Mount Hope Academy
6823 Harrison Road

Fredericksburg, VA 22407

Phone (540) 785-4631 Fax (540) 548-2540

Registration Package




Hours of Operation: 5:30AM – 6:30PM

Breakfast, Lunch & Afternoon Snack Served

Please Provide a Morning Snack

Revised: August2013

Mount Hope Academy Admission Form

Date: ______

Name of Child ______Date of Birth ______Age______

Place of Birth: ______Sex of Child ______

Address ______

Home Telephone No. ______Number of other siblings & ages ______

Who will pick up child? 1) ______2) ______

Approximate time of arrival? ______Time of Departure? ______


Name of Mother: ______

Address ______

Home Telephone No. ______Work Phone No. ______

Cell Phone No. ______

Business Address ______

Email Address ______

Name of Father ______

Address ______

Home Telephone No. ______Work Phone No. ______

Cell Phone No.______

Business Address ______

Email Address ______

Marital Status of Parents: Married____ Divorced____ Separated____ Single____Widowed____


1. Name ______Address ______Tel.No.______

2. Name ______Address ______Tel.No.______

3. Name ______Address ______Tel. No.______

1. Pediatrician ______Address ______Tel. No.______

2. Pediatrician ______Address ______Tel. No.______

Date child will enter program: ______

Name of siblings currently enrolled in program: ______

I ______am the ______parent ______legal guardian ______other (please specify) of this child.


Is this your child’s first child care/preschool experience? YesNo

Name of all other child care programs/schools child has been enrolled in:

Name______location (city and state)______

Name______location (city and state)______

Does the child have any fears, illnesses, or allergic conditions we should be aware of? Yes No

If so, what are they so that we may address them properly?


Describe your child’s personality: ______


Person(s) Authorized to Pick Up Child

Person(s) Not Authorized to Pick Up Child


I HEREBY NOTIFY THE STAFF OF Mount Hope Academy that my child ______

is allergic to the following substances, and could suffer a negative reaction if exposed to these substances. Attached is a Physician’s Verification of this allergy.




I understand that the staff will to the best of their ability monitor any food my child eats or is exposed to, and I hereby release Mount Hope Academy and its staff from any liability which may result from my child’s accidental exposure to such foods.

I authorize Mount Hope Academy’s MAT certified staff members to administer the following medications to my child on an emergency basis to alleviate reactions to the above foods:





I understand that it is my responsibility to assist in the training of emergency care required by my child and that the staff will to the best of their ability follow the procedures. I release Mount Hope Academy and its staff from any liability, which may result from the administration of the above medication.

Signature: ______

Date: ______

Notarized seal: ______


I give my consent to the personnel of Mount Hope Academy to give emergency treatment to my child in the event of illness or injury, while he/she is at Mount Hope Academy.

I understand that only emergency treatment will be given and that I am responsible for follow-up treatment if needed.

Child’s Name: ______Age: ______


Allergies: ______

Unusual Drug Response: ______

Medication: ______

Epilepsy: ______

Rheumatic Fever: ______

Heart Disease: ______

Other (Asthma or other medical conditions): ______


Parent or Guardian Signature Date


Work Phone Number


Home Phone Number



Completion of this form is voluntary however; the penalty for not completing it may be a delay of processing or denial of admission. This information is gathered to promote the health and safety of all children enrolled.

Child’s Name: ______DOB: ______

Address: ______


Parent’s Name: ______

Day Telephone Number: (Mother) ______(Father) ______

Emergency Contact: ______Tel No.: ______

Physician or Clinic: ______


1. I hereby give consent for Mount Hope Academy:

a. To obtain necessary medical information

b. To provide emergency medical care in the event that neither parent nor guardian can be reached.

2. I also acknowledge as my responsibility and consent to make available to my child when and if necessary, later:

a. A complete physical examination, including urinalysis, hematocrit, and follow-up care.

b. A TB skin test

c. Childhood shots, pertussis, tetanus (DPT), smallpox, polio vaccine, and measles vaccine.

d. Psychological evaluation and treatment.

e. Vision, hearing and dental services

Signature: ______Date: ______

Notarized: ______

Mount Hope Academy’s Decision to Administer Medications Plan

Mount Hope Academy has made the following decision regarding the administration of medications to a child in our program:

We WILL administer prescription and non-prescription medications. Medications will be administered by a staff member who has taken MAT (Medication Administration Training) at10:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m.Please adjust your child’s medication schedule accordingly. We will not be able to administer medication at any other time. A parent/guardian/custodian may come to the Academy at any time to administer his/her child’s medications.

