Updated 5/22/2014
FM954QF: FM Fund Balance, per Quarter by Fund
· The data is sorted by Fund Group and this feature cannot be changed. Beginning Fund Balance and the balance at each quarter's end is reported per fund.
· FM954QF provides EXPENDABLE FUND BALANCE from the Funds Management Special Ledger so it doesn’t take into consideration any commitments against the funds.
· FM954QF is only applicable for the following funds: Allocated (B), Auxiliary (C), Designated (D), Expendable Endowments (E), Restricted Gifts (F), State Appropriations (H),Agency (J), and Renewal & Replacement (P6).
· The signs on this report have been reversed from accounting standards; therefore, positive fund balances are not in parenthesis and negative fund balances are in parenthesis.
Default View of Report
Report Usage
FM954QF can be used to view quarterly fund balances.
Default Variables Entry Screen Exclusions
The Fund Valid To Date variable is pre-populated with 12/31/9999. Remove this defaulted amount if you want the report to include closed funds in addition to all open funds.
· Use the Filter functionality for the Key Figures to add additional columns. Blank columns (identifiable by a long string of letters and numbers) and columns such as “Revenues Qtr 1” and “Expenses Qtr 2” can be added to the report. A number in parenthesis indicates that more has been spent than received.
· Fund Balance is not final for a fiscal year until Period 16 closes. Therefore, rarely but potentially through November of the next fiscal year, adjustments could be made.
· To identify the actual transactions that equal the quarterly activity in this report, run FM865 (in the FI Viewer folder) for the fiscal year, periods and fund in question. Include appropriate commitment item ranges:
o Revenue: 400000 to 499999
o Expense: 500000 to 599999
o Transfers In: 820000 to 839999
o Transfers Out: 860000 to 879999
Include the appropriate posting period range for the quarters:
o Quarter 1: Periods 1 to 3
o Quarter 2: Periods 4 to 6
o Quarter 3: Periods 7 to 9
o Quarter 4: Periods 10 to 12
Go To Functions Available
FM5S: Use the "Go To" functionality to jump to the FM5S fund master data transaction in R/3. Click on the Long Text icon to see fund restrictions.
FM954QF Relationship to Other Reports
· The fund balances are the same data that is reported in the other BW fund balance reports as EXPENDABLE fund balances.
· The Expendable Fund Balance amounts reported on the Balance Sheet reports (GL230 and GL232) should exactly match the FM Expendable Fund Balance amount on FM954QF AFTER the final close of the quarter.
· Funds C100013, D100449 and D800019 had been wrong on FM954 reports until 2/3/2010 because they did not include an FY05 period 14 adjusting entry that was made during SAP Financials conversion from CUFS. All years are right now if you run any of the FM954 fund balance reports.
FM954QF Relationship to R/3
Since BW data is as of the previous day's business, a report for the current fiscal year will not include any activity that has posted today in R/3.