E3 – American Literature Lesson Plans – 2011-2012

August 2011
Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12
15 / 16 Opening Day Teachers / 17 1st Day of School
Introduction - Policies & Procedures, Syllabus & Grades (using class web site)
Explain Daily Warm-ups
Locker Assignments
Handbook Review
Homework - Student/Parent Course Contract (Due Friday) / 18 Assign textbooks
Finish Introductions/Review textbooks
Intro Facebook Group Page
Assign Autobiographical Poem (tech. pts if posted on FB group page)
Explain English Only Notebook requirements
Homework - Student/Parent Contract
Autobiographical Poems
Secure English Only notebook / 19 Collect Contracts
Finish clerical issues (textbooks, lockers, handbooks, etc)
Assign/Review vocabulary words
Read Welty's A Worn Path & Discuss reading model
Homework - Autobiographical Poems
Secure English Only notebook
22 Share & Collect Autobiographical poems
Review vocabulary words
Finish reading/discuss - A Worn Path
Homework - Vocabulary words / 23 Intro Unit 1-Origins & Encounters pg16-17;18-19-Timeline/Myth-Cause & Effect (overhead)
Read p24-30-The World On A Turtles Back -take cause&effect notes
Homework - Finish reading & notes on The World On A Turtles Back & Vocabulary words / 24 Discuss Cause & Effect notes from
The World On A Turtles Back
Discuss Think Critically Questions pg 31 -
Vocabulary Review
Homework - Vocabulary words / 25 Vocabulary Quiz
Intro Folk Tales/Trickster Tales
Begin reading - Coyote & the Buffalo p40-42; Fox & Coyote & Whale p43-45; (notes- cause&effect)
Homework - Answer Questions 2 & 4 on Page 46 / Continue reading Coyote Tales-Coyote & the Buffalo p40-42; Fox & Coyote & Whale p43-45; (notes- cause&effect) / 26 Notebook Check - in Eng. Only Notebook (should contain daily prompts & class notes (i.e. cause&effect)
Review & Collect HW pg 46 Questions
Wrap-up Coyote Tales-Coyote & the Buffalo p40-42; Fox & Coyote & Whale p43-45
Homework - Brainstorm 4 modern day tricksters.
29 Open Response Lesson/Practice
Show Coyote DVD - OR Practice Graphic Organizer re:Coyote Video
OR Assignment - Compare modern trickster to Coyote
Homework - Finish Graphic Organizer - re: Coyote Video / 30 Review Graphic Organizer - re: Coyote Video
Review Unit Stories for Unit Quiz (Turtle/Coyote Stories)
Homework - Quiz Review
Open Response Writing Assignment / 31 Quiz - Turtle/Coyote Stories
Peer Review-Open Response Writing
Homework - Open Response Writing Assignment

*STAR DAY - Students will be dismissed 3 hours early.

September 2011
Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
1 Open Response Check-Up
Read -The Man to Send Rain Clouds
p49-52 and summarize the rituals surrounding Teofilo's death in EON(Eng. Only Notebook)
Homework - Open Response Writing / 2 Open Response Assgnmt DUE
Read - The Way to Rainy Mountain -p56-61
Assign Vocabulary Words/Review
Homework - Create a 3-column chart with the headings - The Landscape, The Kiowa and Momaday's Grandmother. As you read, write down one or two things you learn about any of these topics using your EON (Eng. Only Notebook)
5 No School - Labor Day / 6 Create a 3-column chart with the headings - The Landscape, The Kiowa and Momaday's Grandmother. As you read, write down one or two things you learn about any of these topics using your EON (Eng. Only Notebook)
Discuss Rainy Mountain Chart
Remind students - Notebook check on Tuesday, 9/13
Homework - study EON notes
for Unit 1-Part 1 Test / 7 Unit 1 /Part 1 Review
Native American Mythology
Trickster Tales
All assigned reading selections
Writing/Grammar skills - sentence correction (Standard English) / 8Unit 1/Part 1 Test
Homework - Read Intro First Encounters - Part II p 66-71
Intro La Relacion p 73-76
Finish reading La Relacion p 73-76 - In your EON (Eng. Only Notebook) List 4 physical & 4 mental challenges Cabeza de Vaca faced during his ordeal. / 9 9/11 Observation
Morning Classes 1-4 - Meet in the Millennium Center.
