
  1. Complete all sections of this form
  2. Email to the Project Service Centre (PSC) at:
  3. The email subject should include “Project Submission:” and the proposed project title

Project Evaluation Criteria

Project are assessed by the chapter based on the following -

  1. The extent to which the project supports the chapter or R10 goals
  2. The extent to which the benefits of the project exceed any costs or amount of effort to implement and operate
  3. The extent to which the chapter is able to accommodate and pursue the project in the context of everything else it is doing
  4. The relative impact and likelihood of the risks and the extent to which they can be mitigated
  5. Resource availability and skills needed to implement then operate
  6. The inter-dependencies and/or impacts on or by other initiatives
  7. The project supports and is compliant to the Chapter Rules and Code of Ethics

Request Form

Proposed Project Title:
Project summary:
Provide a few sentences that summarise the essence of the project
Name and contact of person submitting this request:
Project Objectives:
Describe the desired outcomesfor the project.
Project Deliverables
List the anticipated deliverables
Chapter / Region 10 Goals that the project supports and how it will support them
List the Chapter / R10 goals that the project supports, and/or the chapter portfolio (eg Marketing, Communications, Membership, Professional Development) that the project fits within. Articulate how the project will support them
Project benefits
Definite the tangible benefits (in $ terms if possible); how will we be able to measure that the benefits have been realised?Include intangible benefits as well.
Costs and effort to implement.
List any $ costs to implement, plus the estimated amount of effort such as volunteer hours needed?
Proposed implementation approach / proposed phases. List the key event milestones.
Estimated duration of project. And any dates / events that drive when the project should be either started or finished by?Are there any dates after which any listed benefits will no longer be realisable?
Initial estimate of the volunteers needed; outline the skills / experience needed. Any external 3rd party involvement needed?
List the identified risks and proposed mitigation for each risk
Nominated resources; are there any prospective resources already identified? ---
Project manager name:
Proposed Project Sponsor (usually a Chapter Board member):
Name of additional resources:
List any impacts on, or by other chapter projects, if known.
Operational changes / costs as a result of the project
If the project is successfully implemented, will it result in any changes to day to day operations, systems, or processes? If so, outline known changes and an estimate of any associated change in operational costs

Project Request Form – page 1