Educational Presentations
After the Last Tear Falls: Dealing with Grief and Loss
As Christians we are not spared from loss in this world, and many of us will face grief at one or many points in our lives. God offers comfort during those times through the many promises He makes to us in His Word. This presentation will consider those promises, as well as specific suggestions and examples for coping with the difficult emotions and circumstances that often come with loss.
Bullying--What Is It and How Can We Stop It?
This presentation examines the problem of bullying by considering the definition and prevalence of bullying, and by profiling both the bully and the victim. We will discuss what parents, children, and schools can do to confront the problem of bullying and help the victims, as well as what can be done if you are the parent of a bully.
Christian Courtship: My Story
This presentation is meant specifically for teens and singles and explores the important issues to consider when dating and looking for a spouse. I use God’s Word and my personal story as an example as we discuss how to cultivate important qualities in yourself, what type of a partner to look for and where to find him or her, and how to overcome common obstacles to finding a relationship.
Christian Discipline in Parenting
This presentation explores what it means to discipline our children according to God’s Word. We will consider the true definition of discipline, look at two extremes of discipline, and discuss six steps we can take toward Christian discipline.
Confronting in Love
As Christians we are sometimes asked to confront someone who is in danger because of choices he or she is making--whether it is physical, emotional, or spiritual danger. In this presentation we discuss common issues that may require confrontation, what God says about confrontation, and specific ways to confront using a special method called “Carefrontation.”
Eating Disorders
This presentation explores the symptoms, causes, and complications of eating disorders, specifically anorexia and bulimia. It gives suggestions about ways to help a friend or loved one who has an eating disorder, and looks at the truth of God’s Word as it applies to body image and identity.
Establishing Priorities
In this presentation we will look at establishing priorities in our lives as Christians by following the simple JOY principle--Jesus, Others, Yourself.
Family Finances
These are difficult economic times for many of us, and never has it been more important to focus on the area of family finances. This presentation will consider what God says about money and how we use it, as well as practical issues such as budgeting, money and relationships, and teaching financial principles to your children.
Finding Peace in the Midst of Change
Christians will face many difficult changes throughout the seasons of their lives. These changes often bring anxiety and feelings of loss, and peace may seem impossible at times. However, God has the power to change us in ways that will help us find comfort and peace in the midst of any changes we might experience.
God's Personality Theory
We will explore the ways in which we are "fearfully and wonderfully made," and discover not only what we are, but more importantly, who we are as children of God.
Growing Old Gracefully
In this presentation we will discuss common myths about aging, the special purpose God gives to the aging, and the blessings and promises God gives specifically to those who are growing older in the Lord.
How to Help a Depressed or Suicidal Friend
This presentation explores the topic of depression and suicide by discussing five important questions. 1) Who has depression? 2) What does depression look like? 3) What causes depression? 4) What are the warning signs of suicide? 5) How can we help?
This presentation is written specifically for teenagers, but can be adapted for parents and other adults as well.
How to Build a Strong Parent/Child Relationship
In this presentation we will discuss and share practical ways to establish the essential elements of love and discipline in the home. as we strive to build healthy, positive, and long-lasting relationships with our children.
Parents and Attitudes
This presentation examines attitudes in both parents and children that often lead toward conflict. We will discuss ways to correct those attitudes and consider positive attitudes to strive for according to God’s encouragement in His Word.
Rejoice Always? (Releasing Expectations)
In this presentation we will consider the ways that expectations of ourselves and others, as well as negative expectations about the future, can rob us of our joy. We will discuss ways to release those expectations so that we can more fully experience the joy and peace that is offered through the promises of God.
Self-Esteem Built on the Rock
This presentation looks at self-esteem from a Christian perspective by examining the signs and causes of low self-esteem, by looking at the reasons we can have self-esteem as children of God, and by considering what self-esteem uniquely looks like in a Christian.
This presentation has also been adapted specifically for teens under the following title:
Teen Self-Esteem: What Are You Worth?
Shaping Responsible Behavior
In our current culture of blame-shifting and irresponsibility, it is especially important for parents to learn ways to shape responsible behavior in their children. This presentation will look at the benefits of responsible behavior, as well as specific examples and suggestions for parents to use as they shape responsibility through tasks, discipline, and service.
Stressed Out But Standing Strong
Are you feeling overwhelmed with life and looking for some relief? Would you like to know how to prevent stress overload? This presentation clarifies the issue of stress by looking at the definition of stress, good vs. bad stress, the signs of stress, and the causes of stress. We will discuss solutions for stress by identifying coping skills and stress prevention techniques, as well as considering God's promises to help during stressful times.
This presentation has also been adapted specifically for teens under the following title:
No More Drama! Solutions for Teen Stress
The Three “Mosts” of Motherhood (or Parenthood)
This is a shorter presentation about 15-20 minutes in length, that is perfect as an introduction or conclusion to a parents’ meeting or mother’s group, or as a devotion for a women’s Bible study or VBS session. In it we consider God’s Word and what He says about what is most important, most comforting, and most powerful for Christian mothers/parents to remember as they are raising their children.
A Trio of Trouble: Three Common Issues That Affect Adolescents
This presentation offers a brief overview of alcohol and drug abuse, eating disorders, and depression and self-harm, three issues that adolescents often struggle with. We will look at signs and symptoms, and will discuss the concept of “Carefrontation” as a way to help teens in trouble.
You Can't Go Back Again, But You Can Always Go Forward
In this presentation we will consider the ways we often get stuck in the past, and how that can negatively affect our present and even our future. We will look at practical ways to let go of the past and move forward into a hope-filled future, as we are encouraged with God's Word to "press on toward the goal."