Afternoon Classes - 5-7 - Meet in Room 217
12 Discuss MAP testing schedule
9/15 - 2nd/4th On schedule M-T Thursday work to FRI
9/16 - 5th On schedule M-T
All Classes Move WED 9/14 to MONDAY 9/19, FRI 9/16 to TUE 9/20.
Listen to audio CD - La Relacion
Discuss HW assignment
Formative Assess of Slave Knowledge - 5 statements about Slavery
Assign Vocabulary Words -
Quiz Thursday 9/22
Read "from Of Plymouth Plantation" p. 81-87
Homework - Write usable
summaries of La Relacion
Of Plymouth Plantation
Review for reading assessment / 13
9/13 - 1st Move Tuesday work to Thursday
Periods 2, 4, 5
Formative Assessment - La Relacion Of Plymouth Plantation (Summaries Reviewed)
EON Check - First 5,
Notebook Completion, NA notes
La Relacion 4 Mental & Physical Challenges
Give background and discuss Slave Narratives (EON)
Begin reading Olaudah Equiano p93
Homework - finish reading Oladah Equiano All students will create an individual spider web of sensory details of the slave ship - Literary Analysis
/ 14 Star Day - 24 minutes/Sub in Room.
poss. Grammar and Vocabulary exercises / 15 1ST period
QUIZ - La Relacion Of Plymouth Plantation (Summaries Permitted)
Collect HW Summaries
Notebook Check - First 5,
Notebook Completion, NA notes
La Relacion 4 Mental & Physical Challanges
Give background and discuss Slave Narratives (EON)
Begin reading Olaudah Equiano p93
Homework - finish reading Oladah Equiano All students will create an individual spider web of sensory details of the slave ship - Literary Analysis
Periods 5
Review Slave Ship Imagery/Sensory Details chart.
Intro Autobiography
and My Soujourn in the Lands of My
As you read- chart Event/Reaction
and Impact (EON)
Homework - finish reading My Sojourn...p110-115 / 16 1ST/ 2ND / 4TH period Review Slave Ship Imagery/Sensory Details chart.
Intro Autobiography
and My Soujourn in the Lands of My
As you read- chart Event/Reaction
and Impact (EON) Reading Notes
Homework - finish reading My Sojourn...p110-115
19 Fall Testing Window
Review MAPS test days and times.
Review Sojourn.
Homework for Friday - Create a chart for each NF piece read in Unit 1: Part 2: La Relacion; of Plymouth Plantation; The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano; My Sojourn in the Land of My Ancestors.
Each chart should include:
examples of imagery and figurative language,
selection summary, and
literary element focus.(found in Before You Read section of text).
Due FRIDAY / 20 Fall Testing Window
Periods 2/4/5 - Eyewitness Report exercise.
(Informative/Explanatory Writing)Assignment p120-125
Use graphic organizer to start report
Introduce SPAM for On-Demand Writing / 21 Fall Testing Window
Periods 1 and 5 - ACT Practice English TEST
Periods 2 and 4 - MAPS testing
2nd period - MC LAB
4th period - ROOM 617 / 22 Fall Testing Window
Period 1 Eyewitness Report exercise
Informative/Explanatory Writing Assignment p120-125
Use graphic organizer to start report
Introduce SPAM for On-Demand Writing
Periods 2 and 4 - ACT Practice English TEST
5th period MAPS TESTING
Room 617
/ 23 Fall Testing Window
Assign Eyewitness Report Writing
Homework - fill out graphic organizer on eyewitness event and write a rough draft of the report
Review Rubric (p120), Graphic Organizers and rough drafts
Homework - Write Eyewitness report
26 Fall Testing Window
Unit 1 - Part II Test (only notes permitted will be charts turned in Friday 9/23)
English Staff USR orientation in MC Lab 6th period
1st Draft of Eyewitness Reports Tuesday for peer review.
