Vacaville Pony Baseball Minutes
- Roll Call- Call to order at 7:22
Present: Mike Fernandes, Cicely Rodda, Marsha Graham, Mike Olds Jr., Shalon Smith, Shana Dyer, Janine Harris, Bob Davis, Kristina Bailey, Jen Ochs, Matt Ochs, Lisa Perry, Mark Nakatani, Jennifer King, Damon Jensen, Jennifer Herrera, Jami McCulloch, Crystal Ferreira, Jennifer King, Lisa Perry,
- Approval of meeting Agenda- Bob approves agenda, Janine seconds.
- Approval of meeting minutes- from 1/2017- Bobapproves minutes, Shanaseconds.
- Open Discussion by League Members and Guests-
- Updates from Board Positions-
- Snack Bar- Jami Soto/Jen King- The snack bar looks great and is doing well. Pest control will give us a six month contract to help us out. Snack Bar made over $800 on scrimmages.
- Scorekeeper- Marsha Graham – scrimmages went well with scorekeeping.
- League player agent- Bob Davis- Cisco Estebez is the new Pinto Player Agent
- Treasurer- Janine Harris- $70, 613.09 approximately in the account
- Vice President- Damon Jensen- none
- Scheduler/Webmaster- Mike Olds- schedules have been posted
- Sponsorship Coordinator- Kristina - none
- Special Events- Lisa Perry- none
- Uniform Director- Shalon Smith- all uniforms have been delivered. Mike will try to get all late sign ups jerseys made before Saturday.
- Auxiliary Director- Crystal Ferriera- Giants game is 4/30. Raffle tickets seem to be very fruitful.
- Registrar- Karen Cedres- none
- President- Mike Fernandes- none
- Secretary- Cicely Rodda- none
- Team Mom coordinator- Jennifer Herrera and Jen Ochs- none
- Old Business
Opening Day Cermonies- program is almost complete and ready for printing. All teams have a first responder escorting them.
DJ- Janine motioned to pay $250 for 3 hours of service on Opening Day. Damon Seconds. All in favor, none opposed.
Giants Ticket Sales- a table will be set up for ticket sales after opening ceremonies.
Scoreboard Installation- scoreboards and signage have arrived. Just waiting on dry ground prior to install them. Hopefully after a week, there will be solid ground in order to get them in.
Pictures/Homerun Derby- Order forms handed out tonight to team moms. Homerun Derby needs to be set up with cones and taped off.
Scrimmages- Not all games had a scorekeeper. Managers and coaches need to remember the field procedures. Umpires were monitored and are getting continuous training. Walkie talkies were used. Snack bar did very well and the vibe around Keating was positive.
Field Usage- Padan fields have been disrespected and parents have been rude about using bathrooms. They are also parking on campus blacktop. People have brought dogs and they are pooping on our grass. A manager brought his mower to mow the grass after he was told not to. An email will be sent regarding field usage as a privilege and that fields may be lost.
Field Prep- We need all managers and coaches to remember the field preparation expectations. Several managers have been leaving the field after their game and not prepping the next game. Managers are willing to be the head field director for each field.
Vinyl Sign-$150 max. Kristina motioned, Damon seconds. All in favor, none opposed.
Board Member of the Day- we will have people present and have board sign up in the snack bar for people to know who is on duty.
- New Business
- Hosting All Stars- looking at the amount of board members majority hosting the tournament. We have a lot of 10s that are represented on the board. Damon will talk to Rob Lindsey about hosting in Vacaville.
- Updates on Registration Numbers- Pinto B- 37, Pinto A- 76, Mustang- 84, Bronco- 72, Pony- 51.
- Conex Box- The conex from TAFB is not coming through at this point. We are looking into purchasing one out of Oakland for $250. Mike’s neighbor is willing to transport the conex to get it out to Keating. Janine made a motion for a $2000 max purchase of conex box. Damon seconds. All in favor, none opposed.
- Update Local Rules- needs to reflect 2017 rules online.
- Open Discussion by League Members and Guests
- Upcoming Events
Opening Day-March 4th
Picture Day/ Homerun Derby- March 5th
Spaghetti Feed- March 25th
Board Meeting- March 21st
VIIII. Adjournment- Adjourned at 8:56 pm.