Total No. of Pages: 1
Register Number: 5600
Name of the Candidate:
B.B.A. (Applied Management) DEGREE EXAMINATION - 2011
December) Maximum: 100 Marks (Time: 3 Hours
Answer any TEN of the following (10×2=20)
1. / What is a super computer?2. / Explain the number systems used by the computers.
3. / What is an algorithm?
4. / Give the general format of e-mail.
5. / What are the functions of cut and format icons in WS?
6. / Explain the arithmetic applications in WS.
7. / What are the uses of Excel?
8. / Explain the concept of pages in Excel.
9. / How will you create a power point presentation?
10. / List out the commands in PPT
11. / How will you create records?
12. / What are profit and loss accounts?
Answer any FOUR Questions (4×10=40)
13. / Explain the functions of a computer system, with diagram14. / Distinguish between systems software and application software
15. / Explain formatting of text using text box, inserting WordArt and multiple columns in WS?
16. / Describe creation of charts in Excel, with an example.
17. / Create a database for inventory control.
18. / Explain e-learning. What are its advantages?
Answer any TWO Questions (2×20=40)
19. / Differentiate between RAM from ROM. Explain in detail.20. / Explain the process of developing a web portal for Annamalai University.
21. / You are asked to send letters for 1000 employees. The letter content is the same for all employees but the addresses are different. Write WS entries to generate reports using mail merge option. Prepare some sample letter format.
22. / List the features of an accounting package with which you are familiar. Write down the steps for creating balance sheet.