became a Primary Academy under the Focus Trust in Autumn 2013. There are 495 children on roll. (November 2014)

Emergency procedures Boothroyd Primary Academy



10.1To evacuate the building in accordance with the Fire/Bomb Procedures Document.

10.2To liaise with the Crisis Management Team Leader and Emergency Fire Services, once the names of those present have been checked against attendance list.

10.3The responsibility for rescue rests with the Fire Service.

10.4To respond to directions from the person in charge of the Crisis Team or other personnel in control, ie Police, Kirklees Emergency Planning Office, Focus Trust



11.1Open the appropriate parts of the school or open the alternative emergency centre.

11.2Alternative premises initially would be by arrangement with St Paulinus School and later on in liaison with Police, Focus Trust or Kirklees Emergency Planning Officers

11.3To respond to directions from the person in charge of the Crisis Team or other personnel in control, ie Police, Focus Trust, Kirklees Emergency Planning Officer.
Emergency procedures Boothroyd Primary Academy


12.1It is a condition of any booking of school’s facilities at weekends and holidays that the person making the booking understands and takes responsibility for implementing the Emergency Procedures.

12.2Full details are available in the Emergency Procedures file - a copy is always kept in the principal’s office.

12.3The person making the booking will take charge of the procedures until a member of the Crisis Management Team arrives.

12.4The person making the booking will delegate the six tasks outlined below - by giving the person the task details from the Emergency Procedures file.

Someone to contact emergency services.

Someone to contact appropriate others, as listed in section 5.4 of this policy.

Person to check communication channels.

Person to contact Focus Trust and members of the Crisis Management Team.

Person responsible for liaison with the media.

Someone to be responsible for the immediate safeguarding of students and staff.

Someone to open appropriate buildings.

Signed: ......


Emergency procedures Boothroyd Primary Academy


Responsibility:Option 1Option 2

In charge of the Crisis Mngt TeamK JoslinN smith/N Deane

/H Bartle/ U Clay

Liaison with the mediaMrs P ReynoldsK Joslin

Contact Emergency ServicesMrs L LynchMrs P Charlesworth

Contact with Focus Trust & CMTMrs L Lynch U Clay

Opening appropriate buildingsMrs K SpinkMrs G Swaine

Checking channels of communicationMiss D SmithMrs G Swaine

Contact appropriate othersMrs L LynchMrs P Charlesworth

Immediate safeguarding of students Miss D SmithMrs H Bartle

And staff

Emergency procedures Boothroyd Primary Academy

Appendix 2

Fire Safety

A2.1On hearing the bell take all of the children in your care through the nearest outside door to your evacuation point on the recreation ground. Mrs Lynch or Mrs Hands will contact the fire brigade on 999.

A2.2Once they are a safe distance from the building, check the children off against the register. If you do not have a register, take a head count so that you can check this quickly once the register is brought to you.

A2.3 Non-teaching staff should check areas adjacent to where they are working as they leave the building. Remember to check toilets and corners of the classroom.

A2.4There are fire alarms by each external door. If there is a fire, break the glass to activate the alarm. Fire extinguishers can be found at strategic points in school (see appendix 1 for exact locations). You should not attempt to use them until the building has been evacuated.

A2.5The principal or assistant principal will advise you when it is safe to go back in to school.

Emergency procedures Boothroyd Primary Academy

Appendix 3

First aid Rules

Please apply the rules rigidly.

Further details can be obtained in the Health and Safety policy.

A3.1Disposable gloves should be used to treat injuries where there is a loss of body fluids, although often in an emergency this is not possible. Gloves should be in each first aid box.

A3.2If there is any doubt about an injury consult one of the first aiders in school.

A£.3The head or one of the assistant heads should be informed immediately if a more serious injury occurs.

A3.4The child’s teacher should be informed of any injury.

A3.5Wherever possible tell the child’s parents about an accident.

A3.6Where there is any doubt about the condition of a child, the child’s parents should be contacted, and the child taken to hospital.

A3.7When a child is taken to hospital an incident report form must be filled out. Mrs Lynch will normally complete this form on line and return it to the LA. In the event of Mrs Lynch not being available, you will find forms in the office in a file marked ‘Incident Report Forms’.

A3.8Whenever you suspect an injury such as broken bone or hospitalisastion as a result of injury, please phone Focus Trust Tel: 01457 821813 prior to completing the incident report form.

A3.9All accidents to staff must be recorded on the incident report form. As above, Mrs Lynch will normally complete the form online, but if she is not available please complete a form from the filing cabinet.

Emergency procedures Boothroyd Primary Academy

Appendix 4

Extreme Bad Weather


A3.1If roads and paths are impassable, school will be closed for the day. Mrs Butcher will make the decision, based on the local knowledge of Mrs Spink.Kyrstie Joslin will notify Lisa Lynch who will send a group text message out to all staff.

Kyrstie Joslin will also contact Focus Trust on 01457 821813.

If a decision is to be made before 7am, the principal will request a text be sent to all parents and staff advising them on whether school will close for the day or if there will be a delayed start.

A3.2If there is a bout of freak weather which causes concern, staff will begin contacting parents by telephone to collect their children from school. All children not collected will be kept warm, fed and occupied in school until a time when someone can pick them up.

Wind or flood

A3.3If weather conditions damage the building, children will need to be evacuated immediately.

All children will be accompanied in an orderly manner either to another part of the school or to St Paulinus, and will be looked after until parents can collect them. Senior staff will need to make a judgement about taking the children out in to the elements.

NoteIt is important that the external telephone lines remain open for incoming calls. If anyone in school has mobile phones, use these to contact parents and other agencies.

Emergency procedures Boothroyd Primary Academy

Appendix 5

Bomb Alert

A5.1On hearing that there may be a bomb in school a senior member of staff needs to try and determine where the device is located. Contact the police by ringing 999 and explain where the suspected bomb is.

A5.2Warning will be given by word of mouth - there will not be a siren. On hearing that there is a bomb in the building please take all of the children in your care out through the nearest door -provided that this does not take you past the suspected bomb.

A5.3As you leave the room please check scan the area to see if anything suspect has been left there, but do not try to remove it or identify it.

A5.4Once outside the main building take all staff and children to the furthest point away on the recreation ground. Children and staff should assume a crouched position with head tucked down, and remain in this position until further notice from a senior member of staff.

Emergency procedures Boothroyd Primary Academy

Appendix 6

School Security

The safety of children is vital

6.1Outside doors should be kept shut.

The outside classroom doors should be closed at 9.00am each day.

The outside doors provide us with a high level of security if shut properly - they make it possible to gain egress easily, but not possible for intruders to enter the building. Children arriving at school after 9.00am will need to enter school through the main entrance so that they can be marked present in the class register. Classroom TA’s in KS1 and the learning mentor in KS2,will, wherever possible, contact parents of children who have not notified us of absence by 9.30am.

6.2All visitors should sign the visitors’ book in reception.

All visitors to school must enter school through the main entrance, unless accompanying their children in through the classroom doors at the start of the school day. People entering through reception should normally sign the visitors’ book. Upon leaving the building they need to sign out again. Exceptions to this might be attendance at class assemblies on Fridays, or other functions where several people will be present. Parents attending classes in the parent’s room can gain access through the front door. Parents will be accompanied by a member of staff at all times and will be registered at the start of classes.