Hello There Life Success Members!
Week 52 has finally arrived. In many ways it feels as though, like life, we have come full circle. Just as we did 51 weeks ago, the team and I are attempting to find the best, most effective way to make a difference and help create positive results for our members. Today's edition is broken into 5 Parts:
1. Letter From Donna Krech
2. Letter From Kyle Wilson, President of Jim Rohn International
3. Letter From Chris Widener
4. Letter From Jim Rohn
5. Where to From Here?
1. Letter From Donna Krech
Almost Unbelievable!!! Those two words describe how I feel about this being the 52nd week of Life Success, in so many capacities. One, it’s flown by. It seems like yesterday that it was week one. Two, each week was work, and research, and time, and arranging of calls and content and more. Our office has been diligently at the task of coming up with ways to affect lives positively, to help people realize that setting and reaching goals is key to total health. We’ve worked and worked some more to plan ways of helping you and the world attain Life Success. It’s an awe-inspiring miracle to have been involved in affecting lives in such a way! Three, I’ve been thrilled to see positive improvements made in the way I look at life, empower myself and achieve my goals. I’ve been a believer in personal development for a long time, but continue to be amazed at the nearly immediate affect it has on me!! It is so powerful and makes an impact on every single area of our lives. I am absolutely convinced without question that it IS the perfect key for long term health and weight maintenance, not to mention better relationships, more money and a happier, more rewarding life. Four, as we’ve progressed we’ve realized the improvements we can make. So, as we’ve worked to bring you Life Success, we’ve also been working to make the content and delivery easier to attain, digest and use in a practical sense. Simply put, it’s been a wonderful whirlwind kind of year. It’s been exciting, challenging and result producing.
Much like you, we sat our goals as the year started and I’m proud to say are making very certain headway toward those goals. We didn’t achieve all we set out to, but did achieve. We didn’t hit the ‘big goal’, but attained many of the goals we set. Jim told me in July of last year, “Donna, remember not everyone is going to ‘get it’, and not everyone is going to ‘do it’. If we’ll remember all things take time and give the good things the time we need to give them, the good results will come.” That’s where my heart is. The good results are already happening. The great results will come!!!! We are immoveable in the belief of this.
Victory is indeed a journey, not a destination. At age 20 I was without money, wearing a size 12 in clothing, depressed, lonely, had zero self-esteem or self-worth, was in an abusive marriage, had no career skills and pretty much no hope for the future. Over the years, as I stepped out of my comfort zone and continued to try new things, I found I could do things I feared I couldn’t. I found I had gifts, talents and abilities that caused my self worth to rise. I found more and more confidence when I tried things I’d not tried before. I discovered that giving back, through good customer service and sincere care and opportunity for my team members actually gave to me!! Motivating and loving others caused me to be motivated!! In the process, I lost 5 clothing sizes, many inches, lots of weight and gained a whole, new outlook on life! What the best thing about Life Success? That’s easy! We’re always achieving it, yet we never have to worry about ‘arriving’. There’s always more! In other words, life just keeps getting better and better! When we lose the weight, we could then improve our health in an overall way. When we do that, we can look 10 years younger. When we do that we could learn to dress more professionally, and so on. When we grow in our career we make more money. When we make more money we can learn to invest more wisely. When we learn to invest more wisely we can travel and make memories with our children. When we do that we can still build a dream home, a second home, build a church, build a hospital… the possibilities are endless!!
Life Success is my hope for the future, yours and mine. Life Success is the answer to so many of life’s issues. Life Success can make you money itself through an affiliation or through representing it in the business world, and it can also teach you how to make money. Life Success can take your relationships to new and more exciting levels. And Life Success doesn’t stop here. Thank you. Thank you for allowing us to be a part of your success. New and even better days are coming. Get ready for the explosion! The explosion of happiness, peace, prosperity and health. The next level of Life Success is even better! We’ll be in touch about it soon!
To YOUR Life Success,
Abundant Blessings!
1. Letter From Kyle Wilson
In Week One, Jim talked about the Invitation - that Personal Development was an opportunity that needed to be seized and acted upon.
I'm reminded of the first time I ever heard Jim Rohn; it was a 60-minute cassette someone gave me. As I listened to the tape I laughed, I smiled, and I began to see that there was possibly more waiting for me out in the world than I ever realized. Eventually, I went to work for a seminar promoter. The first 2 years in my new sales job I was required to make 80-100 phone calls a day, speak at 10-15 companies a week selling tickets to an event (I was not comfortable speaking in front of a small group of people, much less in front of larger groups and having to sell), and it was also straight commission. By the end of my second year, my income was 70% less than it was before I entered into the seminar promotion business! But you know what, I stayed with it. I got better and eventually became the number one sales guy. And in that process I also met a man that has forever changed my life - Jim Rohn.
Jim lived in California and I lived in Texas. He was very busy and in high demand. I was young and inexperienced. I would see him 5-6 times a year at events, but at the time did not have the luxury to spend time with him, that is, in person. But I literally spent 10-20 hours a week studying, listening to tapes and reading books. I was beginning to learn Jim's philosophy and the principles he taught, and was starting to experience the successes his teachings had promised. By 1992, I was one of the top seminar promoters in the country and Jim was one of the speakers I would hire to speak at my events. Then in 1993, Jim and I partnered to form Jim Rohn International.
Why do I share this story?
