The Journey to Bethlehem

What an amazing Journey to Bethlehem for Mary, Joseph, the Shepherds, the Wise Men, you, and me. We have taken many journeys that have changed our lives. Taking the journey to Bethlehem is a life-changing experience.

In the Bible we find the following question: “Can anything good come out of Nazareth? John 1:46 NKJV. The answer is YES! In Nazareth there were two righteous young people who found favor with the Lord: their names were Mary and Joseph. God called upon them to take a journey that changed their lives forever, a journey that took them to Bethlehem. They both had questions concerning their visitation from the angel. Even though they knew the answers, would their family and friends understand? Their journey however, included a believing faith and a commitment to do the Lord’s will. Mary said: “I am the Lord’s servant, and I am willing to do whatever he wants” Luke 1:28 LB.

The shepherds were tending to their flock just like any other night, yet their journey in life changed with the message of an angel and a heavenly host singing. They were told: “For there is born to you this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. And this will be the sign to you: You will find a Babe wrapped in swaddling cloths, lying in a manger” Luke 2:11-12 NKJV. They made their journey to Bethlehem and visited the Christ Child and left as changed shepherds. This change was evident in their witness: “they made widely known the saying which was told them concerning this Child” Luke 2:17. The little child of Bethlehem changed their hearts and lives.

Sometime later, the Wise Men from the east set out on a journey to find the newborn King of the Jews. They had seen His star and they followed the light of the star to the house of Jesus. When they found the Child, they worshiped Him and then presented their gifts to Him. It must have been a long journey for the wise men, however, this was the most life changing journey of their lives.

Now is the time for us to make our journey to Bethlehem and find the Christ Child who came to save us from our sins. When kneeling at the manger where the Christ Child was laid, our journey leads us to the cross where He died for our sins, and on the third day He arose from the dead and we serve a risen Savior!

If you have not taken this journey to Bethlehem, I invite you to take it today and ask the Lord Jesus to come into your heart. Make room for Christ in your heart TODAY!

In the Name of the Savior, have a Merry Christmas!

Ronnie V. Hobgood, Pastor

The Journey to Bethlehem

A Dinner Theatre and Musical Drama

December 17and 18, 2017

7:00 PM


6:30PM – Seating of Guests

Welcome and Blessing

7:00PM - Dinner

Salad (Ranch & Thousand Island Dressing)

Steak (all steaks will be cooked med-well) (A-1 & Heinz 57 Sauce),

Baked Potato, Bread, and Dessert

Sweet & Un-sweet Tea and Regular & Decaf Coffee


The Journey to Bethlehem


“O Come, O Come Emanuel” – Bailey Sutton

“Come Let Us Worship” - Choir

Scene 1 – Zechariah in the Temple

Scene 2 – Gabriel Appears to Mary

“Be It Unto Me” – Bailey Sutton and Choir

Scene 3 – Mary Visits Elizabeth

“Mary Did You Know” – Vicki Bannister and Choir

Scene 4 – Birth of John the Baptist

“Blessed Be the Lord God Almighty” - Choir

Scene 5 – Joseph and Gabriel

Scene 6 – Joseph and Mary

Scene 7 – The Innkeeper

Scene 8 – The Birth of Jesus

“He Made A Way in a Manger” Choir

Scene 9 – The Visit of the Shepherds and Wise Men

“The Angels Cried” – Emily Daniels & Jimmy Jones

“The March of the Wise Men” – Men’s Choir

“Tapestry of Carols” Choir

“Christmas Offering”

Vicki Bannister, Conner Craft, Kim Hipkiss, & Marian Kennedy

Meditation - Pastor

Christmas Carol Medley




Merry Christmas! Welcome to La Grange First Church. It is our prayer that as we worship tonight through music, drama, and the reading of God’s Word that the Child of Bethlehem will find a welcome in your heart and in your life. May you know the wonder of being loved unconditionally, cherished unceasingly and save everlastingly.

In reverence for this service we ask the following: Turn off or silence cell phones, no flash photographyand no applause during the presentation.Thank You!


