Chabot College/Las Positas College February 1994

Removed Fall 2010

Course Outline for Geology 10L


Catalog Description:

10L - Introduction to Geology Lab 1 unit

Introduction to the materials and techniques of geology. Includes maps, minerals, rocks, and fossils. Prerequisite: Geology 10 ( may be taken concurrently). 3 hours laboratory.
[Typical contact hours: 52.5]

Expected Outcomes for Students:

Upon completion of the course, the student should be able to:

1. read and understand the preparation of topographic maps;

2. identify the more common minerals and rocks;

3. understand the origin of most common rocks;

4. identify common fossils and understand their habitat;

5. read geologic maps and prepare cross-sections.

Course Content:

1. Topographic maps

2. Minerals

3. Rocks

4. Fossils

5. Geologic maps

Methods of Presentation:

1. Laboratory sessions

2. Audio-visual materials

Methods of Evaluating Student Progress:

Laboratory assignments, exams on laboratory techniques, and a final exam.

Textbook(s) (Typical):

Exploring Geology, O'Dunn & Sill, Prentis-Hall Publishing

Special Student Materials: None

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