Transcending Boundaries : Writing for a Dual Audience of Children and Adults (Children's Literature and Culture)
by Sandra L. Beckett (Editor)
Garland Publishing; (October 1999)
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Gregson, Ian. (Senior Lecturer in English Literature, U of Wales, Bangor). Postmodern Literature. (Contexts series). London: Arnold, 2004.
Baines, Paul. (Reader in English Literature, Schoolfo English, U of Liverpool). The Long 18th Century. (Contexts series). London: Arnold, 2004.
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Eadie, Jo. (Lecturer in Social and Cultural Theory, Staffordshire U). Sexuality: The Essential Glossary. (The Essential Glossary Series). London: Arnold, 2004.
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Matterson, Stephen. (Senior Lecturer in English Studies, Trinity College Dublin). American Literature: The Essential Glossary. (The Essential Glossary Series). London: Arnold, 2002.
Goodby, John. (Senior Lecturer in English, U of Wales, Swansea), Alex Davis (Senior Lecturer in English, U College Cork), Andrew Hadfield (Professor of English, U of Wales, Aberystwyth) and Eve Patten (Lect. in English, Trinity College Dublin). Irish Studies: The Essential Glossary. (The Essential Glossary Series). London: Arnold, 2003.
Roberts, Adam. (Reader in Nineteenth Century Literature and Culture, Royal Holloway, U of London). Victorian Culture and Society: The Essential Glossary. (The Essential Glossary Series). London: Arnold, 2003.
Ekaizer, Ernesto. Yo, Augusto. Madrid: Santillana-Aguilar.
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Duparc, Elisabeth (“La Francesina”). Early 18th-c. soprano, sang Haendel’s works in England.
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11.- 84-89152-28-4 - Miró Mainou : retrospectiva (1999)
* Díaz-Bertrana Marrero, Carlos ; Britto Jinorio, Orlando ; Hidalgo Codorniu, Juan
Editor: Centro Atlàntico de Arte Moderno
12.- 84-87021-68-9 - El espacio figurado (2000)
* Schwartz, Carlos A. ; Williams, Rosalind
Editor: Cabildo Insular de Lanzarote
13.- 84-206-4422-6 - Cuentos (2000)
* Williams, William Carlos
Editor: Alianza Editorial, S.A.
14.- 84-376-1938-6 - Paterson (2001)
* Williams, William Carlos
Editor: Ediciones Cátedra, S.A.
15.- 84-7506-530-9 - En la raíz de América : iluminaciones sobre la historia de un continente (2002)
* Williams, William Carlos
Editor: Ediciones Turner, S.A.
16.- 84-86589-66-5 - Advertencias a las iglesias (2003)
* Ryle, John Charles
Editor: Editorial Peregrino, S.L.
17.- 84-204-6525-9 - Angel Rock (2004)
* Williams, Darren
Editor: Ediciones Alfaguara, S.A.-Grupo Santillana
Luzzaschi, Luzzasco. (Music-master for the d’Este family, Ferrara, late 16th c.). 6th book of madrigals à 5. 1596.
Pascale Casanova, Beckett l'abstracteur. Anatomie d'une révolution littéraire, Paris, éd. du Seuil, 1997,
Chabrier. Gwendoline. Opera.
Baranda, Consolación. (U Complutense de Madrid). La Celestina y el mundo como conflicto. (Acta Salmanticensia, Estudios Filológicos, 303). Salamanca: Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca, 2004.*
Educational Review 56 (2004). 3 issues per year. The Editorial Assistant, Educational Review; School of Education, U of Birmingham, Edgbaston, Brimingham B15 2TT, UK. Carfax Publishing, Taylor & Francis Group.
Bernac, Pierre (French baritone, accompanied by Francis Poulenc).
Esperanza Rama Martínez
Título: Talk on British Television: The Interactional Organisation of Three
Broadcast Genres
Año de publicación: 2003
Editorial: Servicio de Publicacións da Universidade de Vigo
Palgrave Advances series: Coming May 2004
Palgrave Advances in Thomas Hardy Studies
Edited by Phillip Mallett
Palgrave Advances in Samuel Beckett Studies
Edited by Lois Oppenheim
Palgrave Advances in James Joyce Studies
Edited by Jean-Michel Rabaté
Forthcoming in October 2004
Palgrave Advances in Oscar Wilde Studies
Edited by Frederick S. Roden
Palgrave Advances in Virginia Woolf Studies
Edited by Anna Snaith
THECAMBRIDGEHISTORY OF ENGLISHANDAMERICANLITERATURE. An Encyclopedia in Eighteen Volumes. Volume VII: English. CAVALIERANDPURITAN. Edited by A. W. Ward & A. R. Waller. Electronic edition (
Index of vol. vii:
Chapter I. Cavalier Lyrists
By F. W. MOORMAN, B.A. (Lond.), Ph.D. (Strassburg), Assistant Professor of English Language and Literature in the University of Leeds
1. The Caroline lyric
2. Decline of the sonnet
3. The classical lyric
4. Influence of Jonson
5. Robert Herrick
6. Hesperides
7. Herrick’s epigrams
8. Noble Numbers
9. Thomas Carew
10. Sir John Suckling
11. Richard Lovelace
II. The Sacred Poets
By the REV. F. E. HUTCHINSON, M.A., Trinity College, Oxford, Chaplain of King’s College