If your child is on any medication, which needs to be administered while he/she is at school, he/she must have on file in the office the authorization for administration form. This form must be updated every six months for long-term medication and every ten days for short-term medication. This form is available in the Academy office and online at It must have the physician’s signature (if administered more than 10 days). The medication to be administered will be kept in a locked cabinet in the Academy office. The medicine must be in the original container. Over-the-Counter medication should be labeled with the child’s first and last names. Prescription Medication should be in a child resistant container. It must have the original pharmacy label that includes the following items: (1) Child’s first and last name, (2) Doctor’s Name, (3) Pharmacy name and telephone number, (4) Date Prescription was filled, (5) Name of Medication, (6) Dosage of the medication, (7) Route of administration, (8) How often to give the medication, (9) Date the medication is to be discontinued or length of time, in days, the medication is to be given. Parents must provide administration tools, such as dosing spoons, oral medication syringes, pill crushers, etc. STUDENTS MAY NOT TRANSPORT MEDICATION TO AND FROM SCHOOL.

Authorized Staff to Administer Prescription Medications

MHA will administer prescription medication in accordance with the physician’s or other prescriber’s instructions and in accordance with the MAT standards of practice. Only a provider who has successfully completed MAT or has appropriate licensure to administer prescription medications and is listed as a medication administrator in this plan will be permitted to administer prescription medications at MHA.

We understand that any individual listed in this section as a medication administrator is approved to administer prescription medications using the following routes: topical, oral, inhaled, eye, and ear, medication patches and epinephrine using an auto-injector device.

We understand that if a child enrolled in MHA requires prescription medication to be administered rectally, vaginally, by injection or by another route not listed above, I will follow the procedures outlined in MAT for children with special health care needs.

We understand that to be approved to administer prescription medication, all individuals listed in this plan (unless the individual is licensed to administer prescription medications) must have a valid:

  • Medication Administration Training (MAT) certificate;
  • CPR certificate which covers all ages of the children MHA is approved to care for as listed on our registration; and
  • First aid certificate which covers all ages of the children MHA is approved to care for as listed on our registration.

Medication Administrators

MAT certificates (or documentation of licensure to administer prescription medication), age-appropriate first aid certificates, and CPR certificates for the staff listed below will be kept on site and be available upon request.

Corliss Shepherd Ruby Houston

Sharita Minor Juanita Montgomery

Sophia Byrd Emyli Shepherd

Tisha Thrash

Confidentiality Statement

Information about any child at MHA is confidential and will not be given to anyone except VDSS’ designees or other persons authorized by law unless the child’s parent or guardian gives written permission. Information about a child enrolled in MHA will be given to the local department of social services if the child receives a day care subsidy or if the child has been named in a report of suspected child abuse or maltreatment or as otherwise allowed by law.

Rehabilitation Act of 1973

We understand that if MHA receives any federal funding (such as child care subsidy from a local department of social services), We are subject to Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 which is similar to the provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act. If a child enrolled in MHA now or in the future is identified as having a disability covered under the Rehabilitation Act, We will assess the ability of MHA to meet the needs of the child (for further information on the Rehabilitation Act seek legal counsel and/or go the following website:

Provider Statement

We understand that it is our responsibility to follow MHA’s Decision to Administer Medication Plan and all health and infection control regulations applicable to our program.

We will verify and document the credentials for all new staff certified to administerprescription medications before the staff is allowed to administer prescription medications to any child at MHA. MHA’s Decision to Administer Medication plan will be made available to parents at enrollment, whenever changes are made and upon request.

Facility Name: Mount Hope Academy / Date: February27, 2013
Parent’s Signature: / Date:

Permission to Apply Topical Medication

Mount Hope Academy’s staff has permission to apply First Aid Antibiotic/Pain Relieving Ointment (Neosporin or Generic Brand) to ______. I

Child’s Name (print)

understand that this medication will help prevent infection and provide temporary relief of pain or discomfort in minor cuts and scrapes.


Parent’s Name (print)


Parent’s Signature Date


In the event of an emergency evacuation, Mount Hope Academy has my permission to

transport my child/ren ______using the Academy

(Child’s Name)

vans, staff vehicles, and/or parent vehicles to the following facilities:

Creative Childcare Academy 7001 Harrison Road Fredericksburg, VA 22407 (540) 548-8003

Salem Fields Early Learning Center 11120 Gordon Road Fredericksburg, VA 22407 (540) 786-6292

Minnieland at the Castle

6306 Old Plank Road, Fredericksburg, VA 22407

(540) 786-2434

______You have my permission to transport my child.

______You do not have my permission to transport my child.


Please Print Signature Date


The Academy agrees to notify the parent/guardian/custodian whenever the child becomes ill and the parent agrees to pick the child up no later than one hour after notification.

The parent/guardian/custodian agrees to abide by all Academy policies as outlined in the parent handbook.

The parent/guardian/custodian authorizes the Academy to obtain immediate care if any emergency occurs when he/she cannot be located.

Weekly tuition payments are due in advance by closing on Fridays. Payments received after this time will be assessed a $30 late fee. Delinquent accounts must be paid-in-full by close of business the following day. Your child/children will not be permitted to attend the Academy until payments are made in full.

