OswegoSouthsideSoccerAcademy FAQs
OswegoSouthsideSoccerAcademy (OSSA) Club Structure
Parental Questions
Coaches Questions
Club Contacts
OSSA Club Structure
What is the mission of the Club?
"Our commitment is to achieve excellence in player development, teamwork, and sportsmanship by providing the highest quality programs for Club members in a fun, challenging, and safe environment".
How old is OSSA?
OswegoSouthsideSoccerAcademy was formed in 2009 created by a merger of the Southside SC and Lake OswegoSC boy’s High School aged teams.
What are the goals of the OSSA?
Our commitment is to achieve excellence in player development, teamwork, and sportsmanship by providing the highest quality programs for Club members in a fun, challenging, and safe environment.
Demand that the importance of academics and citizenship precede athletics.
Maintain the spirit of the individual player while contributing to the collective energy of team play.
Provide a soccer environment, which has joyous enthusiasm.
We aim to develop soccer players and young individuals who are contributing members of their communities.
The club strives to create an environment for each player to develop their skills in a fun, positive, and educational setting.
From an individual standpoint we wish to provide each player with an opportunity to develop to their maximum potential.
From a team standpoint we wish to provide each team with an opportunity to compete at a level commensurate with the ability of the players on that team.
From a club standpoint we wish to establish individual and team excellence and build OSSA into one of the main clubs in the state of Oregon and beyond.
Why did OSSA expand in 2010 to serve the girl’s side?
In 2009 the decision to form OSSA on the boy’s side was made not only to make our first teams more competitive but to give our players on our second teams a better experience. The merger not only achieved both of these but it actually exceeded our expectations. Upon review of the 2009 season we felt it would be beneficial to our female players to afford them the same opportunity. On the girl’s side we expect our first teams to not only contend for State titles but to also compete with the best teams in the Region and Nationwide. For our second teams on the girl’s side we expect to have a greater number of players giving our second teams the ability to compete at a higher level and for greater numbers at training over the course of the season giving them a better experience.
Who runs the OSSA?
The Director of Coaching from LOSC and SSC are responsible for all soccer decisions.
On the business side OSSA has a business manager and a registrar to complete all vital club functions.
The coaching staff and business staff are assisted by a Board of Directors consisting of one representative from SSC and one from LOSC.
Does OSSA have a separate website?
Yes – is the website that we use to provide our families with up to date information about the club.
Player Questions
How many teams does the Club have?
When numbers allow we form two teams at each age group. If we had enough players of quality we would form three teams per age group but typically we do not have enough players. The number of teams formed at any age group will be the decision of the Director of Coaching.
If there are two teams in each age group, is one better than the other?
If we form two teams they will likely be split by ability and an A and a B team will be formed. Please note however that we do try to provide the players within both teams the opportunity to develop their soccer skills. We do not have a set framework for the formation of C teams. If we have enough players in an age group then we can form A, B, and C teams or we have the option of forming an A team comprised of the best players with 2 B teams underneath that team comprised of an even mix of players.
If we do form three teams at an age group and 2 of the teams are formed with an even mix of players then we will (as best we can) form the teams based on playing ability and positions so each team has an even blend of talent and players who can play in a variety of positions.
When are tryouts?
For the 2010 season tryouts will be held on August 9, 10, and 11. Please consult the OSSA website – - for a complete listing of times and locations.
What if I moved here after tryouts, or missed tryouts, and want to play on one of your teams?
Contact the DOC and based on your previous playing history and references we will gauge where to place you for a tryout.
So, what do I do if I'm going to miss tryouts?
Inform the DOC of your willingness to play with our club. We cannot promise to hold a space open for you but where circumstances allow we can. If the A and B team at your age group were full then it may be possible for you to play up an age group until a space became available within your own age group.
How will I find out if I made a team?
You will be contacted by OSSA coaches via telephone or email with regards to your team placement. We will do this as soon as we can after the tryouts have been completed.
How many players are on a team?
The maximum number of players on a squad is 22. The decision as to how many players a team will hold is made by the relevant team Head Coach in conjunction with the Director of Coaching.
How much playing time will I get in a game?
This depends on a number of factors. No set time is given due to the fact that exact playing time will depend on the age group (actual length of the game) and the number of players on your team. We do hope however that you will receive a satisfactory amount of playing time. If you do not receive a satisfactory amount of playing time then you are encouraged to talk to your team coach about this. If you do not feel that the situation is resolved to your satisfaction then you may contact the Director of Coaching.
What kinds of reasons might cause me to lose playing time?
Playing time is based on ability level, attendance at practice, and work rate at practice.
You didn't mention State Cup or other vital games when you were explaining playing time. What about them?
Classic soccer is competitive soccer. Throughout most of the soccer year every effort will be made to allow the individual to develop. However at times such as State Cup or during Out-of-State Tournaments club coaches will adopt a play to win attitude where the amount of playing time may not necessarily be satisfactory. It is expected that each coach be fair and that players playing a bulk of time satisfy the three points mentioned in the previous question. Our long term goal is player development but as this is a team sport there are occasions when the needs of the team come before the needs of the individual player. Fortunately these occasions are rare.
How many tournaments will I play in?
