2015 XC Meeting AgendaJune 1, 2015; 2:15pm; Gym Classroom CHS
*beforehand—sign in and add new email addresses, hand out tickets to Brooks meet, hand out packets and running logs
- Introductions—coaches, captains
- Video (4:30)
- Overall plans for summer running…
--Summer (now) is when it all starts, season actually lasts 22 weeks (June-November), although the official season starts on August 24th.
*mention eligibility requirements (ASB card, athletic packet/physical exam, fines, GPA)—please take care of during Viking Days in mid-August
--How good can you be??? How much you run matters, not just quality (see graph of 22 weeks mileage)
--Review overview of 2015 workout calendar (explain numbers, %’s)
--If you haven’t done this before, you will be surprised how much you’ll get out of it. Many of you may end up district and state qualifying runners, maybe even a state champ. Most will see drastic improvement in performances, as well as general fitness and overall health
- Discuss items on handout below:
1. Tentative Meet Schedule:
9/12/2015 (Sat)Bellarmine InvitationalBellarmine Prep HS
9/16/2015 (Wed)Curtis @ BethelFrontier Park
9/18-19/2015(Sat)Woodbridge InviteIrvine, CA
9/23/2015(Wed)Rogers @ CurtisCurtis HS
10/3/2015 (Sat)Curtis InvitationalTitlow Park, Tacoma
10/7/2015 (Wed)Puyallup, Span Lake @ CurtisCurtis HS
10/14/2015 (Wed)GK @ Emerald RidgeEmerald Ridge HS, Puyallup
10/16/2015 (Fri)Frosh/Soph ClassicSehmelHomstead Park, Gig Harbor
10/24/2015 (Sat)SPSL 4A Subdistrict MeetFt. Steilacoom State Park
10/31/2015 (Sat)Westside ClassicAmerican Lake Golf Course
11/7/2015 (Sat)WIAA 4A State ChampionshipsSun Willows Golf Course, Pasco
2. Summer Schedule: Posted on-line at
Practices are typically on Mondays at 4pm at a coach’s or athlete’s house, Tuesday at 10am at CHS, Wednesday at Point Defiance at 5pm, Thursday at 10am at CHS, Friday at 10am at Titlow Park, and Saturday at Point Defiance at 9am. Any changes/updates to the summer schedule will be updated online, so make sure to confirm on the website about any practices. Links on the website will also clarify location and time. Attendance will be taken, and for boys will factor into varsity points for the season.
Information will be shared throughout the summer and during the season as it comes up via email, as well as through the Curtis X-Country team Facebook group.
3. Summer camp: Camp is at Lakes HS/Fort Steilacoom Park during the week of July 27th-31st. Cost is $110 if you send in the registration before July 17th. Brochures are available here or online at:
4. Varsity Retreats: We will have a 3-day/2-night camping retreat for the varsity teams during the Thursday-Saturday of the first week of the regular season (August 27th-29th). The boys will be heading to Vashon Island again, and the girls will be heading to TBD. The trip will not cost very much, if anything at all for the athletes.
Qualifying factors for the retreat involve a combination of total miles logged during the summer and performance at a 2-mile time trial on the first day of official practice (August 24th). Running logs will be provided, and must be signed by a parent or guardian and turned in on the first day of practice to be considered for qualification to the varsity retreat. The summer running logs will also affectboysvarsity points during the season.
Boys:Total Miles Run from 6/3/12 to 8/25/13Average pace in 2 x 1 mile workout
Girls: Total Miles Run from 6/3/12 to 8/25/132-mile time trial result
*new female runners are asked to remain at 10 - 15 miles a week in June – mid July and then increase as tolerated until the season begins to avoid injury.
5. Team Dinners: Some of the Monday practices in July will be at a coach’s house, and will include dinner afterwards. Directions/ information will be on the online calendar. If your family is interested in hosting the team for a Monday evening practice/dinner in August, contact Coach Mangrum () to coordinate the date and include the information on the online calendar.
During the regular season we often have team dinners before Saturday meets. If your family is interested in hosting a team dinner (usually spaghetti, can be a potluck if you wish) contact Coach Mangrum. First come, first reserved.
*If you have any questions about this summer or next season, just send an email to Coach Mangrum at
6. Woodbridge Invite, Irvine CA Information:
- Cost estimates: Plane tickets right now are going for $236 online. The price will probably go up the longer you wait to book your ticket. My best estimate will add another $100 to cover hotel, van rental, and gas (Total of about $336). This total will need to be paid later to the Viking XC Booster Club (and the actual amount will be determined after all hotel/van reservations have been made in mid-July). All other expenses will be on your own.
- Plane tickets: You must purchase your plane tickets individually. Here’s what you do:
1. Go to Alaskaair.com
2. On the left side of the page, enter the following information into the Flight Reservation window: Roundtrip flight departing from Seattle (SEA) and going to Los Angeles (LAX) departing on Thursday, September 17th, 2015 and returning on Sunday, September 20th, 2015
3. Select the Departing Flight at 10:00 am-12:43 pm (flight #440)and the Returning Flight at 3:35 pm-6:09 pm (flight #467)
*Note—if seats are not available for one or both of the above flights, select the following as your flight: departing Seattle at7:35 am-10:20 am (flight #462)and departing Los Angeles (LAX) at4:05 pm-6:39 pm (flight #479)If these flights are not available for some reason, contact Coach Mangrum before booking a different flight.