Structural Analysis vocabulary worksheet 1 / 27 Fall Testing Window
Intro Unit 2 - From Colony to Country - p130-136
Minimum - 12 sentence-statements.
(take notes in EON Reading Notes Section)
Following note-taking (Minimum - 1 full page), student may pair off for Eyewitness Report review. Without copy of ER in hand, no pairing permitted. Students without Eyewitness Reports should work on those individually.
Remind students of upcoming vocabulary test (Thursday for 2nd period; Friday for 1, 4, and 5)
2nd draft of ER due Monday, Oct. / 28 Fall Testing Window
1st and 5th - Room 617 MAPS Testing
2nd and 4th
Review Intro w/PPT
Fill-in Gaps/Take Notes (EON) -
Listen to the Bradstreet Poems
To My Dear & Loving Husband & Upon the Burning of Our House, July 10th, 1666 - pgs 139-141
Not finished in class is HOMEWORK.
Discuss examples of meter, Inverted Syntax, and Puritan Language.
Review vocabulary
/ 29 Fall Testing Window
4th period- Room 615
1st and 5th Take Notes (EON) -
Listen to the Bradstreet Poems
To My Dear & Loving Husband & Upon the Burning of Our House, July 10th, 1666 - pgs 139-141
Discuss Meter, Inverted Syntax, Puritan Language
2nd period - vocab quizp
THEN -.144-149 -The Examination of Sarah Good.
Compile 5 examples of BIAS that are to be found in the transcript and surrounding material.
1,4,5 - Study vocabulary
/ 30 Fall Testing Window
2nd period - MC Lab
vocab quiz
1,4,5 -
THEN -.144-149 -The Examination of Sarah Good.
Compile 5 examples of BIAS that are to be found in the transcript and surrounding material.

*STAR DAY - Students will be dismissed 3 hours early.

October 2011
Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
3 I CAN Statements - I can learn to use USR effectively to increase my own reading comprehension and reading speed.
HW -First Draft of Eyewitness Report AND Read Anne Bradstreet's poems -To My Dear & Loving Husband & Upon the Burning of Our House, July 10th, 1666 - pgs 139-141
Find three examples of inverted syntax and Puritan language. Rewrite the inverted phrases into modern language. Explain the meaning of the Puritan language.
Study Vocab.
/ 4 First Five - Locate and identify Independent Clauses in On-board sentences.
I CAN Statements - I can recognize and locate independent clauses in a sentence.
I can compose a coherent eyewitness report using details, specific images, and relevant information.
I can recognize and translate inverted syntax.
I can scan poetry for meter.
Paired up by random playing cards -
Literary Analysis, p. 142. (8 minute activity)
Collect first drafts. Collect in class activity.
Discuss Homework - Examples in EON for checking 10/11/11.
HW - P.144-149 -The Examination of Sarah Good.
Compile 5 examples of Loaded Language in the transcript and surrounding material. Explain the impact of such language in the transcript of a legal proceeding.
Study Vocab / 5 First Five - Recognize the uses of adverbs in onboard sentences. Distinguish between adjectives and adverbs (function).
I CAN Statements - I can recognize Loaded Language and discern its import and intent.
I can recognize the difference between a transcript and a summary.
Return Eyewitness Reports. First revison due Monday, 10/10.
HW - TAKE NOTES from the Build Background section.
COMPLETE all Focus Your Reading tasks - Answer the question in the Literary Analysis section and create the chart in your EON Reading Notes section. Minimum 5 terms/entries in the chart.
READ from "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God" p152-158. / 6 First Five - subject/verb agreement activity
I CAN Statements - I Can recognize problems in subject-verb agreement.
I can correct subject-verb agreement issues.
I CAN demonstrate my acquisition of vocabulary words.
