Welcome to thestart of another school year! These are the expectations for the 1stsemesterGeometry with Mr. Smith and Mrs. Hale. This course is designed to further develop your mathematical knowledge and prepare for future courses and endeavors you will be taking in your career.Geometry is an incredibly important subject. Some jobs which are heavy in use of geometry include; the transportation industry (i.e. air traffic controller), automotive designers, engineers, construction, physical therapist and art to name a few. This does not even include jobs such as bankers, accountants, financial planners or other jobs that are so obviously dealing with numbers and geometry. Of the four core subjects if you were going to major in one of them Math has the highest median income both starting and mid-career. So dropping the theoretical of how important math and geometry is, if you can turn math into a career you are in much higher demand.

A look at the chart on the left done by Payscale Human Capital in 2013-2014 will give you an idea on the salary potential of undergraduate degrees. All of the following degrees do not include adjustment for advanced degrees that people may obtain during their career. Below is a summary of my own take of this chart.

  • Of the top 25 median jobs 13 of them are engineering related.
  • Of the top 25 jobs there is only one that is not directly related to math and that is Government.
  • Underneath the graphic you will find a link to the study if you would like to explore further.

Now that we have gone over why math should be important to you, let us talk about what you will need to be successful in this Geometry class. The first thing we will do is give a general overview of the class.


Type / Who does it / Explanation
Single Teacher / Smith or Hale / The lesson will be led by the teacher with student interaction both encouraged and expected. Students will need to take notes and will be provided an outline to begin with. The teacher who is not teaching will be available for questions and monitoring that all are staying on task.
Split / Smith & Hale / The class will be split into two groups. One group will go with Mrs. Hale and the other with Mr. Smith. This will allow a better student to teacher ratio and make it easier to ask questions.
Explore / Student Groups / In this method, a task will be given and students will explore their own way through a topic. Both teachers will be available to help and answer questions. In this manner students will almost always be in some type of group (2-4) people and will be required to report out at the end of the activity.
Video/ Work Time / Student / A video will be posted or showed at the end of class. The student will come in and be responsible for working during the hour and getting their questions answered.


Type / When is it given? / How is it graded? / Purpose
In-Class Assignment / In place of lesson / Completion / Students are to practice with the aid of teachers and other aids at their service.
Homework / After Lesson / Completion along with corrections / Students to work individually with the aid of their books, notes and anything else they can find.
Exit Slips / After lesson/ in place of homework / Accuracy / In place of homework, students will be asked a question(s) based on the day’s work. It may be a problem or an explanation or both.
Warm-ups / Start of hour in replace of homework collection / Accuracy / Instead of collecting homework students will be responsible for working out a problem from the previous day and turning it in when prompted.
Quizzes / Every 2 or 3 sections / Accuracy / To gauge understanding on test like questions before the test.
Tests / Every unit / Accuracy / To assess a student’s overall comprehension of the subject matter.

Organization: At the end of each chapter a student will be responsible for turning in an assignment sheet and their notes from that unit. Retakes will be offered to students who have taken all of their notes and filled out their assignment sheet.


Quarter / Tests 40% / Quizzes 20% / Warm-ups/ Exit Slips (15%) / Homework (25%)
Semester / Quarter 1 (40%) / Quarter 2 (40%) / Semester Exam (20%) / Must pass 2 out of 3 to pass class.


For all tests, quizzes, projects, and quarter/semester grades the following grading scale will be used:

100-93% -A77-73%-C






GENERAL RULES the following rules are in place to ensure a safe and positive learning environment for all.

1.)No gum, food or drink is allowed (Water is acceptable)

2.)Be in your seat when the bell rings ready for class to begin

3.)Be in your seat when the bell rings to end class in order to be dismissed

4.)Do not talk when someone else is talking

5.)Must provide YOUR student id to burrow a calculator.


Every student will start with 15 extra credit points per quarter to use as they wish at the end of the quarter. They can apply them to any section of their grade. Different people it will help differently. However, anytime a student is using their electronic device in a manner that is not consistent with classroom rules they will lose one of these extra credit points. When they lose all of their points, each subsequent violation will result in action taken starting by contacting home and ending with administrative action.

