Chapter – Eight : Science, Technology and Environment



8.1.1 Programme of the Science and Technology Department

The following objectives have been set forth:

1.  Promotion of Scientific Research in areas appropriate for fulfilment of socio-economic needs of the State:

2.  Popularisation of Science & Technology through awareness camps, seminars, exhibitions etc. and Science Congress in regional language;

3.  Introduction of Pilot schemes to bring technology from Lab to Land;

4.  The State Remote Sensing Centre generates Remote Sensing data with the objectives of providing up-to-date information on natural resources to the user Departments in formulating developmental plans.

Schemes Adopted

a)  Financial Assistance to West Bengal State Council of Science & Technology for implementation of various scientific projects.

b)  Financial Assistance to CRCT (Formerly ACCR) for implementation of various scientific schemes.

c)  Implementation of schemes/project under State Remote Sensing Centre.

d)  Activities under state natural resources management system.

e)  Updating of river courses – West Bengal.

Science Promotion

For promotion of Science & Technology and to meet the location specific S & T needs Research and Development projects undertaken by the Universities, Research Institutes and Colleges relating to Agriculture & Agro-based technology, high yield variety seeds, bio-fertilizers and bio-pesticides & others have been funded.

Science Popularisation

In order to create awareness in Science & Technology amongst the common people this Department sponsors science popularisation programmes through science clubs and other voluntary organizations, colleges, schools etc. throughout the State of West Bengal. These programmes include exhibitions, seminars, workshops, vigyan mela etc. aimed at creating scientific temper amongst common people.

The State Science & Technology Congress is held each year on the 28th of February to observe the National Science Day and to promote culture of Science & Technology in local vernacular. It has emerged as a regular annual event in the State with spontaneous participation of science & technology community. During such Science Congress, the following awards, namely, Meghnad Puraskar (best organization for popularising Science in the State). Satyendra Puraskar (for writing

best popular science book in Bengali for school students) and Gopal Chandra Bhattacharyya Smriti Puraskar (for outstanding contribution in the field of science popularisation in the State) are given. Apart from these, the department has started organizing Bengal Science Lecture from the year 2004-05. This programme is a series of lectures addressed by eminent scientists of India in various promising fields of science, namely, popular science, bio-informatics, oceanography, astrophysics etc.

Achievements during first three years of the 10th Plan

Science Promotion & Popularisation

In the first three years of the 10th Plan 107 research & development projects were funded by the Department against the target of 115 projects. Similarly, for science popularisation 133 seminars, workshops etc. were sponsored against the target of 142 numbers. Total anticipated financial outlay for these three years was Rs. 36852000/- and actual expenditure made was Rs. 30963962/- .

In each of the first three years of the 10th Plan State Science & Technology Congress were held each year on the 28th of February to observe the National Science Day and to promote culture of Science & Technology in local vernacular. During such Congress each year Meghnad Puraskar, Satyendra Puraskar and Gopal Chandra Bhattacharyya Smriti Puraskar were given to the respective recipients. Total financial expenditure for conducting State Science & Technology Congress inclusive of the aforesaid awards was around Rs 7.00lakhs in total for the first three years of the 10th Plan.

Bengal Science Lecture was introduced in the year 2004-05. In that year as many as four lectures were conducted against the target of five. Total expenditure involved was Rs.1.9 lakh

West Bengal State Council of Science & Technology

West Bengal State Council of Science & Technology is an autonomous body under this department. In the first three years a total sum of Rs 45 lakh was allotted to WBSCST for conducting various schemes under different branches of science, such as, Geo-informatics and Remote Sensing, Bio-technology and Tissue-culture and General aspects of Science to address the needs for location-specific S & T intervention and awareness and popularisation of Science. The outcomes are satisfactory. The programmes are in progress. The Council was reorganized in July, 2004.

Centre for Rural and Cryogenic Technologies (Formerly ACCR)

CRCT is an autonomous body and a registered society. In the first three years of the 10th Plan total amount of Rs. 60 lakh was given to meet the administrative cost of CRCT as Grants-in-Aid.

Implementation of Scheme/Project under State Remote Sensing Centre

In the first three years of the 10th Plan the Remote Sensing Cell has undertaken only one programme, namely, Generation of Spatial & Non-Spatial database pertaining to Watershed Management Programme in different districts of West Bengal. Total expenditure made in this period was Rs.4.96 lakh against a total allocation of Rs. 5.5 lakh.

