Citizen Corps and Medical Reserve Corps Meeting Minutes
January 13, 2015
9:00 a.m.
Present: Jeff Babcock, Sue Davis, Adam Vasquez, Joleen Trujillo, Jim Felmlee, Jon Montano, Bill Werner, Linda Smith
Meeting called to order 09:08
Minutes and agenda – Minutes from last meeting and agenda for today both approved as presented.
- Crisis Response Network – Meeting today, and next meeting March 10 after MRC meeting
- SLV Firefighters – January 19 in Hooper
- HSEEP training – January 27-28 at El Paso County EOC, CoTrain ID# 1016777
- Sanford School Tabletop Exercise January 30, 9am (Planning meeting tomorrow at 1:30)
- State MRC Unit Coordinator Conference Call – January 20, 1pm
- SLV RETAC – January 22, 6pm in Monte Vista
- SLV THIRA Workshop - January 26, 10am-3pm
- LEPC Board Meeting – January 26, 3pm
- All Hazards Meeting – January 26, 4pm
- Psychological First Aid Train the Trainer – January 27-30 in Denver
- Presentation in Durango on Lessons Learned from the Boulder floods – January 29
- SLV Healthcare Coalitions Pandemic Tabletop Exercise – January 29, 9am – 1pm at SLVBHG
- G250.7 Rapid Needs Assessment Training – Feb 19-20 in Leadville
- Zoonotic Diseases training – March 16-17
- ICS 400 – March 6 in Alamosa, March 10-11 in Leadville
- MGT 315 Enhanced Thread and Risk Assessment – March 25-26 in Colorado Springs
- Sue has a handout available for more trainings in the South Central region
- Red Cross will be starting a home fire campaign soon, which is a door-to-door effort to install smoke detectors in homes; recent similar efforts have been very successful, dates TBA
- No 2015 funds coming forth right now. New DHS budget has been recommended through the end of the year with a 13% increase.
- Cybersecurity is a current concern and Jeff is talking with WBS about this. Employee education may be an important piece.
- There are several potential projects in the pipeline, and more are welcome, for when funding becomes available.
- Public Safety Communications Subcommittee- Jeff sits on this and completed annual report for the legislature. Dept of public Safety had to create a plan for communications and communications updates – they have hired vendors and should have things in place by April. (This is separate from FirstNet).
- HLS Coordinator retreat is 2 days next week and will focus on funding/budgets
LEPC Report
John Drake gave a presentation on chemicals at Farm Service Center. Next meeting will be a presentation on chemicals at Monte Vista COOP. Working on getting all Tier 2 stuff in place. Plan is to provide a presentation of some kind at each LEPC meeting.
MRC Report
- Please turn in volunteer hours.
- “I’m Not Scared” program had exceptionally good responses at 2 schools in December
- HCC Pandemic TTX – will use CVM system for volunteer activation– everyone needs to check profile page, identity tab, and complete all areas including work area.
- Quarterly report completed.
- MRC is now under ASPR rather than the Surgeon General’s office.
- Grant cycle ends March 30, but some remaining funds can be spent in April.
- Grant has been secured for the next year.
- The following meetings/events were attended since our last MRC/Citizen Corps meeting: Monthly EPR Radio drill; Crisis Response Network meeting; State MRC Conference Call; SLV East HCC Meeting; Alamosa CHAMP meeting; All Hazards and LEPC meetings; SLV RETAC meeting; CDPHE Medical Supply Chain Orientation Training; Neighborhood Watch webinar; Alamosa Airport Tabletop Exercise
Contagious Disease Updates
Ebola: Local public health agencies continue to be charged with monitoring travelers returning from countries of concern. It is in the news in Denver with a man being tested there.
Influenza: We had a spike in ILI around the holidays but it seems to be calming down somewhat now. A second wave is possible. Joleen completed 2 separate pharmacy canvases and found no local antiviral shortages
CERT training
Scheduling for the next CERT class is on hold for now
Recruitment Activity Planning
A couple of possible recruiting activities are being considered:
CPR Flash Mob – Small, short-duration events to be held at various locations/events. Julie Ramstetter has indicated willingness to help with planning. Will need mannequins, volunteers, music, and informational handouts. This will be a topic at the next RETAC meeting and we will form a planning sub-committee.
Zombie Run – Jim attended a large event to see how it works. An event of this type will require a great deal of planning.
- Kay Smith took the Ham Radio Operator test and passed so she can be a resource for our EOC ham radio.
- School Safety Newsletter – Sue receives it and it is forwarded to Nita McAuliffe, she can add others to the list
- Command Vehicle purchased by Alamosa County SO several years ago and there is discussion now about what to do with it. Maybe transfer it to Alamosa PD or to SLV EOC Committee. If it comes to SLV EOC committee, we will need an increase in funding as well as a storage facility. Currently stored outside at the SO.
- Regional Trailer resources – Joleen has been working on getting all paperwork in order for the surge trailers, Coroner’s trailer, and other trailers as well as good understanding/documentation of locations, inventory, etc.
Next Council Meeting March 10, 2015
Adjourn 10:28
MRC Unit Mission
The mission of the San Luis Valley medical Reserve Corps is to train community volunteers to assist existing emergency and public health resources in disaster response and to promote emergency preparedness and healthy living in the community.
MRC Unit Vision Statement
The vision of the San Luis Valley Reserve Corps is a network of organized volunteers strengthening the health and safety of our community.
MRC/Citizen Corps Meeting schedule for 2015
March 10, May 12, July 14, September 8, November 10
DTR Radio Monthly Drill Schedule for 2015
February 4, March 4, April 1, May 6, June 3, July 1, August 5, September 2, October 7, November 4, December 2