School Community Council
Meeting Minutes January 11, 2018
6:30pm, Chris Hadfield PS Library
In Attendance:
Staff:Manuel Salvati, Sarah Baxter
Voting Members: Jane Sedo, Kim Adel, Rachelle Field, Deanna Jaglowitz, Aprile Cameron, Susie Mills, Nicola Fisher, Brandy Harley, Amanda Valentini, Fiona Shaw, Julie MacGregor, Cheryl Wellwood, Laurie Robinson, Jen Knowles, Jen Molnar-Brown, Roy Cai, Shauna Wekarchuk, Jennifer Allison-Bigham, Ann Mammen, Crystal McNab
Attendees: Janet Arnold
Regrets:Tracy Tebo, Julie Henderson
Meeting Start Time: 6:32
Welcomed & Introductions: JaneSedo
-Acknowledged all those who volunteered their time to make the Christmas Basket Raffle a success. Especially to Shauna who organized the entire process!
-Minutes were motioned by Deanna Jaglowitz for approval, Rachelle Field 2nd the motion, motion passed.
Administration Report: ManuelSalvati
-Sue Lunn a retired Principal has resumed her position as acting VicePrincipal while MrRosenau is on medical leave.
-Some other staffing changes: Maribel Arce Rojas (grade 8), Brittany Taillon (kindergarten), Shannon O’Toole (Grade 1) and a new 0.5 EA to be announced.
-Christmas Concert was fabulous! Family support and efforts by the staff and students was outstanding!
-Many Events going on within the school for example,Basketball, Lego Club, Helping hands and many more. Please check out our school calendar for more events happening!
-We have a new superintendent, Margaret Lazarus!
-A HUGE thank you to the Kiss’n Ride volunteers for their work in making the system run so smoothly!
Teachers Report and Presentation: Sarah Baxter
-There is a display case outside the gym that shows a variety of pictures of how our students would like to achieve their goals. Please stop by and take a look.
-Shared a video put together by Mr Mitchells class that shows how the school is becoming so innovated with not only technology but with different and creative ways to learning. The video showed use of creative dance, green screen, drama and music! Video was titled ‘Motion and Emotion of Predator and Prey’. The class did a great job, thank you for sharing!
Treasurer Report: Deanna and Rachelle
-Christmas Raffle Basket profit came to $8,733.05!
- Currently there is $15,000 to spend
Jane and Kim put together a form for teacher spending proposal and have asked staff that any request be in no later than the Friday before the next SCC meeting.
Discussed gifting $1,500 to the grade 8 graduation to put towards awards.
-Deanna Jaglowitz Motioned to gift $1,500 to the grade 8 graduation, Brandy Harley 2nd the motion, motion passed
Jane provided an SCC Spending Report for 2017/18 of items purchased, proposed and long term.
Review Items on Spending Report: Sarah Baxter
-Isabell Hobbs requested $700 for an Author of one of the books the kids have been reading to come in and speak to those students who have been participating in the Silverbirch program.
-Athletic Department requested $4,042.85 for new (proper size) Athletic Volleyball Poles. This would also include padding, wenches etc… The poles will be restricted for our schools use only.
-Roy requested $469.66 for the renewal of RazKids membership. The program is used for those kids in grade 1-3 that require extra help.
-Mrs Rayner requested $300 for 30 mice to be used with the chrome books
-$752 for 2 more chrome books. Isabell Hobbs had asked for chrome books for her carts in the library that are signed out by teachers for the class. SCC has purchased 10 but the school said they would match our purchase of 12 so the SCC is requesting we add another 2 more for purchase.
-Mr Whitman requested $3,785.44 and $789.87 or 3D printer and 3D printer kits.
Jane and Kim implemented a new dot system that would identify the top 3 priorities for spending.
Discussed putting $2,000 aside for the kindergarten subcommittee to use for the long-term investment plan regarding the outdoor learning centers and sun shade.
-Fiona Shaw motioned to hold $2,000 for the kindergarten long-term investment, Rachelle Fields 2nd the motion, motion passed
Next SCC meeting has a conflict. Brooklin High School is hosting a welcome to grade 9 for all the parents of students in grade 8. Next meeting has been moved to Feb 15th. At that time we will schedule the dates for our April and May meetings.
Shauna mentioned the Dance Athon is coming up soon. Suggested date is March 29/18. Volunteers will be needed to help with pledge forms, assistance the day of the dance with set up, supervising and clean up.
Voting on Spending Results:
Top 3 items that were voted on by members are 3D printer, 2 Chrome books and Volleyball pole.
Rachelle Fields motioned to spend $8,580.29 on these 3 items, DeannaJaglowitz 2nd the motion, motion passed.
Breakdown: 3D Printer $3,785.44
2 Chrome Books $752
Volleyball Poles $4,042.85
Shauna motioned to spend $1259.53 on the 3D printer kits and Raz Kids renewal, Jennifer Knowles 2ndthe motion, motion passed
Breakdown: 3D printer kits = $789.87
Raz Kids Membership Renewal $469.66
Rachelle Fields motioned to adjure meeting, Jennifer Knowles 2nd it – motion passed.
Meeting Adjourned at 8:02 pm