Appendix 1:

APPLICATION FORM:Joining to Multi-GNSS Monitoring network

Form 1; Representative organization information

Application Organization
Name of Representative
Operating Network / Describe your operating network including
Number of sites
Year of Observation Start
Number of IGS sites in your network and site IDs
Ref. URL
Name of POC
E-mail Address

Form 2; Site information (1/2)

If you are applying Hosting Site (HS) and have several sites that could potentially host JAXA’s receivers, please copy this sheet for each candidate site.

Site Name / Preferable Mountpoint Name
Location / Country: / City/Town:
Site Information / □IGS reference site / □IGS site
□Co-location with other geodetic infrastructure/observatory
If yes, describe what reference is co-located here;
Site Owner Organisation
Name of Representative
Proposed antenna location* / Longitude
Description / Briefly describe the proposed antenna location here.
Internet access / □Continuous access / □Dial-up
□ T1 / □ISDN / □Other Broadband line
Receiver information for DSP / Product Name: ( )
Manufacturer: ( )
Output realtime data format:
□RTCM (ver , Message Type )
□BINEX (record id )
□Raw data (Rx name )
Available GNSS signals:
GPS : □L1, □L2, □L5, QZSS:□L1, □L2, □L5, □LEX
GLONASS: □L1, □L2, GALILEO: □E1, □E5a, □E5b, □E6
COMPASS: □B1, □B2, □B3

Form3: Site Information (2/2)

This form is for application to HS, so the applicants to DSP do not need to fill in this part.

Monument for HS / □Use existing monument
□Build new monument (□at own expense. □at JAXA’s expense)
□Other simplified installation method
Antenna for HS / □ Use own antenna and splitter (Product name: )
□Request antenna to JAXA
Cabling (between antenna to receiver) for HS / □ Use existing line
□ Set up new line
(□prepare necessary cable by ourselves
□ request meters long cable to JAXA)
Receiver installation for HS / Briefly describe the proposed receiver installation area here
□Temperature-controlled room or cabinet
□ Frequency standard
If yes, please describe what kind of reference frequency source and its interface frequency
Stabilizing power supply / Voltage; Watt;
(□yes □no If ‘no’ please describe the issue:
Other information
Access for HS / Pleas describe how to get to your site
Cost allocation for HS / If you request to support civil construction cost, please estimate the cost with the basis of your quotation and propose cost allocation with JAXA.


Please attach following additional data.

1: Location map of the antenna and receiver in the site, and photographs of site

2: Antenna skyview conditions (elevation mask angle for full on 0-360 Aazimuth)

Photos surrounding antenna location is desirable as well as AzEl diagram.

3: Observation data set (RINEX)

Three days GPS observation data at the proposed antenna location is to be provided for assessment of multipath and/or RFI environment.

Applying Organization recognizeand fully agree the terms and conditions set forth in the GENERAL CONDITIONSON THE COOPERATIONCONCERNING THE MULTI-GNSS MONITORING NETWORK.

Network Operating Organization





Signature Date / /

Site Owner/Manager (for HS application only)





Signature Date / /