Minutes June 17, 2015.
The meeting called to order at 12:10 pm.
PAL Board President Juan Reyes was absent. Board Member Mauricio Mejia chaired the meeting on Juan’s behalf.
Elaine Orgain went over this month’s financials. There was discussion regarding updating accounting categories for clarification.
Recognition dinner: Confirmed for Friday, November 9th, 2015 at MexicanHeritagePlaza.
The goal is to have 300 people attend. The estimated cost to put on the event is $8000. The committee will try to raise the money by seeking donations/sponsors so the no current PAL funds are used. Still working on entertainment and price for the ticket. Mauricio said he would like to have the ticket price set by the July meeting. He will also come up with a time schedule.
Copper theft from light tower: The theft of copper wire from a light pole was discussed. Mauricio was able to contact news reporter Damian Trujillo who came out and did a story on the theft. Based on the interest generated, Cupertino Electric came out and fixed the lights within a few days.
Martin Lemuz owner of Green Diamond Synthetic Turf gave a presentation regarding the benefits and costs of synthetic turf as a future option to natural grass.
Sgt. Ureta gave an executive directors report. The Jr. Giants Challengers Division held its last game of the season last month. The new season will start in the Fall. Jr. Giants is a great event and he encourages all the board members to attend next season’s final game.
PAL has been selected as a Work2Future job site. PAL will be providing jobs for five weeks. The employees will be paid by Work2Future.
The PAL Soccer league and Football league will both start on August 29th.
Change in Board Meeting Times: Some board members have expressed difficulty in attending board meetings during the day. Sgt. Ureta recommended having one board meeting a quarter. Mauricio recommend waiting till the July meeting to discuss and decide.
Advertising space at PAL Stadium: Sgt. Ureta was asked about advertising space at PAL stadium. He said that PAL is not currently staffed for somebody to actively seek advertising.
Turkey Giveaway PAL-Jamal asked about having the Turkey giveaway at PAL this year.
The meeting was adjourned at 1:14 pm.