Minutes of the Patient Participation Group

The Aylesbury Medical Centre

Thurlow Street. London, SE17 2XE

8th September 2014

1. Welcome and introductions.

2. Minutes of last meeting

Minutes from the last meeting were agreed. AP informed the group that the

Minutes will be published on the Practice Website.

3. Updates on Priority areas agreed at last meeting

Priority 1: Duty Doctor

Following the implementation of the Duty Doctor on 2nd June 2014, Alison P. reported that feedback from patients had been positive. AP informed the group that the role of the Duty Doctor was charged to triage on the day, calls for urgent medical problems. He or she may:

·  Triage to the most appropriate Clinician if available

·  Manage the encounter as appropriate

o  Telephone consultation

o  Invite for same day face to face consultation

o  Home visit

·  Redirection as appropriate e.g. Ambulance call or A&E attendance. Examples are:

o  Acute chest pain, breathlessness, sudden loss of vision and suspected stroke would need a 999 call immediately

o  Suspected fractures, lacerations and nose bleeds lasting more than 15 minutes directed to A&E

·  Cases deemed non urgent could be given appointments or visits within 2 days

LW then gave a review on the current appointment system which included:-

Regular appointment slots:

Can be booked at the desk or by phone

On the day access slots:

Patients to ring the Surgery from 8.00 am to book or come in and queue at their site from 8.00 am or 2.30 pm

On the day child access slots:

Patients can book at the desk or by phone

Early morning slots: (Monday-Friday 7.00 am – 7.40 am)

Patients can book at the desk or by phone

Late evening slots: (Tuesdays 6.30 pm – 8.00 pm)

Patients cab book at the desk or by phone

Telephone consultations:

Patients can book at the desk or by phone

The group felt that the practice offered a wide range of appointments but recognised that the Aylesbury served a very large patient population.

Priority 2: On-line Booking (Internet)

LW reported that following the introduction of On-line Booking, the uptake had been slow. Patients are requested to register for On-line Access at reception. LW will ask SC to produce larger posters and flyers for reception waiting area.

Action: LW/SC

Priority 3: DNA – Patient who do not attend their appointments

DNA rate has reduced although 284 patients still did not attend. MA suggested we all tried to think of ways of addressing this with the patients who do not turn up for appointments.

LW stated that the practice writes to a patient if he/she DNA three times.

CC said we need to continue to address this and it will be tabled at next meeting.

Action: AP

A general discussion followed. Patients who do not attend waste so much of the clinicians time. CC/MA said this also impacts on patients who need appointments and cannot get them as quickly as they would like!

CC stated that the elderly may often forget.

ABP and OB said that Text reminder found to be very helpful.

MR – the question was raised as to whether personal contact was made with repeat DNA offenders outside DNA letters.

AP reported that it is noted on screen and member of staff will discuss with the patient when they next attend.

GH asked is there any particular way PPG can help patients to keep their appointments?

General discussion followed. Idea’s well received by group. It was noted that receptionists do address DNA’s. However the practice need’s to do more.

AP asked PPG to become more involved. CV suggested they could walk around Surgery emphasising the need to cancel appointment if could not be kept.

MB posed question of whether it would be feasible for DNA survey to be given out to DNA offenders.

GH suggested we use TV screens to enforce message.

MH felt reception staff do not give information out about the various appointment slots available. Not advertised at Dun Cow.

Priority 4: Dedicated Telephone Line for Admission Avoidance Enhanced Service

LW briefed group on new Enhanced Service; looks at patients who are at risk.

The new Avoiding Unplanned Admissions Enhanced Service aims to:

·  Provide timely telephone access, via ex-directory or bypass number to relevant clinicians and providers to support decisions relating to hospital transfers or admissions in order to reduce avoidable hospital admissions or A&E attendances.

·  Proactively case manage vulnerable patients (both those with physical and mental health conditions) through developing, sharing and regularly reviewing personalised care plans, including identifying a named accountable GP and care coordinator.

·  Improve access to telephone, or where required, consultation appointments for patients identified in this service who have urgent enquiries.

·  Work with hospitals to review and improve hospital discharge processes, sharing relevant information and whole system commissioning action points to help inform commissioning decisions.

·  Undertake internal reviews of unplanned admission or re-admissions or A&E attendances.

LW/SC reported that the practice will implement a dedicated telephone line to deal with urgent enquiries.

Action: SC/LW

Priority 5: Repeat Prescriptions On-line

A member of the admin team (CR), attended meeting today to answer questions about requests for repeat prescriptions. This was well received.

LW reported that SC is in the process of setting up requests for Repeat Prescription On-line.

Action: SC

Priority 6: Time of PPG Meetings

Today’s meeting was held at a later time enabling working members to attend.

4. Practice Survey

GH offered to give his time on a Tuesday or Friday to visit practice and encourage patients to complete patient survey.

AP briefed group on last year’s survey.

