Naval Science 2 Final Exam
December 2006 Study Guide

Sea Power & Early Western Civilization

1. Know from which nation/country the first people to use sea power were from.

2. After the fall of Rome in 476 A.D., and as Europe suffered in the turmoil of the Dark Ages, the Middle East, North Africa, and the Eastern Mediterranean fell under the control of what Empire

3. The capital of the Byzantine Empire was?

4. Our alphabet is based on the alphabet of what ancient people?

5. What city is known as the birthplace of democracy in government?

6. In the battle of Lepanto in 1571, Christian forces defeated what nation?

7. The ability of a nation to defend her own sea communications and to deny the enemy the use of the sea to carry on a war is called?

8. What Italian states became a great commercial and naval power during the Crusades?

American Revolution

9. During the American Revolution, instead of meeting General Burgoyne in Albany in 1777, General Howe made an ill-advised decision to capture which city?

10. Although General Arnold lost all of his ships in combat against the British at Lake Champlain in 1775 he had an “unconventional victory”; how did the battle benefit the colonies.

11. When did Congress authorize the beginning of the Marine Corps?

12. Who was the first commander of the Continental Navy?

13. Which British General surrendered at Saratoga, New York, in October 1777, after marching his troop’s European style through an open field

14. The end of fighting in the colonies was marked by the British loss at colonial city?

15. The peace treaty ending the Revolutionary War was signed in what city?

16. Why was the Continental Congress reluctant to establish a navy because they thought that “coastal cavalry” forces of the various colonies would suffice, and any continental Navy warships would be overwhelmed at sea?

The Growth of American Sea Power

17. Know the powers the Constitution authorized the United States Congress to employ.

18. When Congress passed the Navy Act in 1794, the bill stated that naval shipbuilding would stop if event occurred?

19. Who was the first man to be Secretary of the Navy?

20. In 1802, why did President Jefferson send a squadron of ships to the Mediterranean Sea?

21. In 1803, Commodore Preble sent the USS Philadelphia to blockade the port of Tripoli. What happened to this ship?

22. Who was the youngest man to reach the rank of captain in the short history of our Navy?

23. Giving in to demands for tribute and ransom usually results in what ramifications?

24. Why did President Jefferson not favor building large seagoing ships?

The Civil War

25. What was the major political difference that caused the Southern states to break away from the Union in 1860?

26. Know where the Union Navy established naval blockades during the Civil War.

27. In the first Battle of Bull Run on July 21, 1861, 50,000 troops of both armies fought in northern Virginia not far from WashingtonD.C. What army won that battle?

28. Who commanded the riverboat squadron that demolished fortHenry in February 1862?

29. FortJackson and Fort St Phillip were established by the Confederates on the Mississippi River to protect the South’s largest and most important port city. What is the name of that city?

30. The Confederates had designed the CSS Virginia with one purpose in mind. What was their purpose?

31. Name the general in charge of the Confederate land forces who defeated Union forces at Chancellorsville and moved through the Shenandoah Valley on his way to invade southern Pennsylvania.

32. The Emancipation Proclamation of September 22, 1862, freed all slaves in the Confederate States as of January 1, 1863. In 1865 Congress added an amendment to the Constitution which ended slavery in the United States. What was that amendment?


33. What is the art of Leadership?

34. How can a person with potential develop leadership skills?

35. What is the term that can be used to indicate pride in an organization or being proud of membership in a group?

36. Know what a sense of responsibility is.

37. Know the definition of the following words: enthusiasm, optimism, honesty and loyalty.

Leadership skills

38. Know how leaders can help motivate their subordinates.

39. Know what must be present in order to maintain high morale in a unit.

40. What components of Navy life can be affected by improved motivation?

41. What are our survival needs?

42. What are some job needs that the Navy can fulfill?

43. What must all effective leaders be skilled in?

44. What leadership skills may include putting a subordinate on report, reprimanding him/her, or not recommending them for advancement?

45. What two burdens come with increased authority?

46. What does self-discipline begin with?

47. Who or what is the autocratic style of leadership is centered on?

48. There are five approaches to leadership. Of the five, which one is the most autocratic?

49. To become a good leader, one must be able to communicate. What are the skills needed for communication?

50. What do we call the style of leadership that means participation of followers, as well as the leader, in the leadership process?