April 12, 2017
Town Hall
1766 Union Avenue, 2nd Floor
Hazlet, NJ 07730
The WORKSHOPMEETING was opened by Vice Chairman Acevedoat 7:00 PM at the Town Hall, 1766 Union Avenue, Hazlet, NJ 07730. Vice Chairman Acevedo led the PLEDGE TO THE FLAG, followed by a MOMENT OF SILENCE. Vice Chairman Acevedo read the following STATEMENT:
In compliance with the OPEN PUBLIC MEETING ACT of the State of New Jersey, adequate notice of this meeting was provided in the following manner:
On March 09, 2017 advance written notice of this meeting was posted at Town Hall, 1766 Union Avenue, Hazlet, NJ;
On March 09, 2017advance written notice of this meeting was sent to the Newark Star Ledger and the Asbury Park Press; and
On March 09, 2017copies of the advance written notice was mailed to all persons who requested and paid for such notice.
I direct the Fire District Clerk to enter into the minutes this announcement and the advance written notice of this meeting.
Vice Chairman Acevedocalled for a ROLL CALL:
Commissioner Preston- PRESENT
Commissioner Parleman- PRESENT
Commissioner Acevedo- PRESENT
Commissioner DeWindt- PRESENT
Commissioner Sheldrick- ABSENT
Rich Braslow- PRESENT
Michelle Powers, QPA- PRESENT
Frank Oliva, Jr., Secretary- PRESENT
- Rich mentioned that the legislation was resolved. They agreed to the special capital meeting from 6-9pm.
- Comm. Acevedo asked the secretary to provide a letter to DMV for the upcoming year. Also needs a letter giving him Power of Attorney to be able to take care of vehicles at the DMV.
- Comm. Parleman mentioned that 2-91 was involved in an accident at Station 2. Chief is waiting for an estimate for the repair. Mirrors on the truck shake, proposal to change mirrors to make it safer. Discussion followed. Also, updated the board on the pick-up truck.
- Comm. DeWindt mentioned that a member was injured at the Union Beach fire. All updated paperwork from Liberty Mutual to be given out to all chiefs.
- Comm. Preston spoke about the compressor at Station 2 not working anymore.
- Comm. Preston spoke about the ongoing issue with the repeater.
- Comm. Preston asked about drug testing. Discussion followed.
- Comm. Acevedo noted the Chief Schroeck is discussing the possibility of selling E34 and getting a smaller truck.
- Comm. Preston brought up the application for John Boyle, Jr. to re-apply to Station 2. A letter was read from the prosecutor’s office failing to show any convictions with the state. Discussion followed.
Comm. PrestonMOVED THAT THEMEETING BE ADJOURNED, Commissioner DeWindtseconded the motion. ALL VOTED IN FAVOR. The meeting was adjourned at 7:29 PM.
The next scheduled workshop meeting is May 10, 2017 at 7:00pm.
Tito Acevedo,Vice Chairman
Les Parleman, III,Clerk