2018candidate record form
A-levelD&T Product Design (3D Design) (2550)
Unit 4-Design and Making Practice (PROD4)
Please attach the form to your candidate’s work and keep it at the centre or send it to the moderator as required. The declarations should be completed by the candidate and teacher as indicated.
Centre number / Centre nameCandidate number / Candidate’s full name
Work submitted for assessment must be the candidate’s own. If candidates copy work, allow candidates to copy from them, or cheat in any other way, they may be disqualified.
Candidate declaration
Have you received help/information from anyone other than subject teacher(s) to produce this work?
No Yes (give details below or on a separate sheet if necessary).
Please list below any books, leaflets or other materials (eg DVDs, software packages, internet information) used to complete this work not acknowledged in the work itself. Presenting materials copied from other sources without acknowledgement is regarded as deliberate deception.
From time to time we use anonymous examples of candidates’ work (in paper form and electronically) within our guidance materials to illustrate particular points. If your work appears in AQA materials in this context and you object to this, please contact us and we will remove it on reasonable notice.
I have read and understood the above. I confirm I produced the attached work without assistance other than that which is acceptable under the scheme of assessment.
Candidate signature / DateTeacher declaration
I confirm the candidate’s work was conducted under the conditions laid out by the specification. I have authenticated the candidate’s work and am satisfied (to the best of my knowledge) that the work produced is solely that of the candidate.
Teacher signature / DateCandidate number / Candidate’s full name
To be completed by the candidate
Your project(s) will be assessed against a number of assessment criteria. In the space provided you should indicate where in your folder(s) each of these criteria have been addressed. You should provide page numbers in each case so that the evidence of meeting these criteria can be identified.
Criterion 15 marks
available / Context and objectives
In the space below you should state your design problem and include the following information
- What is to be the focus of your project and how does it link to the stated design problem?
- Why did you choose this project?
- What do you hope to learn by completing the project?
Candidate number / Candidate’s full name
Criterion 2
8 marks
available / Plan of action and clarification of problem
- Action Plan
- Research
You should use the table below to record all research/investigations that have been undertaken during the course of the project as well as the usefulness of this information.
Note It is NOT necessary to include this work in your folder, BUT you should make clear where the information gained has been used.
Source / Information Gained / Usefulness of the Information
Candidate number / Candidate’s full name
- Design Specification
Candidate number / Candidate’s full name
Criterion 3
26 marks
available / Development of Design Proposal
In this section you should provide details of where in your folder evidence of the following can be found
- A range of ideas.
- How you have developed your product, providing explanations for decisions that have been made.
- A detailed plan for manufacturing your final product.
Candidate number / Candidate’s full name
Criterion 4
26 marks
available / Manufacture / modelling
In the space below please include a photograph of your finished product. In addition photographs of your product at various stages in production should be included in your folder.
To insert an electronic image directly on to this page, you will need to 'unprotect' this form.
In the manufacture of your product you should pay particular attention to the following:
- Consideration of health and safety and quality control checks
- Consideration of industrial practice
- How the final product meets the specification
Candidate number / Candidate’s full name
Criterion 5
12 marks
available / Conclusions, evaluations and recommendations It is not necessary to write anything in this section.
During the course of your project:
- You should show how your product has been tested at each stage and evaluate your findings throughout the designing, development and manufacture process.
- You should consider how the product can be improved.
Criterion 6
8 marks
available / Communication and presentation It is not necessary to write anything in this section.
During the course of your project:
- You should consider how you have presented your work for others to understand.
- You should consider which techniques/practical skills have you used to demonstrate the process of designing and making.
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Candidate number / Candidate’s full name
To be completed by the teacher
Marks must be awarded in accordance with the instructions and criteria in the specification.
Coursework title or brief descriptionCriteria for the
award of marks / Maximum mark / Mark awarded / Teacher/assessor’s supporting statement
1Context and objectives / 5
2Plan of action and clarification of problem / 8
3Development of design proposal / 26
4Manufacture / modelling / 26
5Conclusions, evaluations and recommendations / 12
6Communication and presentation / 8
Total mark / 85
Details of additional assistance given
Record here details of any assistance given to this candidate which is beyond that given to the class as a whole and beyond that described in the specification (continue on a separate sheet if necessary).
Concluding comments
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