Risk Assessment

The assessment of risk must be seen as 'on-going' and 'dynamic', it is a risk benefit analysis. Continuing professional judgments regarding both of safety and health of participants will need to be made during the activity. A written Risk Assessment (Form 5) must be submitted with all Type A and Type B visit applications. It should include an alternative activity (Plan B), prepared and risk assessed. Thekey areas to be considered with the control measures identified and recorded are:


Type of GroupActivityActivity Programme


EquipmentAssembly /Dispersal

Emergency Procedures

Does the Base Contact and the Visit Leader have?

a) Form 9 (Base Contact), Form 10 (Visit Leader).

b) Telephone numbers (both in and out of hours) of two designated senior members of staff.

c) Mobile numbers of all staff and adult helpers on the visit.

d) Names, addresses and telephone numbers of parents/carers of all of the children/young people and next of kin of all staff and adult helpers involved in the visit.

f) Copies of the medical information for every child/young person taking part in the visit/activity (and parental/carer consent for Type B visits).

g) Copies of route plans, venues and alternative activities (Plan B).

h) Appropriate vehicle registration numbers and passenger lists for each vehicle.

i) Copies of the Risk Assessment (Form 5).

j) For major emergencies the telephone number of the County Council’s emergency duty team.

Visit Closed Procedure: There must be a clearly defined and agreed arrangement by then VL with the Base Contact to confirm the closure of the visit. State what action must be taken by the Base Contact if the party has failed to return or make contact by the agreed time.

/ Trumacar Nursery and Community Primary School
‘Inspiring Education, Achieving Our Dreams’
Combermere Road, Heysham, Lancashire. LA3 2ST
Tel: 01524 851043 Website:
Email: and /

To help with our own Risk Assessment Planning – please answer the following questions under each section in the box provided – please do not change the sections of the questions! Thanks – Paul, Trumacar Primary School EVC

School Number: 01 / 058
Where are you going? / What date are you going?
What time are you leaving? / What time are you returning?
Who is the Trip Leader? / Who is the Deputy Leader?
Leader Job Title: / Deputy Leader Job Title:
What are the main activities/purposes of this visit? /
Have you completed trip on EVOLVE system? / Has a letter gone out to parents using the school format?
Is this a Type A or Type B (farm, water, zoo, outdoor adventure) trip? / If Type B, this must be entered correctly on the first page of EVOLVE as LA need to authorise this trip
Aspects to Consider
(List only actual hazards)
6 Key Areas are identified below where potential hazards may occur. These are the areas that must be reviewed before final approval is granted / Who may be affected?
Pupils (P)
Staff (S)
Visitors (V) / Questions to check Control Measures are in place / What Control Measures are needed?
(Make this explicit to show that the 6 key areas have been thoroughly considered and control measures are effective / What is the Risk Rating if Control Measures are in place?
Low (L); Moderate (M); High (H)
1. Type of Group / How many are in the group?
What year group are they in?
Any children with additional needs? What are the needs and how will they be catered for?
Are all adults DBS checked?
(If not, have they completed DBS form? – they cannot be left with children at any time on their own)
Are there any helpers going with their own children? Will they be with their own child during the visit?
Who is allowed to take a mobile phone? Adults/Pupils?
Are there any restrictions on use?
Any other additional hazards not already identified and how they will be combatted…
2. Staffing / Has the Visit Leader visited the venue already? (When?)
Are you, as leader, confident in leading this trip and do they have the knowledge to lead and be able to assess and deal with risk?
Does the Visit Leader have any further qualifications for this trip?
Are there any medical conditions amongst staff that have been recorded?
What is the overall staff: pupil ratio?
Who is the BASE contact back at school? / Paul Slater (Headteacher) –
0791 375 8162
Ceri Hamer (Deputy Head) –
0771 700 0371
Anthea Collin (School Business Manager) – 01524 851043 or
07825 176139
Any other additional hazards not already identified and how they will be combatted…
3. Activities/Equipment / What tasks are the children going to be involved in?
How will the children be organised for these tasks? (supervision/preparedness etc)
What do the children need to take?
What it the weather is different than hoped for?
Do they need a packed lunch? Have you checked with the kitchen about ordering these?
Have additional adults including staff been informed of what they need to bring?
Who are the designated First Aiders? (You need at least 2 First Aid kits per trip; Outdoor Adventure trips need separate first aid kit)
What other kits do you need to take?
If walking, have you got correct map; bivvy bag; emergency kit?
Any other additional hazards not already identified and how they will be combatted…
4. Venue/Environment / Where will the children be dropped off safely?
Do they have to cross any roads to get into the venue? What other hazards are there?
Where will the children be picked up from safely?
Do they have to cross any roads to get back to the transport? What other hazards are there?
Where are the toilet facilities?
Where are they going to have their lunch/snack/break time?
Is there a shop on site? How are you going to manage children in the shop?
What time MUST you leave by to be back at school on time? What will you do if you are running late?
If a residential, what is the accommodation set-up?
Where are staff in relation to pupils?
What will happen during ‘down-time’?
On arrival Staff must find out Emergency and Fire Procedures
Any other additional hazards not already identified and how they will be combatted…e.g. weather
5. Travel / How are you getting there?
If walking, consider the journey and highlight roads wthat will need crossing and how this will be managed
If by coach, which firm?
If by minibus, name the driver and the firm s/he represents
If by public bus, have you notified the company?
If by train, which company are you travelling with and have you reserved the seats for all journeys?
If in cars, name the drivers and ensure insurance is checked – staff MUST have business insurance; parents MUST have fully comp insurance
Seatbelts check / We will check seatbelts before the coach sets off on all journeys and remind children not to undo seatbelts at any time
If in cars, do any of your children need a booster seat? How are they being provided?
Are there any stops on the journey? If so, where and what needs to be considered for Risk Assessment?
Any other additional hazards not already identified and how they will be combatted…
6. Emergency Procedures / Have you got the Head’s and Deputy Head’s mobile numbers? / Paul Slater – 0791 375 8162
Ceri Hamer – 0771 700 0371
Have all adults got the Team Leader’s mobile phone number?
Have you got the school’s phone number? / 01524 851043
Have you got a list of the medication any children need on the visit, plus the times and dosage?
(This must be in the form of a checklist which can then be signed by the Team Leader as medication is given)
Have you got copies of all emergency contact numbers for parents?
If an incident/accident should occur, it is the First Aider’s duty to ring for an ambulance if required and direct staff to contact school/parents.
Any other additional hazards not already identified and how they will be combatted…
These are the school’s own final checks / Have you sent a letter to parents using the correct school format?
Does it clearly state when the reply form must be returned?
Does it have clear instructions about the cost including 50p extra per pupil towards admin/SCO World Pay options?
TYPE A – Have you completed the EVOLVE form online AT LEAST 2 weeks prior to the visit?
TYPE B – Have you completed the EVOLVE form online AT LEAST 4 weeks prior to the visit?
Have you got confirmation of all travel arrangements?
Have you held a meeting with children about the visit giving them clear guidance on behaviour/attitude/needs etc for the trip?
Any other additional hazards not already identified and how they will be combatted…
School Number: 01 / 058
Signed (Visit Leader): / Date written:
Visit Leader’s name: / Submitted on EVOLVE on:
Are any changes required following submission of this risk assessment?
This includes changes to adult helpers; number of children etc
If so, complete details either on this risk assessment or add a note on EVOLVE system.
/ This is a Good school with drive, vision and ambition which has a positive culture and an ethos of respect and kindness which pervades the school with a varied and balanced curriculum that engages pupils and contributes to their enjoyment of learning and their desire to learn and achieve their best – OFSTED 2016
/ /
A Checklist for Risk Assessment: Visit and Journeys
  1. People
/ 2. Context /
  1. Organisation