First Church Choir

Marian Kennedy, Choir Director

Joshua Hobgood, Guitar

Laura Beth Daughety, Mandolin


Vicki BannisterAnna Baird

Kathryn HartBrianna Creech

Elsie HolmesChristina Creech

Cailyn KennedyConner Craft

Mitchell Ann LetchworthEmily Daniels

Christine ParrishLaura Beth Daughety

Bailey SuttonKim Hipkiss

Gale YarboroughMitzi Hobgood

Sarah Letchworth


Clifton HarrisonColby Creech

David LetchworthJoshua Hobgood

Bradley TaylorJimmy Jones

Sherwood Shivar

Vernon Sorrell

Drama Team

Director...... Marian Kennedy

Narrator...... Ronnie V. Hobgood

Sound and Lights...... Asa Creech,Josh Hobgood, & Donald Parrish

Costumes...... Darlene Creech, Kathryn Hart,

Elsie Holmes, Christy Smith, Sally Welsh

Stage Managers...... Darlene Creechand Nicholas Kennedy

Back Stage Crew...... Matthew Ham, Chris Roddy, & Cooper Roddy

Mary...... Bailey Sutton

Joseph...... Ben Miller

Zechariah...... Donald Fader

Elizabeth...... Mitzi Hobgood

Neighbor...... Brianna Creech

Neighbor...... Irene Wilson

Gabriel...... William Sutton

Jethro, The Innkeeper...... Ted Harrison

Rhoda, The Innkeeper’s Daughter...... Conner Craft

Shepherds...... Bruce Bannister and Jamie Daughety

Wise Men...... Jamie Ham, William Sutton, and Terry Yarborough

Animals...... Fawn Creech, Maura Ham, & Logan Sullivan

Dinner Team

Dinner Chairperson...... DeeAnn Maready

Dinner Staff...... Vicki Bannister,Debra Byrd, Tanya Craft, Darlene Creech,

Lucretia Creech, Tiffany Creech, Tommy Crews, Sandy Crews, Emily Daniels, J. L. Daughety, Jamie Daughety, Laura Beth Daughety,Fran Gibbons, Mary Gresham, Heather Ham, Carol Hardison, Clifton Hardison, Clifton Harrison, Lucille Harrison, Sheila Harrison,Kathryn Hart, Carrol Henderson, Angie Herring, Brent Herring, Debbie Herring, Greg Herring, Jimmie D. Herring, Lindsay Herring, Carl Hinson, Cleo Hinson, Frances Hinson, Josh Hobgood, Mitzi Hobgood, Ronnie Hobgood, Elsie Holmes, Virginia Holmes, Kim Johnson, Bethany Jones, DeeAnn Maready, Jacob Maready, Avery Mills, Donald Parrish, Christine Parrish, Judy Parrott, Tracy Roddy, Joyce Roman, Ruth Scott, Sue Shivar, Vickie Singleton, Christy Smith, Shirley Sorrell, Kendra Sullivan, Jennifer Sutton, Tracy Sutton, Angela Taylor,Jessica Taylor,Linda Taylor,Kim Wade, & Gale Yarborough.

Greeters (Sunday)...... Edna Johnson, Tommy & Sandi Crews

Greeters (Monday)...... Lucille Harrison, Dusk & Dawn Stroud

Parking...... Mike Sullivan

Publicity...... Debbie Herring, Mitzi Hobgood, Virginia Holmes

Wait Staff Coordinators...... Kendra Sullivan and Angela Taylor

Servers...... Kaitlyn Allen, Bailee Alphin,MacKenzie Cannon,Conner Craft,

Graham Hill, Cassidy Hobbs,Sadie Horton,Brett Howard,Cailyn Kennedy, Mary George King, Mary Beth Lancaster,Samantha Moody, Lidia Pendergraft, Kennedy Phillips, Pam Sheffield, Raelynn Sheffield, Brynn Smith,Grayson Sullivan, Charlie Taylor

Tickets/Reservations...... Tiffany Creech

Table Decorations...... Sheila Harrison and Jennifer Sutton

Ushers...... Cliff Hardison,Sheila Harrison, Royce Holmes, Cooper Roddy,

Sue Shivar, Allen Sutton & James Sutton


The seating arrangements were made as reservations were requested.


Christmas Eve Worship @ 10:00AM


802 South Caswell Street

La Grange, North Carolina 28551

Ronnie V. Hobgood, Pastor

Joshua T. Hobgood, Youth Pastor

ABCs For The Better Life

Everybody wants to get as much out of life as possible. But most people aren't realizing their dreams. Jesus offers hope. He announced, "I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly" John 10:10 NKJV. To experience this for ourselves is, in one sense, as simple as ABC.

Admit that you are a sinner.

The Bible says, "all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God" Romans 3:23. Sin separates us from God, and ultimately that means eternal punishment in hell. To escape sin's penalty, we need Divine forgiveness. And it's ours through faith in the Lord Jesus.

Believe on Christ.

We must acknowledge that Jesus Christ, God in the flesh, died on the cross to pay the penalty for our sins, and we must trust Him for our salvation. "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved" Acts 16:31. Just as medicine is not a remedy until it is taken, so knowing the story of Jesus is not enough to save us. We must personally receive the Lord Jesus Christ.

Confess your Faith.

"If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved" Romans 10:9. To confess our faith is to tell others our belief in Christ. This should be a spontaneous outflow of the change in our heart.

Let Jesus give you a new life right now. Admit your sin. Believe that Jesus is your only hope of salvation. Confess the Lord Jesus. These are the ABCs for the better life. Richard W. De Haan


If you have appreciated the GOOD NEWS you have just read, please let us know. We want to rejoice in what God has done in your life and help you grow spiritually. Please call or contact one of the Pastors.

Ronnie V. Hobgood, PastorJoshua Hobgood, Youth Pastor



802 South Caswell Street

La Grange, North Carolina 28551

802 South Caswell Street

La Grange, North Carolina 28551

Ronnie V. Hobgood, Pastor

Joshua T. Hobgood, Youth Pastor