A student will also lose an extra credit point every time that they need to use the restroom. The teacher will reserve the right to waive the loss of an extra credit point for emergency reasons. This will also be used for leaving the classroom to go get materials.

Examples of Acceptable use of Electronics / Examples of unacceptable use of electronics
Listening to music during work time / Listening to music or texting during instruction
Looking up material during work time / Accepting a phone call at any time
Watching notes / Having phone or device out instead of any work
Using online book / Taking pictures of non-content related material.
Videoing teacher for later use
Do not use it when the teacher is instructing
Or whenever class is together as a whole / Unacceptable use is not limited to these activities alone


If a student is absent, they will be expected to turn in any missed work upon their return to class. A student shall have one day to make-up any homework for every day that they are absent. Example: If a student is absent for on a Monday, they would not return until Tuesday. On Tuesday, they would receive an additional day (Wednesday) to complete the assignment and turn it in for full credit by Thursday.Students who miss a quiz/test day will make-up the quiz/test the following day in class.Students who miss a review day will still be expected to take a quiz/test on the scheduled date.


I am available by appointment. I cannot commit to any consistent time due to my two little ones at home. But, if you ask I will make every effort to accommodate you. I also check my e-mails at home and am looking into setting up some sort of chat room for the class to making it even easier to communicate. That is still a work in progress.


Class Website:

Phone: (586) 723-2647

Book Website:

About Mr. Smith
1.)Years Teaching / Entering 8th year
2.)Education / High School: Chippewa Valley
College: Undergrad Adrian College Graduate: Oakland University
3.)Family / Married for 5 years with 2 kids Benny (3) and Jovie (5 months)
4.)Involvement at school other than teaching / JV Boys basketball coach
Announcer for Freshmen and JV Football/ Cable Broadcaster for Varsity football
Sponsor for Politics Club
Part of Fellowship of Christian Athletes Group (FCA)
Ping Pong Club with Mr. Matway
5.)Hobbies / Basketball (Played at Chippewa and at Adrian)
Golf (Played at Chippewa and continue to play often)
Reading , History & Current Events
Spending time with my family especially my kids
Watching Sports
6.)Quirks / I like to do yardwork whether it be cutting the lawn or shoveling my driveway in the winter.

Dear Students,

Your experience in this class will go a lot better if we are working together instead of against each other. If I can stress one thing early on in this school year it is that I want you to be successful at least as much if not more than you do. I promise that I have your best interests in mind and will do the best I can to help you be successful. However, there are certain standards as well as a certain amount of knowledge that you must ascertain in order to show achievement in class. You will be held up to these standards and will be a better student for passing them. If you are struggling please seek help rather than blaming either your lack of ability or my lack of ability or any other excuse you may come up with. I am a firm believer that if you put in the work you can be successful and I do want to help you be successful and proud of yourself as a student.

Student Contract:

I have read or been made aware of the expectations for Mr. Smith’s class and understand that in order to be successful I will do my best to meet those expectations. I understand that in order to have a chance to pass the class I will need to pass two out of the three parts of my semester grade (Quarter 1, Quarter 2 and Semester Exam), but this does not guarantee a passing grade. I agree to all of the guidelines set forth in this syllabus as well as those set forth by the student code of conduct.

Student Name: ______Date: ______

Student Signature: ______

Dear Parents,

When all three members (Student, Teacher and Parent) of those educating your child are on the same page it can go a long way into a successful term in class. Your help staying on top of your child will be helpful in keeping him/her on task and responsible. Please feel free to follow along on my website (updated Monday’s) as to what is going on in school. Your student will have something to do with math almost every evening. It is possible that they might finish, but it may also be worth asking them to show your proof that it is done.

Parent Contract:

I have read or been made aware of the expectations of my son or daughter. I agree to these expectations including the grade scales and policies. I understand that my son or daughter will be held accountable for their work as outlined in both the syllabus and the code of conduct. Please sign below indicating that you have read and understand all that is being asked of your son or daughter.

Parent Name:

Parent/ Guardian Name: ______Date: ______

Parent/ Guardian Signature: ______