The number and the level of tournaments you play in will depend on the age and individual level of your team. We will do our best to informfamilies on each team of the plan for the season foran individual team at the beginning of the season.IT SHOULD BE NOTED THAT OUR TEAMS DO TRAVEL. TYPICALLY OUR FIRST TEAMS ALL TRAVEL BUT SOME OF OUR SECOND TEAMS ALSO TRAVEL. TRAVEL TO TOURNAMENTS OUT-OF-STATE IS PART OF PLAYER DEVELOPMENT. OUR TEAMS DO NOT TRAVEL FOR ONE SOLE REASON; THEY TRAVEL BECAUSE THIS IS A PART OF PLAYER DEVELOPMENT.
Am I expected to travel to each tournament?
As a member of the team yes you are expected to attend each tournament. Each tournament and event that the team is involved in is geared toward developing the team.
However, there are some caveats to that.
We realize that over the course of the season players will have certain events that will conflict with their soccer commitments. Because of that we are flexible. From a budgetary standpoint (this is also explain in the OSSA travel policy) when a team elects to attend a tournament the team manager will send out a player participation form. At this point the individual player can indicate whether they will attend the tournament. If a player elects not to attend a tournament they will not be charged for this event. Once the team manager has collected the participation forms a budget will then be constructed and sent out to the families. At this time flight reservations and hotel reservations will be made. ONCE THE BUDGET HAS BEEN SENT OUT, PLAYERS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR THEIR FINANCIAL SHARE OF THE COST ASSOCIATED WITH THAT TOURNAMENT. Unfortunately this includes situations where a player may sustain an injury that precludes them from playing in the tournament. We simply cannot go back and adjust flight details and hotel reservations.
Will all teams travel?
Not necessarily. The exact travel specifications of each team will be based on the team compostion, their success the year before (what tournaments they will be able to get into), and what the team coaches think is the best plan for the team.
Where will our team train?
Teams will train either in Lake Oswego or the Tigard/Tualatin area. Main fields to be used will be Luscher Farm and TigardHigh School.
Is there a code of conduct for players?
Yes, there is a parent player handbook that contains a code of conduct that all players are expected to adhere to. Please contact for a copy.
Parent/Guardian Questions
What are the costs associated with OSSA?
The costs associated with playing for OSSA are determined by the level of commitment by each player and the team that they are placed on.
You should check with the OSSA DOC for an up to date detailed form listing the costs associated with playing on one of our teams. Costs for representing an OSSA team are pretty much the same as what it would have cost to play for either LOSC or SSC.
I heard we could register online. Where do I do that?
Go to the homepage and there will be a registration section on the left that you need to click on.
How often are practices held?
Typically your team will practice 2 to 3 times per week. This will ultimately depend on your team coach, the period of the season, and field availability.
What if we have conflicts with other sports?
Players will not be punished for playing different sports but preference from a playing time standpoint is typically given to those who have a good attendance and work rate at practice. Furthermore, the development of a soccer player is a long-term process so players should try to attend as many practices as possible.
Who leads our team?
The head coach for your team will lead your team. Typically, he/she will have an assistant coach. There will also be a team manager who will help communication between the coach and the team. The head coach will also communicate with the Director of Coaching to help them with dealing with the team.
What does a team manager do?
Lots of things. The team manager acts as the facilitator of information between the coach and the parents. Some team managers will do more. For a full description contact the OSSA office.
How do we get our team uniforms?
Once you have paid the uniform fee you will likely be distributed your uniform through your team manager or someone from the OSSA office will contact you regarding pick up. Tursi's Soccer Store (503-635-2202) handle uniforms for OSSA.
What makes up a team uniform?
Check the uniform package form on the OSSA website for the most up to date details. If you cannot find it contact the OSSA DOC.
How do I handle a problem or concern?
Speak to either your team manager or the coach for your team. If you cannot get your problem resolved then contact the OSSA office.
Is there a code of conduct for parents?
Parents are expected to act in a manner, which represents the club in a positive way at all times.
Parents are role models for their children and other children. Applaud good work by your child’s team and by theother team.
Parents should not coach or referee from the sidelines.
Parents will not shout at players, coaches, or officials. Show a positive attitude and this will rub off on your child.
Parents will encourage their children to listen to the coach and will de-emphasize winning.
Parents should offer help where they can to the volunteer coach of their child’s team.
Parents will demand their children to show respect to opposing players, coaches, or parents regardless of race, gender, creed, ability, or age.
Parents should place their own child’s well being before their own personal desire to win.
Parents will never strike, threaten to strike, or lay a hand on official, player, coach, or spectator.
How are coaches selected?
The final coaching assignments are made by the DOCs. Coaches are selected based on their ability to teach the game of soccer and their ability to work in a positive way with young soccer players.
I'm not a coach but what should I expect from the team's coach?
Each coach is expected to provide a positive atmosphere for the players on the team. Please try not toevaluate your overall experience on playing time. Players develop through quality training, which they will participate in over the course of the season. If you have questions then feel free to communicate with your team coach. While the coach and the club have a role to play in the development of the player it is important to recognize that development will only occur with a commitment to improve by the player also.
Club Contacts
OSSA DOC – Fraser Morrison –
OSSA DOC – Paul Slover –
OSSA President – Mark Olen –
OSSA Vice President – Steve Raye –