CC said the survey needs to be shorter and addressed in small chunks. The committee agreed to reduce the questions but to ensure that questions about access and quality re GP/PN/NP and receptionist are addressed.

AP raised the Family and Friends Test – two questions only being rolled out by the D of H. Hospitals already asking the question. Would you recommend the practice to your family and friends?

The shorter survey questions will be brought to the next meeting for comments.

GH said Creation Trust have a newsletter. We could send out information about our appointment system.

5. Over 75’s

CC asked what a ‘designated Doctor’ does on a day to day basis. AP briefed the group and also explained about the Avoiding Unplanned Admissions DES which requires the practice to have:

·  Dedicated telephone line

·  Manned by Telephonist Administrator

·  To be used by over 75 patients, carers, Ambulance service, SELDOC, Social Workers and service providers.

6. Over 65’s and Housebound

AP commented that The UK is growing older. Over the last 50 years, the average life span has increased by 10 years for a man and eight years for a woman. Older people are more likely to live with a health condition and often more than one. To this end, GP Practices are ensuring that the Over 65’s and housebound patients are receiving best care.

AP briefed the group on services available.

LW informed the group about the services of Southwark Safe and Independent Living (SAIL); this is a new service which provides a quick and simple way to access a wide range of local services to support older people to maintain their independence, safety and wellbeing.

LW reported that Age UK Southwark, is funded by Southwark Council. SAIL work closely with the London Fire Brigade, Metropolitan Police, the council, health and voluntary sector partners across the borough of Southwark. SAIL partners are all committed to ensuring that those aged 50+, and potentially vulnerable individuals, such as people recently discharged from hospital, people living with long term conditions, carers, people on low incomes, people who are drug/alcohol dependent or people who meet other criteria identified by partner agencies, are able to receive support from a number of agencies to access services that will improve their health, safety and independence.

This information was well received by the group; they could see how it would be really useful for the elderly and vulnerable patients.

7. Locality PPG Meetings

MA briefed group on the last meeting he had attended.

Content of meeting included service delivery, funding and envisaged changes to improve NHS. Suggestions were noted and will be investigated by Directors and Clinicians.

MA extended invitation to the group to attend other meetings where service delivery is being reviewed.

GH suggested we advertise in local Library, Social Media: Facebook/Twitter.

8. Open Afternoon

CV informed group that Practice will be hosting their annual ‘Open Afternoon’. in October 2014 ( date to be confirmed). AP asked group for suggestions:-

·  Mental Health Awareness: Mindfulness

·  Southwark Carers

·  Sexual Health

·  Blood Pressure monitoring

·  Improving obesity: sensible eating

·  MOT for men

·  Immunisation Schedule


·  Diabetes

·  Cholesterol

·  Smoking cessation

·  Sexual health


·  Dietician

AP/LW commented that they had a number of external service providers willing to attend the Open Afternoon; there was much benefit in the Aylesbury working with other service providers in the community as this enhanced patient knowledge and care.

9. Referrals

AP discussed the type of referral patients can have and their pathways. We have many GP’s with special interests now so the patient will get a quicker appointment. EG dermatology, Minor surgery, ENT, respiratory

10. Patient Participation Group

CV said that it was good to be a part of the PPG. CV wanted the group to look at frequency of meetings. The group said we should continue to meet quarterly for now, but some suggested some meetings be held in morning/ afternoon and in the evening. AP/LW said they would look at dairies to see if this could be accommodated.

AP commented that it would be good for the PPG to be represented from patients of all age groups. AP asked the group to think about how we can entice different age groups to the meeting.

Action: All

11. GP Communication

CC raised issue of how GPs communicate with patients. General discussion followed. The majority of the group were happy with communication between themselves and the doctors. LW reported that the practice has a Complaints Handling Policy. It was noted that:

(i)  The practice tries to resolve concerns informally, outside of the regulations, with the agreement of the patient.

(II) The practice has a process for handling and co-operating in multi-agency complaints.

(III) The Practice Manager and GP partners will investigate individual complaints

(IV) The practice makes provision for an oral complaint to be committed to writing.

(V) The practice will acknowledge a complaint within three working days and then conducts a full investigation. They will then report outcome of investigation to complainant.

LW commented that a copy of the Practice Complaint Policy was available upon request.

12. Information Pack

The group were informed that the practice are in the process of reviewing their new Registration Pack. Information about the PPG would now be included.

Action: SC/LW

13. Practice Website

PPG asked to review website and feedback comments. Action: All

14. Prescriptions On-Line

MN commented on repeat prescriptions, as this is a new service SC/LW will look into any new issues.

15. Aylesbury Regeneration

LW informed group that she and Dr Stewart Kay were working closely with Creation Trust and NHS Southwark to look at design facilities for the development of the new Aylesbury Medical Centre. LW reported that the vision is to have a GP Practice and Community Health Centre combined.

LW to keep group updated with development plans as an when available.

Action: LW

Date of next meeting: 8th December 2014 at 3 pm