Activities under State Natural Resources Management System (SNRMS)

In the first three years of the 10th Plan for conducting SNRMS programme, total allocation was Rs. 2.0 lakh. This is an ongoing scheme.

Updating of River Courses, West Bengal

Database of Existing River Courses of West Bengal from up-to-date satellite images were generated and zone of submergence as well as bank failure areas along the rivers have been marked. This scheme was sponsored by I & W Department. Project completed in the year 2004-2005.

Integrated Rural Energy Programme

Due to want of technical staff in the State and block level cells no major programme could be implemented. ‘IREP’ has been transferred to the Department of Power and N.E.S. vide Notification No.186-Home (Coms) dt. 13.04.2005.

Achievements during first six months of 2005-06

Science Promotion & Popularisation

In the first six months of 2005-06, 7 research & development projects were funded. Similarly, for science popularisation 14 seminars, workshops etc. were sponsored. Total expenditure made was Rs. 4317819/-.This year two Bengal Science Lectures were conducted. Total expenditure involved was Rs 95000/-.

West Bengal State Council of Science & Technology

West Bengal State Council of Science & Technology is an autonomous body under this department. In the first six months a total sum of Rs. 8.54 lakh was allotted to WBSCST for conducting various schemes under different branches of science, such as, Geo-informatics and Remote Sensing, Bio-technology and Tissue-culture and General aspects of Science to address the needs for location-specific S & T intervention and awareness and popularisation of Science. The outcomes are satisfactory. The programmes are in progress.

Centre for Rural and Cryogenic Technologies (Formerly ACCR)

CRCT is an autonomous body and a registered society. In the first six months of 2005-06 total amount of Rs. 15 lakh was given to meet the administrative cost of CRCT as Grants-in-Aid.

Implementation of Scheme/Project under State Remote Sensing Centre

In the first six months of 2005-06 the Remote Sensing Cell is conducting the programme, namely, Generation of Spatial & Non-Spatial database pertaining to Watershed Management Programme in different districts of West Bengal. Total expenditure made in this period was Rs. 2.25 lakh.

Activities under State Natural Resources Management System (SNRMS)

In the first six months of 2005-06 for conducting SNRMS programme total expenditure made was Rs. 8 lakh. This is an ongoing scheme.

Updating of River Courses, West Bengal

Project completed in the year 2004-05.

Programme for 2006-07

In the year 2006-07 this Department will provide financial assistance to government bodies or other scientific bodies for undertaking scientific projects, surveys, training and scientific awareness and science popularisation programmes under SCP and TSP and also for general. There exist some

ongoing schemes under implementation of different government and non-government scientific bodies on production of Utilization Certificate and Performance Report of the previous year; this Department will provide further assistance for continuance of the projects within its limitation of budgetary allocation. This Department also provides financial assistance to such bodies for promotion of new projects after considering viability of the project. The projected outlay for 2006-07 has been fixed at Rs 330 lakh.

Scientific Research

Science Promotion & Popularisation

The major thrust areas for such activities are through Universities, Research Institutes and Colleges. Furthermore, by undertaking the project “mapping of S &T needs” attempts are being made to classify district-wise, Department-wise problem areas in respect of technology that required intervention for improving the socio-economic condition in the respective sector with due interaction with the concerned Administrative Department. Areas are being identified for location specific and problem specific S & T intervention by this Department. This also covers intervention in respect of protection of Intellectual Property Rights when necessary, for young and small time innovators and entrepreneurs inclusive of registration under geographical indication under the respective rules.

For agriculture sector, the Institute of Rural Development and Small-Scale Industries Development and Cryogenic has undertaken a project to evolve cryogenic system for developing various gadgets for betterment of life and to develop technologies to improve small-scale industrial activities. For example, decortications of Sesame seeds (Til) to facilitate early harvesting of crops and to minimize loss in harvesting.

Requisite demonstration-cum-training programmes, seminars, debates, exhibitions etc. highlighting recent advancement in Science and Technology relating to various aspects, viz., water harvesting inclusive of rain water harvesting, potable drinking water (Iron and Arsenic removal projects), Entrepreneurship and skill Development Training/Workshop for self-employment generation.Approximate 50 R & D projects and about 303 seminars, workshops etc. are proposed to be undertaken in the next financial year. Total projected outlay is Rs. 225.00 lakh.