Vocabulary TEST : 1-2 Roots and Affixes
IN-CLASS - The Scarlet Letter Anticipation Guide
HW-Vocab 3-4; Review Puritan writings. Make Chart for Puritan Reading Test. Be sure to include
Persuasive Writing, Loaded Language, Sermon Vocabulary (p152)
Logical & Emotional Appeals (p158)
/ 7 No School - Flexible EKEA
10 First Five -Copy the sentences from the board and identify the subject and predicate. Indicate any prepositional phrases and the function of each.
I CAN Statements - I can identify specific parts of sentences and explain their purpose and function.
I can review another's composition and make useful and relevant comments that improve the piece.
I can receive criticism and commentary and revise my own writing accordingly.
EYEWITNESS REPT/AUTOBIO INCIDENT- Students may pair off for Eyewitness Report peer review. Without copy of ER in hand, no pairing permitted. Students without Eyewitness Reports will work individually. (20 min. session)
Assign/Distribute copies of The Scarlet Letter.You must bring the novel and your EON to class daily! NO TExTBOOKS NEEDED until 11/1/11
Distribute Reading Schedule
Explain Classroom Blog Assignment / 11 First Five -
I CAN Statements
Take EON Notes - Intro Power Point - The Puritans & The Scarlet Letter
--time period
--values, beliefs
--comparison with today’s values & beliefs
-- discussion—If Hawthorne wasn’t a Puritan, why did he write about them?
Homework - Finish reading Ch 1-4.
Respond to blog by Friday
Study vocabulary
/ 12First Five -
I CAN Statements
Discuss 1st Scaffold Scene's significance
QUIZ - Chapters 1-4
Read/Listen to Chapters 5 & 6 (pgs 81-102)
/ 13
Vocabulary 3-4 QUIZ
Discuss assigned worksheet - Literal/Inferential & Opinion
/ 14 QUIZ - Chapters 5-8
17 I CAN - I can review another's composition and make useful and relevant comments that improve the piece.
I can receive criticism and commentary and revise my own writing accordingly.
First 5 - Place the modifying phrases in the proper place.
I chased a mouse - base sentence.
modifying phrases - with a broom; through the kitchen; in my bathrobe
Chapter 1-10 Quiz SL
Hand out Vocab List 5-6
Peer Review -ER/AI writings
*Second Peer Review Wednesday - before final copy turn in 10/21. Final turn-in must include all revisions and all peer-reviews. (min. 5 pages- 1st GO, 1st draft, peer review #1, Peer Review #2, Final copy)
DUE OCTOBER 21, 2011.
Homework - Ch. 11-13 / 18 I CAN -
First Five - Explain the function of the prepositional phrases in the 5 sentences on the board.
Second Scaffold Scene - Importance
of Repetition of the Image.
Late Work makeup day
Homework- / 19 First five - Correct the sentences in Section 1.
END OF FIRST GRADING PERIOD Reading Quiz - 11-12 / 20 First Five - Correct the sentences in Section 2. / 21 First Five - Summarize the main idea and two supporting ideas from the reading in Section 3.
First Five - ACT style Sentence Correction
I CAN statements -
I can recognize tone in an author's diction.
I can infer meaning from situations without explicit text. / 25
First Five - Spot the errors/slide show / 26 Report Cards / Star Day
First Five - Adjective activity / 28
First Five - Write around

*STAR DAY - Students will be dismissed 3 hours early.

November 2011
Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
First Five - Vivid Language.
The [adjective] kitten and the [adjective] puppy [adverb][verb][prepositional phrase] .
I Can -
Present my work to a group.
evaluate and reflect upon work
compare the treatment of a common subject by two different sources.
In-class presentations - Scarlet Letter projects.
Retake Vocab 5-6 THURSDAY - Prefixes/Roots/Suffixes - the power of structural analysis / 1 First Five - Create a sentence using words with common features.
In-Class presentations -
Continue / 2 Create list of 10 LOADED words.
Conclude In-Class presentations
Crucible Anticipation Guide
Informational Discussion - The Puritans as cultural symbol and the visions of Nathaniel Hawthorne and Arthur Miller.
Distribute viewing guide for comparison writing.
Begin viewing of The Crucible. / 3 Ten words using Studied Roots/ Prefixes/Suffixes
Vocab Quiz - 5-6 reTake.