4. Fill in your contact information, Select seats, Submit Payment Information
5. Print out two copies of your reservation confirmation—one for you, one for Mangrum (bring in the paper to Mangrum ASAP so you have your spot reserved)
- Fundraising—
T-shirt advertisements—you can raise a lot of money very easily with this fundraiser…just bring in the letter to a local community-friendly business and ask to share it with the manager. You will receive %100 of the funds to reimburse your cost for the trip (unless you raise more than enough—then it will help lower the cost for others) as long as you give Mangrum your list of businesses you approach. I suggest visiting those businesses that have done this in the past (see any recent team t-shirt for ideas). See the attached draft of this year’s letter.
There is a deadline for this fundraiser, since the T-shirts must be printed in late August. All funds and business logos must be received by the Viking Booster Club by August 15th.
Group fundraisers—we will do a few other fundraisers (Curtis football game concessions, a pizza takeover at Roundtable, etc) that will lower the total cost for the hotel/van/gas and help cover any other costs for the trip. You are expected to attend these if you are traveling to California this year.
- Summer requirements—
Attendance—you are expected to come to as many summer practices as you can. In order to participate in the Woodbridge Invite, you must come to at least 50% of the scheduled practices. Talk to Coach Mangrum or Coach Jacobsen if you have special circumstances.
Training logs—you are also expected to maintain a personal running/training log during the summer, which will be provided. Logs must be signed by a parent/guardian and turned in on the first week of practice.
E. Chaperones—
We will need 1 adult for every 6 students, therefore we could need some parents to be volunteer chaperones. They would likely need to pay for their own plane ticket. Let Mangrum know if your parent is interested. Numbers of athletes will determine the number of chaperones.
To participate in athletics, students should have all necessary forms completed before the first practice dates listed below. Fees/fines can be handled through the Student Accounts Office or by using the online payment option. Forms will be handled at the High School on the following dates only:
Monday, August 19 & Thursday, August 22, 7:00-2:00, in the CHS main office
Viking Days – Tuesday, Aug. 20, 8:00-3:00 & Wednesday, Aug. 21, 8:00-11:00, in the CHS Cafeteria
Athletic Fees: A.S.B. ACTIVITY CARD - $45.00
Athletic Packet: 1. Insurance Information 2. Emergency Information
3. Physical (on website) 4. Athletic Participation Agreement
5. Lystedt Concussion Form
Arrange to complete your physical exam in advance of Wednesday, August 21st for football and Monday, August 26th for the remaining fall sports.
Sophomore Orientation – Wednesday, August 21, 2013
Curtis HS Theater 11:15-12:15
The ASB student leadership group will be leading activities and sharing information to help smooth the transition from the Junior High to the High School.
Dear Community Members,
The Curtis High School Cross Country program is a wonderful opportunity for students to excel in school and on the athletic field. Athletics give students motivation to do well in school, boosts self-esteem, and surrounds students with good friends. Being a part of a team can be a life-changing event for many students. It can have an impact on their confidence and self-perception. Our program at Curtis has a long standing reputation for producing successful teams and outstanding young leaders. We consistently have between 40-60 boys and girls running and competing for CHS.
In an effort to encourage more athletes to turn out and to reward those students that have put in a great deal of hard work throughout the summer, we are planning to travel to a cross country meet in Irvine, California. In order to do this, each student will need to fundraise between $250-350
One of the fund-raising efforts we are planning is to offer local businesses with the opportunity to advertise on the back of our team t-shirts. These shirts will be worn at every cross country meet by a majority of the athletes, as well as any number of the days that they just happen to be wearing the shirts. This could provide your business the good publicity of supporting our team, as well as the likelihood of increasing the awareness of your business to an almost limitless population of local athletes, parents and community members.
We are asking that you consider purchasing one of the following advertising options:
Level 1: 1.5” x 2” logo$75
Level 2:2” x 3” logo$125
Level 3:3” x 4” logo$200
Please take a look at the back of this letter to see what the 3 options in sizes would look like on the shirt.
All of the donated funds will go directly to support the student-athlete that has contacted you about this opportunity and cover their trip expenses. If you decide to support them at one of these three levels, please mail your logo (preferably printed onto a piece of white paper) along with a check to:
Viking Cross Country Booster Club
c/oAnnie Jacot
1302 N. Harmon St.
Tacoma, WA 98406
Please make the check payable to “Viking Cross Country Booster Club”, and please include the name of the student in the memo line on the check.
If you would like to receive one of the CHS Cross Country T-shirts complimentary to wear or display at your business, please let the student who contacted you know what size they should order for you. If you need a receiptor if you have any questions or concerns, please call Ben Mangrum at Curtis High School at (253) 566-5710 ext. 2484, or email at
Thank you so much for your consideration and support.
Ben Mangrum
Boys Head Coach, CHS Cross Country
Michelle Jacobsen
Girls Head Coach, CHS Cross Country
Appearance of Back of T-shirt
(design from 2009 team XC shirt)