Type of Group
Pupils special needs/medical considerations
Individual needs.
Knowledge of medical background.
Expertise of extra adult help.
Informing centre staff. / Daily Timetable and Activities
  • Deployment and role of school staff.
  • Role of Provider staff.
  • Management of downtime or changeover time.
/ Activity /Programme
Large group organised into small sub groups.
Responsible adults identified for pupils.
Pupils involved with/informed of potential hazards.
First aid kit.
Necessary details left with responsible person.
Emergency procedures known.
Suitability of activity for age/experience.
Progression in activities.
Procedures in case of injury.
“free time” carefully thought through.
Activity requirements met.
 Communication arrangements in place and understood by all.
Venue /Environment:
-Security of accommodation
What Freedom.
Doors – which locked?
Staff bedrooms.
Security arrangements and procedures other user groups).
Fire certification.
-Seasonal considerations
  • Clothing.
  • Equipment.
  • Weather forecast/Environmental controls.
  • Duration of the event, including Plan B.
  • Journey details left with another person.
  • Preparation and training of the group
  • Any need to amend staffing ratio?
  • Any need to amend programme?
  • Any need to amend back up?
-Working Area
Limits Defined.
Potential Hazards identified ,risks controlled and pupils briefed on residual risks.
Potential hazards minimised.
Sufficient space.
Staff familiarity with area.
Confidence and expertise.
Necessary qualifications.
Non teacher supports/supervision
(e.g. Parents, Coaches, NNEB’s ancillary helpers, students, older pupil etc.)
  • Staff/adult special needs/medical considerations

Small sub group for monitoring.
Organisation for embarking/disembarking.
Organisation for points at which mode of transport changes e.g. Coach to ferry.
Procedures on ferry, at airports etc.
Sufficient seating.
Driver regulations/ legislation.
Organisation for large groups walking on/crossing roads.
Teacher/adult responsibilities.
Pupils made aware of procedures.
Potential hazards identified and pupils/staff forwarded.
Appropriate standards of behaviour set.
Register group.
Safe assembly point.
Check essentials are bought.
Clear arrangements for dispersal.
Emergency Procedures
All Visit Leaders should familiarise themselves with the Emergency Procedures of the centre/venue.

Form 5 – Risk Assessment 1

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