St Louis Park Hockey Association

Monthly Board Meeting Minutes

Monday, April 10, 2017@ SLP Hockey Office

Meeting was called to order at 7:05pm

Recorded by: Michelle Amelse

Additions/Changes to Agenda, Approval of previous month’s minutes

January and March meeting minutes not presented for approval at this meeting.

Pull-Tab Report

Chad Nicholls / Approval: ______

Please reference the February and March 2017report.

  • A motion to approve the variance report as written was offered by Christian Berry. Paul Pinney seconded the motion. None opposed; the motion carried.
  • Allowable expenses for Apriltotaling $70,731.40were presentedfor pre-approval byChristian Berry. Seconded byJeff Luke. None opposed; the motion carried.
  • Lawful purpose expenses for April totaling $47,689.00was presented for pre-approval byChristian Berry,seconded byPaul Pinney. None opposed; the motion carried.
  • Annual internal audit in progress. Due June 1.
  • NE Bunny’s update. Increase since last month – deposits at $5-6k/per week, up from $2-3k/week.

President’s Report

Blois Olson / Approval: ______

  • First week of May for roof opening
  • Discussion re: a joint city/SLPHA opening celebration.
  • May 6, 13th are tournaments at the Rec.
  • May 6, 20th are slugfest dates
  • May 21st is Ice Cream Social
  • Annual meeting on May 1. Blois will send out an association wide email; Banquet room reserved.
  • 2-3 potential candidates for Mite, Peewee, and Bantam coordinators. Other candidates for open positions.
  • End of season survey will be sent this week.


Christian Berry/ Approval: ______

  • Reviewed YTD P&L
  • SLP Little League requested $2,500 from SLPHA to sponsor 5 teams, including signage at the fields. A motion to approve the $2,500 donation to SLP Little League was offered by Jeff Luke. Janien Fandel seconded the motion. None opposed; the motion carried.
  • Peter Hobart requested 1 hour of ice, 1 hour in the Banquet Room, and $50 gift card for pizza party – formal request submitted by Christian Berry. A motion to approve the $325 donation to Peter Hobart Elementary School was offered by Catie Boyum. Paul Pinney seconded the motion. Christian Berry abstained from the vote. None opposed; the motion carried.
  • SLP Girls softball requested SLPHA to pay for fences and dugout improvements. They are short fields in SLP and the fields that are available are not in good shape from the adult recreation league – beer bottles, fences not the right size, etc. Registration fees were lowered but families now expected to pay for tournaments. A motion to approve a $2,500 donation to SLP Girls softball was offered by Janien Fandel. Paul Pinney seconded the motion. None opposed; the motion carried.
  • SLP HS Dugout club (boys HS baseball) requested $1,000 to finish the PA system at the HS baseball fields. No motion was made.
  • Annual scholarship for graduating seniors. 2 for $1,000 and 1 for $500 for SLP HS hockey players based on grades and citizenship. A motion to approve the $2,500 donation for the annual scholarship fund was offered by Chris Helfmann. Todd Dahlin seconded the motion. None opposed; the motion carried.

Ice Scheduler Report

Brennan Wyatt / Approval: ______

  • All ice bills paid

District 3 Report

Todd Dahlin/ Approval: ______

  • Player abuse toward officials has increased (older levels mostly)
  • Strongest Mite numbers in MN in the US
  • Hockey Director Conference coming up in April & May - for coordinators that focus on player development. It’s free as long as the registrant attends.

Equipment Report

Rob Otos/ Approval: ______

  • Equipment room has been organized a bit
  • Equipment turn in has been completed
  • Discussion re: a jersey design change; Mark Hirte to discuss further ideas with Rob. Don’t want to spend more money. Last year in General Sports contract for jerseys.

Registrar Report

Catie Boyum/ Approval: ______

  • Nothing reported

Volunteer / Concessions Report

Kellie Sorenson/ Janine. Approval: ______

  • Biggest issue are the May AAA hockey tournaments – need 8 days of coverage (2 – 4 day weekend tournaments)
  • Discussion around volunteer hours for next year and how to handle non-parent volunteers.

Marketing Report

Sage Rider / Approval: ______

  • SLPHA will do the parade again next year – spongey pucks, etc.
  • Discussion re: water bottles for elementary school’s end of year parties. Sage to get cost estimate and submit to finance committee.
  • Signage in the Rec (e.g., motivational quotes, etc.) – Sage to submit recommendations.
  • Ice bowling fundraiser – Sage to look into with Jason at the Rec.

Recruitment Report

Joe Arko - Approval: ______

  • Nothing reported

Tournament Report

Blois Olson/ Approval: ______

  • Blois thanked the board for their help and support during the hosted SLP tournaments.

Hockey Development Report

Todd Dvorak / Approval: ______

  • Data from skills combine distributed and reviewed
  • Individual reports to be distributed soon to families

Girls Report

Jeff Luke/ Approval: ______

  • Discussion re: future of HP program

Mite Report

Chris Helfmann / Approval: ______

  • Nothing reported

Squirt Report

Grace & Mark Hirte/ Approval: ______

  • Mark & Grace suggested that we need a policy re: younger players that want to move up a level.
  • Discussion around what other association policies are.
  • Mark to outline a recommendation and present to the board at the May meeting.
  • Board agreement that we need clarity and transparency.
  • Concern over goalie situation for next year (not enough)

Peewee Report

Carl Hoikka/ Approval: ______

  • Nothing reported

Bantam Report

Paul Pinney/ Approval: ______

  • Nothing reported

Old Business


New Business


Catie Boyum made a motion to adjourn the meeting. The motion was seconded by Chris Helfmann. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 9:05pm.