Blue Shadows Mounted Drill Team

Regimental Show Information

Regimental Officers

Regimental Commander / Colonel Nancy Chefalo
Executive Officer / Lt. Col. Jill Kraut
Regimental Advisor / Colonel Lucy Radike
Agua Dulce Post Commander / Colonel Lucy Radike
Agua Dulce Post Adjutant / Major Kevin Austin
Lake View Terrace Post Commander / Lt. Col. Tammy Wickham
Lake View Terrace Post Adjutant / Major Janet Johnstone
Treasurer / Lt. Col. Jan Austin
Secretary / Major Virginia Muecke

Agua Dulce Post Commanding Officers:

Monday / Troop G / Capt. Mariah DeConza
Wednesday / Troop S / Capt. April MacPherson
Thursday / Troop D / Maj. Laura Steibel
Friday / Troop H / Capt April Verwey

Lake View Terrace Commanding Officers:

Monday / Troop C / Capt. Sarah Niller
Wednesday / Troop K / Capt. Brianna Fone
Thursday / Troop R / Capt. Tracey Ramirez
Friday / Troop I / Capt. Brenda Stadelmann

What is the Regiment?All members of Blue Shadows, both post, including all troops.

What is a Post?The location where the troops ride. Agua Dulce &Lake View Terrace

Inspection Questions

Troopers and Above

  1. Who is the Regimental Commander?
  2. Who is your Post Commander?
  3. Who is your Troop Commander?
  4. What Post do you ride at?
  5. What Troop are you in?
  6. What is your name?
  7. What should you do if the saddle is pressing on the withers?
  8. What should you do if your horse feels like it’s limping?
  9. What are the names of the two brushes you use when grooming?
  10. What would you do if someone fell off during troop?
  11. What are the duties of your rank?
  12. How tight do you make the cinch in the saddling area?
  13. Who is the Executive Officer?
  14. Where should your left and right hands be positioned while mounting?

15. Know the parts of the horse, saddle, and bridle.

16. Who is the Regimental Advisor?

17. Who is the L.V.T. Post Commander and Post Adjutant?

18. Who is the second officer in your troop?

TFC/ Corporal and Above

  1. TFC’s, what does TFC stand for?
  2. Who would you go to if you had a problem within your squad?
  3. What are the duties of your rank?
  4. Corporals, what would you do if your TFC came to you with a problem concerning someone being disrespectful?
  5. Corporals, what would you do if someone was crying in your squad during drill?
  6. What would you do if you saw one of the horses get kicked during drill?
  7. Name the parts of the hoof.

Sgt. and Above

  1. What are your duties?
  2. What are the ranks of sergeant?
  3. Name the Troops and the nights they ride from your Post.
  4. What would you do if your Officers and 1st Sgt. Had not arrived and it was either time to pull the horses or time to fall in?
  5. Name the TFCs and Corporals within your Troop.
  6. Name the Troops and their nights from the opposite post.
  7. Name the Commanding Officers of all 9 troops.
  8. During pass-in-review, who dips their flags, who salutes, who turns to the right, who remains the same?
  9. How do you earn honor ribbons?
  10. What order are the honor ribbons worn?
  11. Name some things your riders should be checking before mounting.
  12. What would you do if you overheard someone bad mouthing another rider, either from your troop of from another troop?
  13. What should you do if there isn’t anymore room to tighten the cinch?


  1. What are your duties?
  2. How can you show support towards your commanding officer at an officer at an officers’ meeting?
  3. What do the stars and stripes represent on the American flag? How many red/ white stripes?
  4. Know what to do during certain weather situations and natural disasters.
  5. Know the different colors of horses.

Inspection Question Answers

Troopers and Above

  1. Colonel Nancy Chefalo
  2. Colonel Lucy Radike
  3. Ask your Commanding Officer.[D1]
  4. Agua Dulce Post
  5. Troop H
  6. Rank. Last Name, First Name
  7. Use an additional pad or build up pad.
  8. Tell your Corporal, they will tell the Sergeant and they will inform the drilling officer.
  9. Body Brush and the Dandy/Finishing Brush.
  10. Call Troop Hault.
  11. The rank of the trooper is the foundation of our organization. They should know all commands and ride with adequate equitation and horsemanship.
  12. Snug
  13. Lt. Colonel Jill Kraut
  14. Your left hand is on the withers holding the reigns and your right hand is on the saddle horn.
  15. See Folders for information.
  16. Colonel Lucy Radike
  17. Lt. Colonel Wickham and Major Johnstone
  18. Ask your commanding officer for this answer.[D2]

TFC/Corporal and Above

  1. Trooper First Class
  2. Your Corporal then your Officer

3. Refer to handbook.

4. Try to solve the problem by talking to both individuals, and if you couldn’t solve the problem go to your officer.

5. Try to comfort them and tell your commanding officer.

6. Call troop hault or notify the commanding officer.

7. Heel, Bulb of heel, Bar, Cleft of frog, Sole, White line, Wall, and Frog.

Sergeant and Above

  1. Refer to your folders.
  2. Stable Sergeant, Platoon Sergeant, and First Sergeant.
  3. Monday-G,Wednesday-S, Thursday-D, Friday-H.
  4. Try to contact your officers and if you can’t inform the Post Commander.
  5. Current troop members.
  6. Tuesday-C, Wednesday-K, Thursday-R, Friday-I.
  7. Information above.
  8. California and Blue Shadows Flags dip at a 45 degree angle, American Flags stay straight, Callers salute and call eyes right, Guards/TFC/Corporal all look straight, the other three members of the four look to the right.
  9. Jeff Lawrence Award, Shadow of the year, Catherin Long award, or Advance drill team.
  10. Honor on the inside, advanced team outside.
  11. Cinches, pads, bits, ear pieces, curb chain, etc.
  12. Tell them to stop and if they continued inform your officer.
  13. Move the cinch up on the short latigo.


  1. Refer to handbook.
  2. Comment on the good aspects of what they are suggesting and sit near them.
  3. 7 red strips-represents the blood that American soldiers shed, 6 white strips-represents the whites of the soldiers’ eyes, the blue plain represents the field on which the soldiers fought, and the 13original stars represented the 13 original colonies.
  4. Refer to folder.
  5. Refer to folder.

Blue Shadows Mounted Drill Team 3/2009 – Show Study Guide

[D1]You may want to enter this answer before printing. This comment will not print.

[D2]You may want to enter this answer before printing. This comment will not print.