Mrs. Robinson & Ms. Smith
Intermediate Dance
Room: Gym I (281) 245-2617
Email: or
Conference 7th period 2:00 – 2:45
Course Description:
Welcome to Intermediate Dance! This course is designed to provide students with a higher level dance fundamentals. This class is for students who desire to audition for dance team, want to learn more advanced skills and/or prefer to learn at a faster pace. This is achieved through the study of different styles of dance, dance terminology, choreography, and performance through written and physical participation. Students may receive Fine Arts, PE or elective credit. To maintain the integrity of this course, students may be required to audition at the end of the fall semester to remain in the class. Students who do not meet the requirements to continue with the class may switch to a different dance class or p.e. class.
To appreciate the art of dance and explore all of its qualities by creating an atmosphere where students learn, observe, create, perform and gain self-confidence.
Course Topics:
An in depth exploration of Ballet, Modern, Jazz, Kick,Hip-Hop, Musical Theatre, Choreography, Manipulation, and Performance techniques through rigorous repetition and analysis.
Grading Rubric:
Daily Participation, dressing out, folder checks, quizzes and homework are worth 50% of your grade. Performances, tests and projects are worth 50% of your grade. Sitting out is only permissible if the teacher receives a medical note or a note from a parent/guardian on the current day. The student must dress out and complete a written assignment in class to obtain credit for the day.
Make-up work/Retesting:
If a student earns less than a 70 on any major test in class, he or she may retest. The maximum grade that may be earned on the retest is a 70. The student must attend a dance tutorial in order to retest within 2 weeks of the original test date. It is the responsibility of the student to schedule a time during tutorials to make up assignments or retake a test.
Mondays & Tuesdays from 6:45-7:15 by appointment.
Students will be assigned within each class. Students must provide a combination lock. The locker numbers and combinations will be maintained by the teachers only. Students will not receive combinations to any locker other than their own. Neither Alvin ISD, nor we are responsible for any lost or stolen items.
Supplies & Fees:
Each student will be required to purchase clothing and materials as designated by the teacher. Order forms & fees for these items are due by: September 2, 2016. (T-shirt, pants & shoes) Each student must also purchase a folder with brads, notebook paper and designated supplies by September 4, 2015. (6th- green)
Disruptive and/or noncompliant students will be issued discipline as needed. Students who fail to follow classroom procedures and/or school rule may receive in a phone call home, 30 minute teacher detention, a parent conference and a principal referral.
Required Performances:
All students enrolled in dance class will participate in 4 performances. These performances are not optional, but required. The performances fulfill the requirements established by the state of Texas listed in the dance TEKS.
- November Performance:
Participation in the Alvin ISD “Dance Dimensions” Thursday, November 17this mandatory for each eligible student. Participation is worth 2 test grades.
- February Basketball game:
Students will perform during halftime on Tuesday, February 7, 2017.
- Spring Show Performance:
Participation in the annual “Spring Show” is mandatory for all students.
Saturday, April 29th (performance) for students in 6th period.
Media Disclaimer:
The Alvin Dance Department video tapes numerous performances throughout the year. Many of these performances will be posted via YouTube, social media sites as well as for promotion on the Alvin ISD web page.
Student Rules & Expectations:
1.Arrive on time to class everyday with all supplies.
2. Be seated in roll lines by designated time dressed out.
3. Actively participate in every class at all times.
4. No food in dance studio or locker room.
5. Must ask permission to leave dance room.
Class Procedures
1. Attendance/ Roll Call Lines
2. Stretch/Warm-up
3. Dance Concept Lesson/ Vocabulary
4. Combination/Review
5. Cool Down/Dismissal
Dance Studio Guidelines:
1. Gum, food and drinks are not allowed in the dance studio or locker room. Bottled water is acceptable.
2. Each student is responsible for personal belongings. Students must always keep their belongings secured.
3. Electronic devices are only allowed on days specified by the teacher. This includes the dance studio & the locker room.
4. Students may not apply make-up, use flat/curling irons, or use any electronic devices during class time. Items will be
confiscated and turned into student’s principal. This includes the dance studiolocker room.
Locker Room Guidelines:
1. All belongings must be locked in issued locker at all times.
2. Clean up your area before you leave daily.
3. Do not write on the walls, bulletin boards or lockers.
4. Do not flush paper towels or other objects.
5. Do not utilize the Jacketeer/Cheer/Gymnastics dressing room area.
6. Do not “hangout” in locker room during class time.
7. Advise Mrs. Robinson or Ms. Smith if the restroom/locker area needs attention.
Dressing Requirements:
1. Alvin ISD Dance Dimension t-shirt, black pants & dance shoes
2. All hair must be pulled away from the face and securely fastened with a rubber band.
3. No dangling jewelry. (earrings, necklaces, bracelets etc.) Only stud earrings will be allowed.
4. NO GUM!
Student’s name: ______Class Period: ______
Student’s Signature: ______Grade: ______
I have read and understand all of the policies and procedures for my student’s dance class. I agree to all of the requirements and understand the necessity for performances for my student to obtain credit for this class.
Parent / Guardians’ signature: ______
Email: ______Phone: ______