Continue viewing Crucible / 4 Crucible - discuss common images; contrasting themes.
Tone vs. Mood -
Heroic images -
Distribute list 7-8
7NO SCHOOL / 8 NO SCHOOL / 9 Conclude Crucible / 10 Inclass writing workshop Comparisons/Contrasts / 11 1st Midterm/2nd qtr
Writings due
Vocabulary Quiz
14 The Transcendentalists - Romantics On Steroids! / 15 SUB DAY
Vocab Review / 16 Supporting Details Exercise (wrksheet) / 17 Article Review Exercise (Main Point/Idea) / 18 SUB DAY
Vocab Quiz
21Thanksgiving Week - NO SCHOOL / 22 NO SCHOOL / 23 NO SCHOOL / 24 NO SCHOOL / 25 NO SCHOOL
28 Write 'Why Is English Important?" / 29 College Essay Evaluation Who would you select? / 30 Romantic and Transcendentalist Lecture - take notes
December 2011
Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
1 The Devil and Tom Walker - p. 349.
Guiding Question - What is the Romantic notion of material wealth? / 2 IN-Class Assignment -Emerson - Read "from Self-Reliance"
Summarizing / Aphorism worksheets.
Homework - Finish the class assignment above.
5 Intro Thoreau (pg380)-read Civil Disobedience (note 3 ways Thoreau says a citizen can serve the state).
Homework - finish reading Civil Disobedience (pgs370-376). / 6 Discussion - Thoreau's views on Government, Taxes, Slavery, War w/Mexico & Civil Disobedience
Intro Nature Writing(pg 381 & 392), and Walden. Read Walden (pgs 382-391) As you read chart the image of nature and its meaning to Thoreau.
Homework - Finish the class assignment above. / 7 Discuss the paradoxes in Thoreau (pg392) Extended Interpretations.
Intro Poetry(pg394-5), Walt Whitman(pg405), Free Verse(pg404),
Read 3 Whitman poems -'I Hear America Singing' (pg397),'I Sit & Look Out' from 'Song of Myself' (pg399-403)
Homework - Finish the class assignment above, if necessary. / 8 Vocabulary Quiz
Quiz - Romantic/Transcendentalist notes and readings (Poe, The Devil & Tom Walker, Self-Reliance, Civil Disobedience, Walden, & Whitman poems) / 9 Intro Personal Narrative
Writing PPT (Notes)
Assignment Intro -Rubric Review
Prompts/Graphic Organizer
Homework- 1st Draft of Narrative
12 Thoreau - Civil Disobedience / 13 Homework- Walden / 14 Intro Annotation Unit
Define & Benefits of Annotation / 15 Continue Annotations - Group practice / 16 Annotations Quiz
January 2012
Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
2 Intro/Review Sem Finals / 3 EON review for FInals
Bradstreet, Edwards, Essays, MLK, Vocab, Etc. / 4 Final Review - Bradstreet, Edwards, Essays, MLK, Vocab, Etc. / 5 Final Review- Bradstreet, Edwards, Essays, MLK, Vocab, Etc. / 6 Final Review- Bradstreet, Edwards, Essays, MLK, Vocab, Etc.
9 Review Game for EC / 10 Semester Finals / 11 Intro Unit Conflict - Expansion / 12 A House Divided / 13 A House Divided
16 / 17 / 18 / 19 / 20
23 / 24 / 25 / 26 / 27
January 2012
Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
Intro/Review Sem Finals / 3 EON review for FInals
Bradstreet, Edwards, Essays, MLK, Vocab, Etc. / 4 Final Review - Bradstreet, Edwards, Essays, MLK, Vocab, Etc. / 5 Final Review- Bradstreet, Edwards, Essays, MLK, Vocab, Etc. / 6 Final Review- Bradstreet, Edwards, Essays, MLK, Vocab, Etc.
9 Review Game for EC / 10 Semester Finals / 11 Conflict - Expansion A House Divided / 12 / 13
16 Continue Unit 4 - Conflict & Expansion / 17 A. Bierce - An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge -The last thoughts of a condemned man