1. The sacred poets a group with personal links, not a new school of poetry
2. George Herbert’s personality and divided aims reflected in his poems
3. His constructive ability
4. The metaphysical fashion
5. Crashaw’s relation to Herbert
6. His knowledge of Spanish and Italian literature
7. A large proportion of his work translation
8. The secular and the sacred poems compared
9. His defective powers of self-criticism
10. Henry Vaughan’s secular poetry
11. His conversion
12. His debt to Herbert, spiritual and literary
13. His links with Wordsworth
14. The re-discovery of Traherne’s poetry and prose-writings
15. Habington’s Castara
16. Quarles and emblem poetry
III. Writers of the Couplet
By A. HAMILTON THOMPSON, M.A., St. John’s College, Cambridge
1. The revolution in English verse
2. Sir John Beaumont
3. George Sandys
4. Edmund Waller
5. Sir John Denham
6. Cooper’s Hill
7. Abraham Cowley
8. The Mistress
9. Pindarique Odes
10. Davideis
11. Cowley’s influence
12. Sir William D’Avenant; Gondibert
IV. Lesser Caroline Poets
By GEORGE SAINTSBURY, M.A., Merton College, Oxford, LL.D., D.Litt., Professor of Rhetoric and English Literature in the University of Edinburgh
1. William Chamberlayne; Pharonnida
2. “Jo. Chalkhill”; Thealma and Clearchus
3. Shakerley Marmion; Cupid and Psyche
4. Sir Francis Kynaston; Leoline and Sydanis
5. Patrick Hannay; Sheretine and Mariana
6. William Bosworth or Boxworth; The Chaste and Lost Lovers or Arcadius and Sepha
7. Nathaniel Whiting; Albino and Bellama
8. Leonard Lawrence; Arnalte and Lucenda
9. Henry King
10. Thomas Stanley
11. John Hall
12. Sidney Godolphin
13. Sir Edward Sherborne
14. Katherine Philips
15. Patrick Cary; William Hammond; Robert Heath; Thomas Beedome; Richard Flecknoe; Henry Hawkins; Thomas Flatman; Philip Ayres; Robert Baron
16. Edward Benlowes
17. Theophila or Love’s Sacrifice
18. John Cleiveland
19. Summary
V. Milton
1. Milton’s life at Cambridge and Horton
2. His continental tour
3. His first marriage; Mary Powell
4. His life during the commonwealth
5. His second marriage; Catherine Woodcock
6. His third marriage; Elizabeth Minshull
7. His later years
8. His temperament
9. The growth of his reputation
10. The early poems
11. On the Morning of Christ’s Nativity
12. L’Allegro; Il Penseroso; Arcades; Comus
13. Lycidas
14. Sonnets
15. Paradise Lost
16. Milton’s “plagiarism”
17. Paradise Regained
18. Samson Agonistes
19. Milton’s prose works
20. His Latin writings
21. Milton’s literary form
22. His versification and style
VI. Caroline Divines
By the REV. W. H. HUTTON, B.D., St. John’s College, Oxford
1. Augustin Baker; Sancta Sophia
2. Thomas Traherne; Centuries of Meditations
3. Puritan literature of the days of Charles I
4. Richard Baxter
5. The Saints’ Everlasting Rest
6. The sermons at Paul’s cross
7. Henry Hammond
8. James Ussher
9. Robert Sanderson
10. Gilbert Sheldon
11. William Chillingworth
12. John Hales
13. The Ferrars and Little Gidding
14. Lettice (Morison), lady Falkland
15. George Herbert
16. A Priest to the Temple
17. William Laud
18. Richard Mountague
19. Joseph Hall
20. William Juxon; William Sancroft
21. Lesser Laudians
22. John Gauden
23. Eikon Basilike
24. Jeremy Taylor
VII. John Bunyan. Andrew Marvell
1. John Bunyan
2. The influence which moulded him
3. Grace Abounding
4. Bunyan’s language
5. The Pilgrim’s Progress
6. Its influence
7. The Holy War
8. The Life and Death of Mr. Badman
9. Andrew Marvell
10. His poems, satires and prose works
VIII. Historical and Political Writings, I
By A. W. WARD, Litt.D., F.B.A., Master of Peterhouse
1. Rushworth’s Collections
2. Thurloe’s State Papers
3. Letters of Henrietta Maria and of Oliver Cromwell
4. Sir Dudley Digges; The Compleat Ambassador
5. Sir Henry Wotton
6. “Intelligencers”; Private letters
7. The Earl of Strafford’s Letters
8. The Fairfax Correspondence
9. The Verney Letters
10. Correspondence of the Family of Hatton
11. James Howell’s Epistolae Ho-Elianae
12. Howell’s other writings
IX. Historical and Political Writings, II
By A. W. WARD, Litt.D., F.B.A.
1. Bacon’s Henry the Seventh
2. Lord Herbert of Cherbury
3. Edmund Bolton
4. Sir Edward Walker
5. William Lilly
6. Peter Heylyn
7. Scottish records
8. Archbishop Spottiswoode
9. David Calderwood
10. Irish history
11. Spenser’s Veue of the Present State of Ireland
12. Pacata Hibernia
13. Other works
14. Clarendon
15. The History of the Rebellion
16. Clarendon’s skill in character drawing
17. Robert Carey’s Memoirs; Sir Robert Naunton’s Fragmata Regalia; John Manningham’s Diary
18. Sir Kenelm Digby’s Private Memoirs
19. Nehemiah Wallington
20. Sir Simonds d’Ewes’s Autobiography and Correspondence
21. John Rous’s Diary
22. Edmund Ludlow’s Memoirs
23. The Memoirs of the Life of Colonel Hutchinson