AS Religious Ethics
Ethical theories: Utilitarianism
Candidates should be able to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of:
· the classical forms of Utilitarianism from Bentham and Mill;
· the principle of Utility;
· the differences between the Utilitarianism of Bentham and of Mill;
· the Hedonic Calculus, higher and lower pleasures, quantity v. quality;
· Act and Rule Utilitarianism;
· the Preference Utilitarianism of Peter Singer.
Candidates should be able to discuss critically these issues and their strengths and weaknesses.
AS Religious Ethics Ethical theories: Utilitarianism
/ Topic / AO1 questions / AO2 issues / Key words / Resources [PPT here] /U1 / Introduction to Utilitarianism / What is Utilitarianism? / Are consequences the only thing with moral significance? / Normative
Theory of the Right
Theory of the Good / Dialogue 4 (1995) ‘Utilitarianism’, Cocksworth
U2 / Introduction to Bentham’s Utilitarianism / What is Bentham’s Utilitarianism?
What does Bentham say is right?
What does Bentham say is good? / Is pleasure the only good? / Jeremy Bentham
Principle of Utility
U3 / Bentham’s Hedonic Calculus / What is the Hedonic Calculus? / Is the Hedonic Calculus practical? / Hedonic Calculus
7 dimensions / U3 hedonic calculus crossword.doc
U4 / The strengths of Bentham’s theory / What are the strengths of Bentham’s theory? / Does Bentham’s theory work? / Democratic
U5 / The weaknesses of Bentham’s theory / What are the weaknesses of Bentham’s theory? / Does Bentham’s theory work? / Majority
U7 / Introduction to J.S. Mill’s Utilitarianism / What is Mill’s Theory of the Good?
Why does Mill distinguish between higher and lower pleasures?
Why does Mill focus on quality rather than quantity? / Can we sustain the distinction between lower and higher pleasures? / Higher pleasure
Lower pleasure
Qualitative vs quantitative
Harm Principle
U8 / The strengths of Mill’s theory / What are the strengths of Mill’s theory? / Is Mill’s theory an improvement on Bentham’s? / Democratic
U9 / The weaknesses of Mill’s theory / What are the weaknesses of Mill’s theory? / Moral dilemma
U10 / Act and Rule Utilitarianism / What is Act Utilitarianism?
What is Rule Utilitarianism?
What is the difference between Strong and Weak Rule Utilitarianism?
Which theory is preferable? / Is Rule more practical than Act Utilitarianism?
Is Weak Rule Utilitarianism viable? / Act Utilitarianism
Rule Utlitarianism
Strong vs Weak
U11 / Peter Singer’s Preference Utilitarianism / Who is Peter Singer?
What is Preference Utilitarianism? / Is preference Utilitarianism a good theory? / Theory of the Good
U12 / Strengths and weaknesses of Singer’s theory
U13 / So what do we think of Utilitarianism? / What are the problems with Utilitarianism?
Why do some philosophers agree with Utilitarianism? / Is there a form of Utilitarianism that works? / Relativism
Quantification of pleasure
Jim & the Indians (Williams)
Practical for NHS / Utilitarianism classical criticisms.pdf
Revision / Utilitarianism revision.doc
U1 Utilitarianism key word cards.pdf
Utilitarianism lecture (Guy Fletcher 11th Nov 2010).ppt
Utilitarianism lecture (Guy Fletcher).mp3
Utilitarianism revision x-word.pdf
Utilitarianism revision x-word.docx