I have read and understand the policies above and would like to register my child for enrollment in the program. I have attached the non-refundable registration fee.


Date: ______

Parent/Guardian/Custodian: ______

Administrator: ______


This contract is made ______day of ______, 20__, by and between Mount Hope Academy, Fredericksburg, Virginia, hereby known as MHA and ______

______, hereinafter know as the Parent(s).

Now, therefore, in consideration of the agreement set forth herein, MHA and the Parent(s) hereby agree that Mount Hope Academy will enroll the Parent(s) child upon the following terms and conditions:

FOR THE REGISTRATION of (the child) ______to be enrolled in the following program: Full time

______I am enrolling my child in K3 or K4. I understand that my weekly tuition fee will be $140.00.

______I am enrolling my child into the half day pre-school program (8:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon). I understand that my weekly tuition will be $90.00.

______I am enrolling my child in K5, First grade, or Second grade. I will not utilize the aftercare program. I understand that my weekly tuition fee will be $100.00.

______I am enrolling my child in K5, First grade, or Second grade as well as the aftercare (3:30-6:30 p.m.) program. I understand that my weekly fee will be $120.00 ($100.00 plus $20.00 aftercare fee).

I (we) agree to pay a non-refundable registration fee. I (we) also agree to pay tuition on a weekly basis. I (we) understand that if I (we) do not pay tuition by the close of business on Friday of the preceding week tuition is due, I (we) will incur a $ 30 late charge. Delinquent accounts must be paid-in-full by close of business the following day. Your child/children will not be permitted to attend the Academy until payments are made in full. Fees unpaid seven (7) working days after the due date will serve as a notice of intent to remove the child from MHA and will constitute forfeiture of any monies due.

I (we) understand that a fee of $2.00 per minute, per child will be charged if I (we) pick up my (our) child after the scheduled closing time of 6:30 P.M. I understand that in order to avoid this fee, I should contact someone on my emergency list to pick up my child/children

(NOTE: Late pick-up fees are due at time of pick-up.)

AS A CONDITION OF ENROLLMENT, I (we) understand that my (our) child is accepted on a trial basis initially and observation pertaining to the child’s ability to adjust to the day care setting will be made during this period (2 to 4 weeks).

WITH RESPECT TO ABSENCES, I (we) understand that weekly tuition payments will not be prorated or lifted should my (our) child leave for a vacation. I (we) understand that tuition is paid on the regular schedule unless other arrangements are made with the Director.

If my (our) child is absent due to an extended illness tuition will not be lifted according to the Tuition Policy in the Parent(s)Handbook. The tuition rate will be 50% of the normal weekly tuition rate beginning the second week of the illness.

IN CONSIDERATION OF THE WITHDRAWAL OF THE CHILD FROM ENROLLMENT, I (we) understand that I (we) must give two (2) weeks advanced notice in writing should I (we) elect to withdraw my (our) child from MHA for any reason. If I (we) do not give two (2) weeks written notice, then I (we) may forfeit any monies due.

If I (we) wish to re-enroll my (our) child at a later time, I (we) may leave my (our) advanced deposit with MHA. I (we) understand that my (our) name will be placed at the top of the waiting list for re-admittance, but that a slot cannot be guaranteed.

MHA reserves the right to terminate the enrollment of any child for reasons of non-cooperation, delinquency in payment of fees, or inability of child or parent to adjust to the MHA program guidelines, as determined by the Board.

REGARDING PARENT INVOLVEMENT, I (we) understand that parent participation in activities associated with MHA, by way of provision of volunteerism hours and participation in fundraising events, is encouraged by the discretion of the Parent(s).


Terms and conditions of agreement between MHA and the Parent(s) or Guardian(s) of the enrolling child are bound by the Parent(s) Handbook as well as any other supplemental provisions.



We hereby agree to allow newspaper, magazine and TV photographers, approved by Mount Hope Academy, to use, for publication, photographs taken of our child at Mount Hope Academy. We also agree to allow the staff of Mount Hope Academy to post photographs taken of our child on the Academy website and facebook page.

Child Name:______

Parent or Guardian Signature: ______Date: ______


  1. Your child’s original birth certificate (we will copy and return the certificate).
  2. Physical examination by or under the direction of a physician before the child’s attendance or within one month after attendance. If the child has had a physical examination prior to attendance, it shall be within 12 months prior to attendance for children three years of age through five of age.


Confirmation of receipt of required forms:

Enrollment Agreement: ____Child Health Record: _____

Consent for Emergency Treatment: ____ Medical Consent: _____

Allergy Release: _____

Permission to Use Photographs of Child Form: _____

Birth Certificate: ______

Initial Tuition Rate: $______/week

Sibling Discount: _____% $______/week

Child begins in: ______class

Advance Deposit Received: Yes No

Date Received: _____

Amount Received: _____