1) To say that I too, like you, back in 1988 accepted the invitation to invest in Personal Development and to become more and go for my goals
2) Because it was 100% from both practicing the principles of Personal Development and listening to and reading Jim's material that I was able to become successful in my industry
3) Because the One-Year Success Program has been designed as a methodology for Jim to invest his life and knowledge into a group of people who are in pursuit of growth and change
4) To say that now is the time for the torch to be passed. Clearly 51 weeks later you have demonstrated your intent - you are the group that accepted the invitation and pursued the opportunity to become more, to grow, achieve and reach for your dreams. Congratulations! You have earned your medal, that medal you give yourself, which is the highest reward, to say, "I did it and will forever be better for having made this investment."
5) To say "Thank you" to Mr. Jim Rohn for sharing publicly his life and story for the past 39 years. I would have missed out on so much of what my life currently is. And an even bigger thank you goes to Jim for the man, friend and business partner he has been to me. Jim is the real deal, the same in front of a few people as he is in front of 2,000. He has always had his ego in check and has never sought the lime-light. "Less is more" has always been Jim's preference. Having a promoter as a partner has not always allowed him to be the behind-the-scenes person he actually prefers being. But all I have to do is show him the testimonials we receive on a weekly basis to assure him that his message we boldly proclaim is reaching an audience that it would not have, had he decided to be fameless.
Lastly, I want to thank you for allowing us to make a contribution to your lives. We have been humbled by the opportunity and sober in regards to the task. Yes, the investment from our end has been huge. We hope the reward back to you has been as well.
Hope to have you with us as we continue the journey!
All the Best Always!
2. Letter from Chris Widener
Wow – a whole year has passed! It seems like just yesterday we began!
But here we are. I have thought long and hard about my final words to you and what encouragement and challenge I could give to you. In the end, I came to the conclusion that I wanted to keep it simple. I believe that life is simple and that by living out simple truths, we give ourselves a much higher chance for success.
So I want to talk to you about the two simple actions to keep in mind in order to ensure your success and accomplishment.
When it comes to achieving accomplishments, there are two foundational actions that must take place. When these two actions take place, and take place in the right order, you will become unstoppable. You will also enter into an elite group of people who actually do both.
You see, most people are given to only one or the other, and in doing so negate their opportunity to accomplish what it is that they want to accomplish.
What are these two actions?
Intake and Output
Think about it. Do you want to have a healthy body? You must take in proper food and output vigorous exercise. Do you want to be financially fit? You must intake income and output investments.
The same is true in our personal and professional lives. But what specifically do we intake and output?
We intake information and we output effort through the exercise of our will.
The twin actions of accomplishment then, are the intake of information and the exercising of our will.
As I said, most people do one or the other. They are simply information addicts or they are action addicts. You have some who go to every seminar in the world and then never exercise their will to put it into practice. Others are simply a flurry of action but going in no specific direction.
When you only intake information you become fat! Not physically fat but personally fat. You become lethargic. You become frustrated because all of this information was supposed to change your life!
When you only exercise your will and become a tornado of activity you become spent. You become tired because you aren’t achieving anything but a busy schedule!
But when you put these two together – WOW! Look out because you will turn the world upside down! So let’s look at these two a little closer.
How can you intake information?
1. Choose as close friends, people who will challenge and stimulate you intellectually and personally.
2. Go back to school.
3. Buy success products and listen to them.
4. Read books.
5. Go to a seminar.
6. Get involved in an ongoing discussion group with people who want to grow.
7. Have a coach or mentor
How can you exercise the will? This is a bit simpler but not so easy.
1. You simply must act on the information.
2. Eat better foods – put down the ice cream.
3. Save more money – stop spending on superfluous items.
4. Lose weight – start walking every day.
5. Manage your time – shut off the TV.
All of these things we know to do, but we must simply do it.
Are you a person who has all the info? Then act. Are you a person who acts but doesn’t get anywhere? Then learn.
Intake information, exercise the will. The twin actions of accomplishment. Now that you have finished this year, you have the rest of your life ahead of you. That is exciting! Just remember that the key is to take in new information and to continually act upon it.
On a final personal note, I want to thank you for the opportunity to come into your life each and every week. Jim and Kyle have been very gracious to allow me the opportunity to participate in and contribute to what I believe has become the best one year personal development plan ever created. For most of you, mine was a new name. I am glad we have made the acquaintance that we have and I would love to hear from you as you continue your life journey!
I hope for you all the best and God’s biggest blessings.
Have a great week!
Chris Widener
3. Letter from Jim Rohn
Hello and welcome to the final leg in our first year journey of The One-Year Success Plan. I must say that there is a unique mixture of pride and excitement, along with some sadness (much like a teacher would feel on graduation day as he watches his students move to the next phase of their lives) as I labor to find the words and language to express this week’s message to you. As I think of you today, I lift my glass in a toast to you!
Together (you, me, Kyle and Chris), we’ve reached a high summit. You are in the top 1% to 2% of the marketplace and in the top 5% of those participating in the miracle of personal development because you invested your time, energy and passion in this year-long commitment. Do you remember when we started on this journey one year ago? Did the path up the mountain of self-development seem unclear and undefined, too high, too rocky or too steep? And yet today we stand together on the summit, we’ve reached the top of our mountain. Perhaps we are a little dusty and somewhat bruised from our journey, but what a triumphant feeling to know that we’ve labored and that our efforts were not in vain, that they have paid off and now we can look down at the path we've taken with the satisfaction of knowing that we have persisted in developing our unique gifts and skills.