Science popularisation is another area of major thrust to encourage common people and the youth to study science and to create a scientific temperament amongst them in order to create awareness and reasoning.

The State Science & Technology Congress is held each year on the 28th of February to observe the National Science Day and to promote culture of Science & Technology in local vernacular. It has emerged as a regular annual event in the State Science Congress, the following awards, namely, Meghnad Puraskar (best organization for popularising Science in the State). Satyendra Puraskar (for writing best popular science book in Bengali for school students) and Gopal Chandra Bhattacharyya Smriti Puraskar (for outstanding contribution in the field of science popularisation in the State) are given.

Apart from this, about 5 programmes will be taken for “Bengal Science Lectures” by notable Scientists and Academicians for the awareness of students, teachers, scholars, research Scientists and other academicians in leading fields of Science that now have a very promising area for advancement and study.

West Bengal State Council of Science and Technology

The Council has been reorganized since July, 2004. The activities of Council can be classified into three major thrust areas namely,

i) Geo-informatics and Remote Sensing

ii) Bio-technology and Tissue-culture and

iii) General aspects of science to address the needs for location-specific S & T intervention and awareness and popularisation of science.

For smoother implementation of the projects and undertaking of the activities the State Council is being entrusted with the following works in all the related fields.

Biotechnology and Tissue Culture

Biotechnology and Tissue is now the most promising area for S & T intervention and with the maximum prospect of socio-economic development keeping in view the adequate qualified manpower available in the State.

i)  Tissue Culture

Emphasis is necessary on Tissue Culture to provide quality planting material for the horticulture based industries and propagation of medicinal plants both in vivo and in vitro and more field-trails of new varieties. This will provide both the horticulture

Training on ‘Plant Tissue Culture along with the Green House Management’ will be given to the interested persons (mainly nursery oriented) for commercial micro propagation of plants like banana.

ii) Micro mission of Bamboo

Micro mission of Bamboo at national level the Council has undertaken a programme on propagation of bamboo through tissue culture. One variety of bamboo, unknown in this region but with great prospect has been selected and efforts are being made to multiply it by culture.

iii) Refinement of protocol

Constant efforts are required for further refinement of protocol to minimize the cost of production and to avoid the hazards along with emphasis on new research on production of quality planting materials both through tissue culture and Green-house.

iv) Green-House facility

The Greenhouse facility is available for (a) Hardening of banana and lemon grass plantlets raised through tissue culture in the laboratory, (b) Macro-propagation, (c) Propagation of medicinal plants, (d) Maintenance of horticultural plants including orchids and (e) Medicinal plants selected for propagation in vivo in the Greenhouse premises.

v) Jatropha

Jatropha has been identified as the major source for Bio-diesel or extender of Diesel as fuel. Quality Planting materials to be produced by macro propagation for extensive cultivation to provide quality seeds for the oil extraction.

vi) Biotechnology

Biotechnology is being given the maximum thrust by the proposed setting up of a Centre of Excellence for Biotechnology in the State apart from the setting up of Biotechnology Parks,

Knowledge Park and Bio-IT Park with the assistance of Bio-Technology Council,WBIDC and IT Deptt.

Remote Sensing

Generation of Spatial & Non-Spatial database pertaining to Watershed Management Programme in different districts of West Bengal will be undertaken in the year 2006-07.

Activities under State Natural Resources Management System (SNRMS)

Generation of Spatial and Non-spatial database on different districts of West Bengal will be undertaken in the year 2006-07.

Provisions under SCP / TSP

In the forthcoming year, special provisions have been made for SCP & TSP areas. Rs. 79.2 lakh is the total projected outlay under the SCP sector and Rs. 19.8 lakh is the total projected outlay under the TSP sector. Out of these allotments, a good number of schemes is expected to be implemented under these sectors. Apart from this, from the general allotment, a substantial amount will be expended for implementation of schemes in Purulia and Bankura districts where percentage of SC/ST population is higher than the state percentage. In the year 2002-03 there was no separate budgetary allocation for ST population. That shortfall has been made up in the following years and with the increase of departmental allocation, share for SCP & TSP is growing each year. In the next financial year 125 schemes under SCP and 34 schemes under TSP are proposed to be taken up.